Monthly Archives: August 2019

New Girls for Spanking


A while ago I put an advert out on PP asking for new girls to come to my school for a spanking or more, and the chance to appear in one of my stories.

I was staggered by the response of pretty young girls wanting to come and bare their bottom for a spanking.

I already have my main team of lovely spanking models, that will not change.

I already have a full client list of ‘private customers’ who do not want to be photographed, just spanked in their fantasy scenarios. They come to be spanked for real, very often for a past deed that has troubled them, the most common is bullying someone.

But for one of my stories, I needed new girls, to come straight from court, to my school of correction. To be stripped, put in school uniform, and punished, before being sent to the dormitory to begin their new life. Their sentence, without a criminal record would then begin, under the auspices of Miss Kenworthy. Sometimes a week, sometimes a month, sometimes longer.

The first girl to apply was Molly.



This is not one of my stories. This is a description of what happened with each girl, the real girl, not a story character. The ones who replied to my advert.

Like most newcomers she arrived with her  bag of belongings, and obviously a little nervous. We had written a few times prior to our meeting and I had constantly reassured her that I am a gentleman, and what I do is built on trust, respect, and most of all, recommendation.

I soon put her at ease over tea and cake, and before long she was comfy in my warm friendly company, having a chuckle. Then we talked about her spanking.

She told me why she needed a spanking, it was all to do with being unkind to a young teacher, and making her life hell. 

So, an hour later after shooting her transformation into a naughty girl in  school uniform I gave her a real good telling off about her behaviour, pointing out how the poor young woman must have felt. I told her to imagine the woman was there now, to witness her punishment, and afterwards agreeing to get on with her life, the matter finally being closed.

She said she wished she was.

I told her that if this was in my day as a Headmaster, at my school,  in my office, that even though it was her first spanking, it would be a hard long one on the bare, and if she did not apologise and show true regret, I would use the plimsol on her bare behind and quite possibly finish with the cane!

In real life she had had her bottom smacked and stroked, but she had never been spanked. I told her quite plainly that she needed a good spanking and would feel better for it, and that there is only one person who decides when it is over…


This scared her a little, so I offered a safe word and assurance that I would stop instantly. But added, that for her own good she should try to struggle on through the pain and shock, to the end, and be grateful that someone has finally put an end to her guilt.

She agreed.

I told her to stand to my right as I sat on an old wooden chair. I instructed her to lift her gym slip, and lower her knickers to her knees. I turned to take her hand, her delightful pussy was only two feet from my nose. I gave a gentle tug and over she came. Her virginal soft pert young bare bottom arched up towards me, trembling. I could feel her nervousness on my lap.

It was a tense moment, the whole world at that instant condensed to her, in my secluded, perfectly safe spanking sanctuary, draped over my knee. We could make as much noise as we liked, nobody would hear or disturb us. The air was  still, sunlight illuminated her firm young cheeks, her fine downy bottom hair stood up.

I wrapped my left arm around her tiny waist and gripped. I raised my right hand, holding it stiff and firm in a slight arch to match the curve of her cheeks.

Using all my skills I began, straight into a hard fast flurry of firm smacks. Four on her right cheek, two on the left, three to each then two on each alternating. The poor girl screamed, bucked and wriggled!

She had no idea where the next resounding smack would fall.

Her right arm flew around in instinctive protection.

Ha! I was ready for that! I caught it easily around the wrist and forced it to the small of her back. ‘How dare she try to block me?!’

The noise she made was a series of loud hisses in the sharp form of …

“Ahh ahh ahh ahhh!”

It spurred me on, her bottom was soon hot and crimson.

No safe word was shouted, so I swung high, and landed hard, watching the shock waves ripple through the soft flesh like the sea might on the shore in a stiff breeze.

“I’m sorry Miss Worthington…I’m so sorry!” She wailed.

I believed her, the apology shot forth repeatedly, in earnest, between her squeals.

I finished the bare  bottom spanking using just my fingers, hard and stiff, each smack leaving four white stripes for a brief moment in time as I said loudly “Let this be a lesson you will never forget young lady!”

She squealed her reply as her bottom bounced “Oh it is Mr Jones! I won’t ever forget…thank you, thank you!”

