A Naughty Schoolgirl’s Crimes and Punishments ~ Part 7

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….so there she was before me, her creamy white buttocks trembling and twitching. Only moments before the crook handle of the cane had been satisfying her slippery little hole, now it was the other end of the cane she would feel…

It wasn’t the hardest of canings, but enough to give her a short sharp shock. Although I could not help but wonder, what was going through her mind when she masturbated with the cane? Had I just given her what she was dreaming of? I will never know, but all the same, a girl should protect her modesty and not go masturbating in a classroom.

I put her in corner time until the bell went. I had numerous visitors, my secretary, the postman, two parents, and a company rep. They all looked at her, sniffing away, and probably felt sorry for her. I did not, a girl needs rules, order and discipline.

When the bell went, I asked my secretary to bring in the letter she had typed to her parents. I asked her to pass it to her. I could see Kate blush and squirm as she did.

I suspect she will get another dose of corporal punishment in the next half hour…

More to come, look for updates
