Shhhh, don’t tell anyone, but this AI is quite easy. I have only been doing this for around five weeks and have just produced a strict Headmistress in her Study.
I can quite easily add my girls from any photo now.
The hard bit is blending the colours so it does not look too obvious they have been added.
I suspect that will be the hardest part, and take a while to learn.
You have just seen Kate get one hell of a red bottom via the hairbrush over Miss Kenworthy’s lap. Unfortunately she did not learn her lesson, she had been very naughty again.
Because it was quite soon after her spanking with the hairbrush, Miss Kenworthy decided to cane her.
It was only minutes to the appointment and Miss Kenworthy was preparing herself.
She was in the thrashing zone in her mind. She was going to lay the cane hard on Kate’s bare bottom. She was thinking of her little speech and was excited about caning a lovely full bottom.
There was a knock on the door. She smiled a wicked smile.
Her most favourite thing was a hard caning from cold.
She looked to the door…”Enter!”
Kate entered nervously.
“Come and stand opposite me, the other side of the flogging horse young lady.”
As she walked tentatively towards her, Miss Kenworthy spoke again, deliberately and slowly, “You have been a ….very ….bad … girl.”
Kate reached her position. Miss Kenworthy continued.
“As such you are getting a long, ….hard caning, on your bare bottom.”
The words struck Kate’s resolve like a dagger to the heart. Her knees almost buckled.
The class are stood in a semi circle, you are in the line watching. She had a spanking this morning after assembly for giggling during hymns.
It is now mid afternoon.
I have given her the plimsol to take to the place of her punishment, so she can feel its texture and weight. You see, she was the instigator of a pea shooter battle, hence all the paper on the floor of the classroom.
She will have to pick up the bits of paper with tweezers on hands and knees, after her spanking. Red bottom on show before the whole class.
I will give her some credit, she readily accepted responsibility.
DISCLAIMER…the only real people in this story are Kate and Miss Kenworthy. All backgrounds, bikes, people etc are made by me using AI, nobody and nothing is real. This place does not actually exist. If they look like someone you know, it is not them. If it looks like a pace you know, it isn’t. It is all made by me and my imagination 🙂👍
the story…
I suppose one has to have some sympathy with the girls at Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls. If you go right back to the beginning of volume one, where I explain the town and situation, you will remember it is set in a world like ours, but spanking is much, much, more prevalent. Good girls love to see naughty girls get spanked, as do all people of that fabled land. The name of the school gives it away…all the girls are the naughties of girls, most sent from court, and having signed up to the School Policy on Discipline. This town is lucky enough to have Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls on its doorstep.
Slightly naughty girls like these below, from neighbouring Girls Schools, love to tease our girls, and tempt them into trouble. So they can see them get spanked. Most girls in the town, hero worship Miss Kenworthy and are scared of me, Mr Jones, Headmaster.
Miss Kenworthy is to these girls and all girls like them, a supermodel of spanking. To see her dressed glamorously, as always, on the streets turns heads, to see her spanking stays with a girl for a lifetime. It is what these girls long for, and those who see her spanking a Wayward Girl means fame for a few days, because people will seek them out to hear all about it.
I must say the girls from Rivermead look very smart, and well behaved.
When out of school, we like our girls to dress sensibly in gymslips or other uniform too.
When our girls, see girls from other schools like this, on their bikes looking sexy and free spirited, having fun with no restraints with skirts rolled up at the waist etc. Our girls are jealous.
In my mind, that should inspire our girls, and give them a goal to aim for. To become good girls, and being allowed a little cheeky freedom.
But alas not, our girls despise the good girls!
…and when these girls shout things about our girls being too scared to roll their skirts up, for example, it is only natural that some of ours, rise to the challenge.
But there is always one who looses their temper and goes too far, and earns a spanking. It is why the good girls do that type of thing.
In a town where people keep an eagle eye on our girls and love to report them, that is a very dangerous trait for a plump, soft, pert Saint Helena bottom to have!
Kate was one such girl. Not only did she roll her gym slip up, when challenged, and taunted, she rolled her knickers down! She rode her bike around the park with her bare bottom on show shouting abuse at the good girls!
It is how it is…our girls, all our girls, all 849 of them, are naughty, most, very naughty indeed…..and as such, are very easily tempted into naughty deeds.
The girls started taking photos of Kate riding with her bare bottom on show, on their phones, and also shouting how disgusting and naughty she was. To draw attention to her naughtiness, almost immediately. The Park Keepers and visitors to the park were shocked too, (delightedly and excitedly so, because they anticipated a spanking of some sort!)
Kate knew straight away that her fate was sealed
She was stopped, by the Head Park Keeper, and our School contacted!