I stopped.

Here are a couple of photos of her bottom after I had spanked her, in position for the shoot…

Breathing hard I watched her cheeks settle. Neither of us spoke for a few minutes as I gently stroked her bottom.

She spent a while in corner time reflecting…

We continued the shoot, taking photos of her red bottom. She asked if I minded if she masturbated at the end. This is very common. I consented and watched. 

As she left she thanked me and asked…”Next time can I try the plimsoll?”


The next new girl, in September is Karen, she is playing a girl called Lisa, a name picked by one of my Twitter followers.

Well, she arrived and her spanking was lovely. Not delivered by  myself, but by Samantha who gave her a crisp half dozen of the cane too. I always enjoy watching a spanking live, I look at everything in great detail. The shockwaves on the bottom, the expressions in their faces, even little details like smoothing a skirt, or folding a pair of knickers.

She was a much more confident young woman than Molly. 

Very compliant too….we’d like to cane you now, is that okay? “Yep!”

I remember all those years ago when I started this journey, thinking, ‘are there really attractive young women out there who want and need a good hard spanking?

Yes, yes yessss indeed Asa, if only I could go back in time and reassure myself then. What would I say? Something like….”just start off with your dream. Do it steady, build up slow. Alwaysbe a nice warm hearted understanding gentleman. Show gratitude and understanding…always, even if they change their mind at the last minute. Build somewhere safe to do it in. Once one comes, that’s all it takes, just one, and then like a forest fire, it spreads and grows! This is you talking Asa! Look, it’s me! A bit more wrinkly, but yes, this old face is you. Ten years from now you will have spanked lots and lots of bottoms, all belonging to genuinely nice educated girls, beautiful girls who have bottoms to die for. And get this Asa! I now gave a waiting list!”

…I told her of the story and she drifted I to the role easily. It was like spanking magic taking place.

Like Molly she was made to change into a school uniform. Watching her strip from her day clothes was a joy. The transformation from a modern young woman to a naughty schoolgirl is always amazing to me. Even my girls. They walk in, full of the confidence that years of modelling experience brings, with all the praise and adoration of how lovely they are. But put a school uniform on them my friend, and watch!

Taking photos in these situations becomes so very real. We three, or more, or less, travel back in time, itis a phenomenon really. I hope explain it well!

Truely it is, their whole persona and body language changes. I watched her strip naked, doing exactly as told, and…trust me on this, loving every…single…second! She was trembling in excitement.

Samantha looks tall and intimidating in this mode. Such a gentle well spoken woman and very genuine. But once she is her ‘Domme’ mode, she changes in the opposite spectrum of spanking.

Karen was in awe of her, trying to please her and doing every little thing for her as best she could.i noticed her thigh was wet, she was dribbling with excitement.

Samantha loves to humiliate and stretch the gap between a Domme and a submissive as far as she can. She gave her the largest regulation navy blue school knickers to wear!

The spanking was magnificent. From the ordering to get over her knee, to putting her in corner time. The smacks were full on, hard and fast. Karen squealed and wriggled. A proper yelp, every smack, it was very erotic to watch. And even more to listen to!

To me, a spanking does not have to be brutal. Just firm and crisp,  making them wriggle to escape. The joy of a woman keeping in position during a bottom warming spanking, because they need it, because it is exactly the experience they  crave, and…they want to please you by taking as much as they possibly can is ‘spanking heaven’. To hear their ties of pain, to see the struggle of the ‘spanking dance’, to be in complete control of their bottom!

They know that the spanking will only finish when either I or Samantha say so. They have to take  it.

We watch for every sign of going to far, but some say…”no, give me no mercy!” I love them best of all. Lucy is a prime example.

Here is Karen’s bottom straight after her spanking. I would class it a typical schoolgirl spanking of the time. Enough to hurt and teach a lesson. A good dose of humiliation before her friends to follow too.

The humiliation being that glorious spectacle of spanking, ‘Corner Time’.

Asa’s note…

This is one of those stories, that will never end. Whenever stuck for a shoot idea, then I will invite a girl for a spanking and photograph it.