Miss Kenworthy went to smooth things over with the Head Park Keeper.
When she arrived he was stood looking very serious. Kate was sulking, not daring to look at Miss Kenworthy. A small group of good girls were giggling and taunting Kate.
“You are in for it now!”
“You are getting a spanking, you are getting a spanking, you are …”
Miss Kenworthy strode up confidently.
The good girls swooned and almost drooled.
The Head Park Keeper weakened and was putty in her hands.
All was sorted quickly. Miss Kenworthy had brought a stout riding crop and said she would use it to thrash Kate, on her bare bottom in the centre of the park. Everyone was satisfied, except poor Kate if course!
Kate was marched to where the Head Park Keeper thought suitable. Miss Kenworthy whipped up Kate’s gym slip and yanked down her knickers, and forced her over the bike.
How the good girls cheered, laughed and clapped.
Kate begging and squealing pleaded not to be punished on her bare bottom before everyone.
People gathered. The good girls pushed to the front.
To see their idol, in action, was a dream come true for the good girls. Her fashion sense combined with the air of authority was her persona. The good girls were in awe.
Soon their attention went to Kate and her bottom, which like every Wayward Girl, was curvy and pleasingly plump.
The thrashing with the crop was perfect. Miss Kenworthy’s words and silky smooth, erotic spanking technique, thrilled the watching crowd.
The wriggles and shrieks of Kate were perfect too, it was all a spanking enthusiasts dream….and news spread as Kate pushed her bike back to Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls, the home of spanking in this world. Her red striped bottom on show under a pegged up gym slip, sniffing and blushing.
More Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls Incidents to come, click here…
Please, always appreciate that things take time. I put up a contest, I wait for entries to stop coming in, select some, and use them. That can take months.
Then I put the winners up, if there are ten worthy, it might be months before the last ones get shown. Then we are over a year.
The Competition – to remind you. (It is now closed)
When a girl is naughty at Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls and is punished, she is sent home with a punishment slip. In more serious cases there is a box where we recommend further punishment at home. Normally a slip is signed and returned, we know when that the parents know. But…
When we have recommended further action, the parent or guardian has to describe what they have done to teach the naughty girl a lesson at home
The girl has to read it out in class. With their bottom on show.
The competition was to send a reply.
The Prize – the winning entries will see their entry written on the board, and then read out by one of my girls.
All entries, from X, Tumblr and here, were so good, that I have selected them all!
First up is Fishmiester, with his rather imaginative entry.
Before a girl has to read it out, she has to stand before the class and write it on the board. One long video would be too much, so Katie Fishmiester will change her position etc to make them better for you. I want you to see all of her ordeal.
The entry will be added in writing, so if you miss the odd word, do not worry.
She begins….
I was alone with Kate doing this. So try to imagine the class setting. Everyone is reading what you write, they will all know what she went through. There will be cheeky ‘Oooohs’ and ‘Ahhhs’, there will be giggles. Then afterwards, with her bare bottom on show, she will have to read it out!
Here is an image I have created for my latest story, that is appearing soon. Only Kate is a real person, the Park Keeper, other girls, bike, trees etc etc are all made by me on AI.
…we left Samantha naked, waiting to be caned by Charlotte, next to a window overlooking the car park full of vans. The windows are reflective, but old, the office block is now only used by a few, and bits of the reflective covering are missing from the glass or ineffectual.
The thought of being seen, or caught excited them greatly, but after three strokes and quite loud squeals, we thought it better to move on!
We were not quite sure where to go at this pint, and the thought of being lost in the maze of corridors and doors began to worry us. We knew that the stairs could not be far, so pushed on!
Being on view, and at risk, was exactly what the girls wanted, but at this point on the corner of the building is a car wash! Operated by a team of around six, and there was a queue of cars….we moved faster!
We heard a noise, movement was close, we could see the stairs, but the noises sounded not far away, not threatening, but the reality of what we were doing hit home!
It was time to move….fast!!!
We dashed to the stairs, and this was the last photo I could take…
It was scary! One girl bound at the wrist, being pulled along by a rope, with welts on her bottom, by another naked girl in high boots holding a cane! Me with a bloody great camera bouncing about on my chest at the end of a strap! Their heels suddenly looked way to high! ..and noisy!
We found the stairs, me at the rear. I will never forget the sight of two wonderful bottoms wiggling up THREE flights of stairs, one beautifully striped! High heels clicking away with their laughter getting louder and louder. Me thinking ‘For fucks sake! Keep quiet!!’
How we managed to get away with it, I will never know. We still chuckle of our panic even now!
But we lived to spank another day.
This is one of the memories that will come to me on my last days, it will explain the smile of a man in his death throws!
My mind will be back in our studio, me gasping for breath! Two beautiful girls with their arms around my neck, laughing, almost choking, red faced and sweaty!
What a day, what a memory…Our great escape. I never did find out who it was…lol
To read the rest of B’s work, click on ‘Links and Contributors’ and then click on ‘Contributors’ to scroll down to her page…
1965 – part 7
A few days later we had our monthly report card. I had a D minus in math, and I knew that a simple D meant four strokes of the cane. I remembered Uncle Ed having warned me, “Béa, C minus in math, you best pull up your socks up or I will pull down your knickers for the cane! I have promised your father that you will have your A-Levels with honors!”
I had no doubt that Uncle Ed would make good on his promise. He had given me a spanking for having lied and a belting for having smoked. On both account I had to admit that it was well deserved.
I slowly rode back home. Maggie waited for me. I again had to ask about the cane. She again said that it stings like the Dickens. “And you will have stripes for a week…”
Apprehensively I asked, “Will I get extra because of the minus attached to that D?”
“Nah, its your first D. If it was me I would get five.”
There was no more dallying about, we were in view of the house. I parked my bicycle under the bike-shed, and followed Maggie inside. Aunt Dotty had baked chocolate chips cookies and they smelled great. We were told to help ourselves, and…
“Let me have a look at your report cards.”
Maggie was first and her mum said, “Its so so, you have barely made the average minimum grade.”
I was next and kept my head down as I gave her my card. She must have first read my average grade, as she said, “Well done…” but she stopped in mid sentence. “D minus in math! You can prepare your French derriere. In England girls who have poor grades are caned.” She paused and added, “On their bare bottom!”
Our report cards were left on the coffee table in the lounge. Upstairs in my room I struggled with my homework. I was so nervous. Maggie was very nice except when she told me that the first caning is the worse. I pulled a face and she grinned, she was teasing. Then we heard Uncle Ed’s automobile.
We listened from the top of the stairs. “Honey I’m home !”
“How was your day ?”
“Exhausting lectures. Have I seen our angels’ report cards on the coffee table.”
“Yes, and they are so so. Maggie barely made the average grade, and she has no D, you might want to give her a good spanking as a warning. Béa got a fair average, but she got a D minus in math. You should take her knickers down for a taste of the cane.”
We didn’t have time to dwell on what we had overheard, Maggie’s father bellowed, “Girls I am waiting for you in the lounge.”
We didn’t keep him waiting, and I immediately saw the cane on the coffee table. I looked up and saw Uncle Ed holding our report cards. “Béatrice you were warned!” The use of my whole first name instead of my Béa diminutive wasn’t a good sign.
“In this house a D is 4 strokes of the cane. Since it is your first canning I won’t be adding an extra stroke for that minus. You are going to be caned in traditional English fashion. Lower your knickers to your knees and touch your toes.”
I felt my cheeks blushing as my hands reached under my skirt to lower my knickers. I blushed the more as I bared my derriere and felt my skirt rising while bending to touch my toes. I was quite self-conscious that my skirt was no longer covering much and I tried to keep my legs tightly closed, but I almost lost my balance and had unwillingly parted them. I felt so ashamed.
I felt that I couldn’t blush any redder, but I probably did when Uncle Ed flipped my skirt up. He picked up the cane from the coffee table, and made it sing with a practice swing, I shivered.
It was ten time stingier than the belt, and that sting sizzled my derriere
Both my hands flew to rub my poor nates. Rubbing didn’t help. The pain continued to grow!
“Since its your first stroke I won’t discount it. If you again break your position or rub the stroke won’t count.”
Again the initial stingy pain grew and grew into a fiery stripe burning across my bum.
“OH! OUCH!!”
I again couldn’t help it. I stood and both my hands frantically rubbed my blazing butt. I also felt my eyes watering.
“That stroke won’t count, back into position.”
As with the previous strokes the pain again grew in intensity and I bawled.
“OH! AH! OUCH!! Sniff…”
This time I tightly grabbed my ankles and remained in position.
My fourth stroke was actually my third, and I could no longer differentiate them. My derriere was a throbbing inferno. “Sniff… Sniff…”
The fifth one, was my fourth and it whipped my under curves. I danced with both hands clutching my punished bottom. That stroke didn’t count, and it was repeated. I had received six strokes instead of four. The famous six of the best. “Sniff… Sniff…”
“In the corner with your hands on your head.”
With my knickers around my ankles I slowly went into the corner, and my bottom was incandescent. “Sniff…” I was well punished. “Sniff…” I resolved to ask for help with math. “Sniff…”
While I was sniffling in the corner Maggie received a fast spanking as a warning for her border line C minus average grade. I lost count after 47 smacks.