From the Top Floor to the Cellar

Under construction….be patient with me, I flit about like a butterfly working on all my things bit by bit…

A very well to do, educated young woman answered one of my adverts. This happened real, but to respect the privacy of the lovely lady, Charlotte is acting it out for you.

“Dear Mr Jones.

I have a desperate need to be stripped naked and caned hard on the bare bottom in a derelict building, or at least a building in a state of disrepair. I have heard that you might be able to help.

Yours faithfully,


I replied that I had just the place, and suggested meeting for coffee to discuss it.

The reply was surprising…

“Dear Mr Jones.

Thank you for your kind offer. But I do not want to meet you until the day. I have been told that you are a gentleman and can be trusted. I do not even want to see you on the day, until my caning begins.

Just send a day, a time, and instructions.


I need a thrashing in mysterious surroundings and unusual circumstances. It really is as simple as that.


So I did as she asked. I sent her the address, a date, a time, and a note. I kept the note simple…

‘Once at my studio, go around the back to a small black door. When I see you approach I will leave it open and will meet you at the top floor. You will find the stairs after a while. Strip naked, wear a hat, and climb. On reaching the top floor, turn left and walk. Do not deviate left or right. You will know when you are at the place. Your adventure will not end there, after your thrashing, go to the cellar and follow the dark passage to the end. Do not reply unless you agree to follow these instructions.

Until then, goodbye.

Mr Jones.’

She replied, and agreed.

A month later found her at the back entrance to my studio. With a hat in her hand. I saw her arrive and dashed away to the stairs. I heard the outside door close, and a few footsteps.

I walked quietly and swiftly to the upper floor where I had set up some small apparatus. I waited patiently, more than a little excited by the thought of thrashing a strangers bottom before we had even spoken.

She found the stairs, and out of curiosity pressed the button for the lift. Not for a moment expecting it to arrive.

She turned to face the staira and began to climb them nervously, and excitedly. The thought of a fantasy being fulfilled thrilled her.

Right up to the top. (This photo being small is supposed to make it look like she has gone a long way!)

She turned to her left and entered what was obviously the room in question. “Perfect!” Thought Charlotte.

She had brought a pair of shoes with wedge heels, which she knew thrust her bottom out pertly. She changed into them.

I spoke.

She jumped in shock!

“Do not turn Charlotte. Know that I am watching your every move, and know that I like what I see very much, you please me. Walk to the apparatus and prepare yourself.”

“Yes Sir.”

With the walk of a super model she swayed her way invitingly to the small set of apparatus I had clinically set out in the space. I knew it would look small at first glance, but threatenng and austere on approach.

She was nervous, naturally, and also excited. I could see the nervous twitches and involuntary shivering. She was exactly where she had dreamed of being.

I told her in a few simple words, not shouting, just slow and clear…” Bend over the stool in your best position for a thrashing, I want to examine you, appreciate you, and drink you in to my soul.”

“Yes Sir.”

My manhood was hard already, but the sight of her, in that hat, bent over, gagging for a thrashing with the cane, excited me beyond belief. But of course I did not want her to know that. I gripped my throbbing cock for a few seconds, and squeezed the gland….”ohhh.”

She may have heard. I gathered a level of composure and walked slowly towards her. I had carefully arranged a small array of equipment. Her mind would logically think that I was going to walk to her and pick up a cane. Little did she know I had a senior dragon cane in my hand, gently flexing on its own will as I walked to survey my prey.

She stirred at the sound of my steps.

“Do not rise at all, do not move…at all. Stay looking forwards.

“Yes Sir.”

My first decision was to decide of back stroke, fore stroke, or both. 

I am more accurate with a back hand but decided to start with four quick cuts to her plump cheeks completely by surprise, from the other side to this. The apparatus was in the way slightly. I strode back, gently bringing the swaying rattan up over my back.

I then thrashed her with little mercy, four good hard whacks. She squealed in surprise and pain.

Working my way from side to side, I carried on, backhand and forehand.

She looked at me, and I knew that if I wanted her to return, it was time to stop…

Asa’s note. This story could be very easily added to, the same girl, or different girls or even a group. So…watch this space!

The Visitor

Over many years now I have offered a spanking service…

I have asked my dear friend Kate to act the role of Harriet, a lady who just could not wait to be spanked, and could not decide how!

Women just contact me now, I hardly ever advertise unless on PP for a specific part in a story. Most women who contact me do it after a secret conversation with a friend, or by reading one of my stories, on my blog.

One such lady was Harriet.

As often happens she sent me a message, which eventually led to a cyber spanking! Then she said  she wished she was brave enough to come. My response is nearly always the same…’come for tea and cake, let’s talk.’

To be honest, it very rarely ends in just a talk! It usually ends up with their bottom all aglow and walking away with a deep feeling of relaxation and…

“I wish I had known about you years ago! See you soon!”

Harriet was probably the most excited woman I have ever ‘serviced with a spanking’.

On her arrival she was visibly shaking, I thought it was just nerves, but it was a combination of this and pure excitement!

I took her to the school room, most girls want to see it first.

“Oh Mr Jones, I can hardly believe I am here, I have seen it so many times on line!”


I could tell straight away what was coming, as I saw her turn around at the stool. “Oh Mr Jones, I have seen so many of ‘your girls’ draped over this! I want my belly to lay where there’s have! Spank me now!”

Before I could answer her bottom was bare!

I must say it was hard to resist, but it is me who is in charge, not my visitors.

“Not yet, young lady, be patient. You have at least four rooms to see on your first visit. All filled with spanking apparatus. Especially in my school room. And you know what naughty girls get.”

“Oh yes, Mr Jones, a spanking. Sorry Sir.”

“I won’t forget.”

“Oh good.” Came a cheeky, blushing reply.

Harriet is like this, she still comes often.

She turned and saw Neddy.

Neddy is a little rocking horse, and isthe favourite of Harriet, as she found out on a visit later than this one. It is also the favourite of a client whom I must mention, not by name, but by uniform.

She works for a company whose staff have to wear a bright red business suit. That is all I can say. She loves to wear it, minus skirt and knickers as I make her gallop to orgasm as I crop her pleasingly plump beautiful bottom.

FI make her gallop faster and faster, jumping over imaginary gates, streams and hedges. When she cums she gallops so fast, that it is a wonderment to see, she squeals and pushes down, grinding I to the saddle as I stripe her bottom with the crop mercilessly.

She always gushes, profusely, and her love juices run freely down the saddle. I never, ever, clean it. If a girl wants to ride it and avoid the stain I place a wipe on the saddle.

anyway…Harriet adds her own pattern to the mosaic, and beautiful and dirty it remains!

“ohhhh Neddy! I have seen Neddy in your photos lots!” Said Harriet as she

Mr Watson.

Mr Watson was a strict no nonsense sort of chap. If a girl needed to be punished, he punished her. In his mind he had a very clear and precise list of offences and punishment. He also kept a log, recording naughty girls misdemeanours and severity of punishment.

These ranged from a mild spanking showing mercy, …the humiliation is enough, he thought, in certain circumstances, especially before others. To a full blown thirty six stroke thrashing on the bare, before the whole school, with no mercy.

He was University educated, a Headmaster to be feared, respected and loved.

He knew punishment inside out. He knew how it lasted a lifetime. He would see a young woman in the supermarket with her children and smile, smile in the knowledge that he had striped her bare bottom and seen her pussy. She would know he remembered it and blush.

But, he was fair. 

Fair but firm, could have been written about him.

I think that as a reader, you will like him. I have met him, and can tell you now, it was a joy to meet him.

Let me tell you all about one of his challenges. A young woman called…(if you are a naughty girl it can be you) but for the story it is…Charlotte.

She was rather promiscuous, and very aware of how her beauty and shape could excite boys, and a fair few of her girl friends. Here she is…

She was a clever girl, and quite studious, but she was easily tempted. Especially to show her knickers and more. At lunch time she had been caught no fewer than four times, flashing her knickers to the boys whilst they masturbated.. For fifty pence each!

She had done detention for this, and had received the ruler on the back of her thighs. But she had had her final warning, any more and it would be a much more severe punishment.

She had a lovely singing voice, and was in the school choir. Yesterday they had gone to perform at a Cathedral, and had won second prize. Charlotte sang a solo which bought tears to the audience’s eyes. But afterwards, the bishop had gone into the vestry to congratulate them, only to find Charlotte in her choir outfit, legs wide open, and knickerless before a group of boys from the Grammer School.

She had just thrown her knickers onto the floor, they were all wanking madly to shoot all over them, and she was saying she would wear them on the bus home! These were the words he heard as he entered!

The poor Bishop had nearly fainted, and rang Mr Watson immediately, telling him that he will withdraw the choir’s award if he does not deal with the matter to his satisfaction.

Mr. Watson told him that he would deal with it, first thing in the morning, by spanking the girl on the bare, and giving her the cane too, also promising to ask her Mummy to come in to school afterwards, with a view to suspending her daughter for a fortnight.

When he arrived, he crept quietly to Charlotte’s form room, he wanted to burst in, surprise the whole class, and set an example by dragging her out by the ear, to his office.

Little did the naughty girl know, that her Mummy had been rung at work, and told about what she had done, and to collect her after suspension and a spanking. Both embarrassed and furious, she was on her way to school

What he found as he entered the classroom, shook even Mr.Watson.

“Oh my word!”

He found five boys masturbaing frantically as a group of girls urged them on. There was around five pound in change on a desk, the girl who picked the winner (the first boy to orgasm), the boy himself, and Charlotte taking a third each!

“Get your penises away, and get out of the room! Stand outside, all of you, until I fetch you in, one by one….OUT….NOW!!!”

Charlotte hastily stood, pulling her knickers up and began to follow them.

“Not you, you stupid girl!”





Much more to come….call back 

The Welcome Home

There is a young woman, named Samantha, who loves to act the role of a 1950’s style submissive housewife…

But, allow me to digress before the story starts, just below the title photo…

Let’s jump from fantasy to real life for a moment ….Samantha Alexander is a lovely broad minded, naughty young woman, but her Mummy follows her on Twitter, and so she does not want anything too naughty on there. We don’t want her Mummy spanking her do we?

YES YES YES…I know you do, I would love to see it myself.

But it is all about being a gentleman and respecting a friend’s wishes. So please do not copy and post any of the more explicit ones on Social Media.

A hot summers day sees Samantha come back from one of her modelling assignments, to her beautiful house.

I have noticed over the years that the warmer the weather, or a room, even in winter, the naughtier she gets. As she closed the door behind her she was glad to feel the coolness of her home.

It did nothing to cool her ardour. She was aroused.

Samantha projects her wonderful image to the world via her web sites, but in the privacy of her own home, she loves to behave like an obedient wife of the 1950’s, where a girl was spanked, often, when her husband decided she needed it.

Her mind began to wander, her maid Kate had left her home in a beautiful state, a long day at leisure beckoned…so do did her pussy. The crotch of her yoga pants were already developing a damp patch.


Maybe to you it is a strange thought to pop into her head. But to Samantha, they epitomised the devoted submissive wife of her favourite decade. Her idol in life was Marilyn Monroe, it was her who initially sparked her interest in the era. She saw a photo set of her once, wearing an apron and loved the way it showed her waist and legs off.

Close by to where she lived was An old Hall, and it’s illustrious owner in the 1950’s, was an unlikely friend of Marilyn.  To think that her favourite had trod the grass so close to where she lived, was one of the reasons she purchased the house.

From a local antique and collectible centre, she had accrued a little collection, and they were stored in a cupboard close by, she turned to go and look. Her house was quite immaculate, everything had a place, and Kate her maid had to keep everything in its place. Usually, she succeeded.

There they were, all freshly laundered, in a neat little pile. She took three out and took them to the table.

Where she decided which one to wear today. The black one with flowers.

She found it sexy, in a spanking way, to remain dressed on the top half, but to be bare under the apron. She got changed.

I think you will agree that the apron looked lovely, but in a way, spoilt a lovely view!

But not from the back, as you can see…

Here she is putting the other aprons away in the storage cabinet.

She started doing a few chores, not that many needed doing really, but she knew the postman was coming soon.

She liked to be seen you see. Always in a subtle way, she knew he watched, she knew he dropped his trousers and pants to have a good hard wank, but she never let him know, that she knew.

Across the way from her garden was a woman called Claudia, a busybody. She would constantly look from the windows of her house, for anything. She was the chairwoman of the local neighbourhood watch committee.

Looking over a wall, or hedge, into a garden was not unknown!

Over the past six months alone, she had reported Samantha to Mr Jones eight times. He was a professional disciplinarian who came to see Samantha now and then, to satisfy her need for a spanking.

He was much older than Samantha, and between them, they had led Claudia to believe he was a strict uncle. When Samantha went away, she told her to ring her Uncle if anything was amiss. The first time she rang him about two windows left open, he said she should be more careful and would spank her on her return home. Claudia feigned shock, but was delighted.

They made sure she could see when she was spanked, and sure enough they spotted her looking. Well, to be exact, Samantha did, as she looked up from her spanking. Since that day two things have happened…

Claudia became extra diligent in her duties.


Claudia began having the best orgasms of her life! Both as she watched the punishments, and as she thought of the punishments in her ‘alone time’.

As I said, Samantha started doing a few jobs in the kitchen, waiting for the gate to click, and then aim her bare bottom towards the kitchen window.

One of her many passions is baking, often trying to match a creation from her favourite T.V. Programme. She baked some muffins…

She did a few more little chores in the kitchen, the postman could have arrived ten minutes ago, or ten minutes from now. She knew he had a big…(now now!) …postal round to cover, and could not be precise in his calling time. She stood to smell the baking and waited.

She heard footsteps approaching…So, she dashed to the sink, and washed a cup. She saw the postman walk across her yard to the back door.

The postman pushed his Mail through the letter box and turned…he was not dissappointed, once again she put on a show.

Claudia pressed her nose to her window as he took hold of his throbbing manhood, let his trousers and pants fall to the floor and pull his loose foresking back and forth over his swollen head until hot creamy sperm shot onto the window to run down, sticky and steaming. It only took a minute, this is what he saw…

She waited until he was almost ready to shoot onto her window before she turned to bend over, it was at that moment she heard him groan, and a wet splat, splat, splat on the glass!

Why not do the same?

Expand the next photo, spurt on her window as she wiggles her naughty bare bottom for you! Can you see her looking at your throbbing desperate cock? 

Ooooh, was that nice Mr.Postman?

The timer on the cooker ‘tinged’ and Samantha got her buns out!

Now come on! You know very well I mean the buns in the oven!

And put them on a cooling rack on her ample worktop.

Claudia rang me to report her wayward neighbour, and I thanked her. I told her that if she looks out for me, she will see Samantha get a sound bare bottom spanking soon after my arrival.

As Samantha was surveying her lovely buns, I rang…

Her phone was docked and on speaker.

I told her that she had been reported for flashing her bare bottom to the postman whilst he masturbated looking through the window, and that she must be ready and in position for a damn good bare bottom spanking on my arrival at 5.00 that evening.

I  could not see her, we were not on face time like when she masturbates for me. But I could imagine her naughty face as she squirmed!

I told her to go and get in a spanking position now, because I was going to ring Claudia back and tell her, and she was sure to look. We both knew that Claudia would rub her pussy frantically as she did so.

Samantha took a bite of a bun, and then went, ‘to assume the position’.

I rang Claudia and told her. Two minutes later, her knickers were down as she sat by the window looking at Samantha presenting her bottom. “Oh young lady! You are going to get such a spanking!”

Samantha knew exactly how Claudia’s fingers would be frigging away on her dripping wet cunt, and wiggled her bottom, to help her orgasm!

She gave her what she thought would be enough time to orgasm, and moved on. That is when it began…

She was excited, Mr Jones was visiting. He was coming to punish her. It was what he did, either to fulfil a sexual fantasy, or a deep need to ease a guilty conscience of a girl with a spanking need.

He was a Professional Disciplinarian and had lots of clients, the vast majority female, aged between 25 and upwards, to around 50. She liked him, a lot. He was much older, which she wanted. A sort of father figure, a strict Uncle, or a Headmaster. He scared her a little, and took no nonsense. He punished a naughty girl as he saw fit, and the punishment only finished when he decided. There was no safe word. “What’s the point of a safe word? It is a punishment. The naughty girl has no say in the matter. You consent to that, in writing, or you look elsewhere.” Was what he had said. And she had signed on the ‘bottom line’. She was in his charge, she was in his care, and that was it…simple.

She began to walk around the house, putting herself in spanking positions and corner time. By the time he came she would be at the dizzy height of spanking arousal. He would know this of course, he knew all things spanking. That is why he sometimes positioned her at the corner of furniture, so she could push and rub to orgasm as he spanked. He even suggested having a corner of the table made special, by fastening a piece of red padded, rough textured, leather. For her pussy to rub hard on. Maybe even protruding a little, to fit between the legs.

“But people would ask!” She said.

“Exactly”, he replied.

She was thinking about it. 

First she placed herself in the position she would greet him in tonight.

Beginning to thrust, she was getting excited, but delayed her orgasm. “Now, now Samantha, delay it!” She told herself as she walked to stand with her back to the stairs. 

Images of past corner times began to drift through her mind…

So she put her hands on her head and stood on display, as she often had to under his instruction. Always ordered not to turn, and to stand in silence until told to move, and definitely no rubbing.

Although Mr Jones was not there, she could feel his eyes on her bottom. Often as she stood there she could hear him breath steadily, she wished she could hear him now.

But in another few hours he will be.

The clock in its old oak case ticked slowly. She felt a trickle of juice leave her pussy and run into the dimple of her upper inner thigh, nestled in her crutch. How on earth would she last until he came. The thought of her masturbation room came into her mind, and a slow journey towards it began.

In her apron pocket was a duster, she began to polish the bannister rail, her mind drifting to all the spankings she had had in her lovely home. 

She smiled to herself as she remembered a spanking on the stairs. He had gone up them and found the bannister sticky, she confessed to straggling it to masturbate and not wiping it. 

If asked, Samantha would admit to being an exhibitionist, and showing herself at the window was a passion. Mr Jones had punished her in the same places where she had done this, which of course she knew she would love.

Upon reaching the first window a particularly long painful spanking with a hairbrush came to mind. She recalled seeing Claudia with her binoculars!

How she pushed her bottom up for it, and how Claudia’s binoculars wobbled as her other hand busied itself in her wet bush.

Turning the corner of the stairwell she walked up to the landing. Here, more images of past spankings came to mind.

The sound of the slipper landing on her plump cheeks, the sound of my voice chastising her, and the deep sinking pain after the initial sting, flooded her mind.

Her masturbation room was down the hallway, she thought of going there next, but an imaginary voice called her into the next room, her bedroom. The voice belonged to one of her heroes, Marilyn Monroe. She fantasised about her. Lesbian fantasies of domination, submission and octane fuelled sex!

The voice told the naughty girl to enter.

At first she did not look at the picture on the wall, she imagined Marilyn looking at her, scrutinising her as she polished.

She imagined dropping the expensive ornament, maybe it could be an Oscar! She imagined Marilyn being so very cross.

“Samantha! You naughty girl! Pass me the cane!”

“Now bend over before your Mistress, assume the position!”

“Yes Mistress Marilyn.”

“Now get on the presentation chair, display yourself to me!”

After staying there for five minutes, she imagined Marilyn coming back, naked, with a huge ‘strap on’. “Get over the edge of the bed…you dirty little bitch! Beg me for this!”

“Fuck me Marilyn! Fuck me please!” She shouted to the empty house.

Imagine that if you will! Marilyn Monroe fucking Samantha Alexander with a huge strap on! After caning her! Hmm, fantasies don’t get much better than that for me! I need to have a wank!

Whew! Five minutes later, feeling relaxed, I will carry on for you!

…she left her bedroom, feeling moist and walked down the corridor to her masturbation room. Stopping at the mirror next to it, she looked at her reflection, smiled, and went in.

The bed in this room was soft and springy, she bounced up on to it and grabbed the headboard. Looking outside she could see other gardens. A couple had people in, and she could see movement behind one of Claudia’s curtains. “Does she never stop busybodying?”

She decided to give her something to look at….SMACK! She began to spank her own bottom! “I bet you wish you could spank me!” …smack, smack, smack!

The sound of the smacks, the sting, and the sensation, we’re all too much! She had to get her fingers in her wet pussy without delay!

She lay on the bed, opened her legs, lifted her apron and began playing with herself…

Oh God, her need was so great that a first pulse of orgasm twitched as soon as she caressed her erect clit. Her mounds were swollen. She slid fingers in, then rubbed, she was so excited, and so much in need, that she did not know what to do next…she just needed to cum!

“Ohhhh Mr Jones, I am such a naughty girl! Chastise me! Tell me I am naughty and need a spanking…ohhh fuck!….on my bare bottom! Yes, spank me Sir, please, oh fucking hell…ooooh!”

With her fingers pumping in and out of her wet pussy, and the force of her palm sending delicious fucking pulsations through the whole of her groin, she orgasmed in a magnificent way…”Oh yes Mr.Jones, spank my bottom, punish me! I’m your naughty girl! Spank me…spank me! Yesssssss!”

The orgasm was so great, and her pumping up and down so exerting, that she felt as if she had just had a really good fuck. Her eyes drooped as she lay in that cosy room.

She was still asleep as I pulled up. As the gate did its usual solid ‘clunk’ her eyes opened. As I knocked on the stout porch door she realised it was me, and stirred. I have my own little melody for a knock.

I heard footsteps thundering down the stairs, so I knocked again for dramatic effect…louder.

I glanced up at Claudia, who had one hand on her binoculars and the other in her knickers. I could tell by the rhythm of the lenses, that her finger to were already busy.

I saw her run into position,

…and then she shouted “Come in!”

I opened the door, and could see her bottom presented well for me. But she was late! I decided to do something a little harsher than usual. She  is a great one for swinging her hands back to block the smacks. So as I took off my shoes, I opened my ‘Disciplinary Bag’, and took out a rope and a paddle.

I grabbed her ear, much to  her annoyance, and told her off for thinking it is acceptable to dash in at the last minute and get into her position in a hurry.

Pulling her by the ear, the followed in a somewhat dramatic fashion. “You young lady, need teaching a harsher lesson!” I told her as I bound her with rope to a small support in the old billiard room.

The subduing effect of a rope around the wrists of a naughty girlie nothing short of magical. I had never seen her so submissive. “Kiss the rope Samantha, kiss it because it belongs to me.”

“Yes Mr.Jones Sir xxxxxxxxmwah.”

I then walloped her bottom a dozen times on each cheek.

My my, she did a very merry spanking dance, tied there, hopping about, squealing. Her bottom glowed.

I untied her and told her to kneel on the top of the arms of the sofa, where I gave her four more on each cheek with my hand.


I then proceeded to spank her in various locations, the reason being a little self indulgence. I like to spank in different ways for one, but, I was amused to think of Claudia dashing from room to room, knickers at the knees or ankles,to find the best view. I had noticed her before you see, I often glance up to see.

Here are some positions and locations…

Satisfied withthe colour of her cheeks I thought it was time for a little humiliation. So I told her to go to the conservatory door, and face out with her hands on her head.

She did so.

“Can you see her?”

“Yes Mr.Jones, she’s looking.”

I rang Claudia.  “Hello, Claudia, are you satisfied?”

“Oh God…not yet, almost there, turn her around…oh f..OH GOD, HURRY!”

I did not actually mean in an orgasm sort of way, but did not want to embarrass her. 

I told Samantha to display herself, bottom out of the door.

“But passers by will see!”

“That is not important to me, now do it, or Isill take you outside and cane you.”

She did it.

I heard Claudia orgasm, three times.

She then spoke. “I am satisfied now Mr Jones! I love it when you are here. Welcome home!”

This is the end of part one, she tells her friends about what she does and they pay a visit, with an interesting book.

SO HERE IS PART TWO, (in a slightly different format, but I think you will like it)

Friends Bring a Book ~ Part Two of ‘The Welcome Home’

Asa’s note…

this is another never ending story, I can see them in many guises enjoying their spankings. They could dress as maids or schoolgirls waiting for their disciplinarian. Maybe even the nosey neighbour could be sent on my behalf.

…so watch this space