To understand what this is about, and what context it fits, as regards my blog, click here…
Imagine the scene…
Miss C has come to my studio, as a client. A pretty young thing who has seen me before. We have talked of her embarrassment/humiliation fetish.
She is always impeccably stylish, modern, and her underwear saucy. It is all part of ‘the thing’, it means more to her as a ‘well to do, smart young lady’ being embarrassed.
We have the usual pleasantries over tea and cake. She tells me of her latest adventure…
She always apologises, I think her guilty pleasure is absolutely what she needs most of all in her life, and telling me, knowing that I will punish her for what she has done, makes her visibly tremble in excitement. She shuffles her bottom as she talks excitedly, expectantly….
” I love telling you of an embarrassing time that was exciting Mr.Jones, I love how you really listen. I don’t mean any embarrassment is exciting. Just a certain kind in a certain situation. Ok? ” she looks at me to make sure I understand, she always does.
‘I understand what you mean Miss C, I also understand how you need to tell me of the situations, really I do. Please continue.” I say interestedly.
“Well…..::gulp:: ….here’s an example back when I was 19. Even before discovering spanking I had realised I liked to embarrass myself, and others, in some situations. And another thing I should say is that clothes really are so often very important. I love to be very elegantly dressed, and my feelings then seem to open my imagination, and bring out my rebel side! I’m not sure but I feel it’s probably because I was brought up around polite and formal people so find it exciting to turn the tables when I can do that but in secret. Sometimes it can even surprise me!! Anyway I was at a dinner that was quite posh and was wearing a long straight midnight blue dress, really like a cocktail dress, with sequins and tassels etc. My mum was going to pick me up early as I knew it would be quite boring and from what I remember I had to be up early the next day.” She smiles, sips her tea, and continues.
“…. But she had got stuck somewhere so I left anyway and told her I’d get a bus to nearer home. It was dark at the bus stop and I had a raincoat over my dress as I felt safer looking plain if I was out on my own. As I waited a man came and stood under the shelter. I could see his face in the dim street light and he was quite old but looked nice and quite sort of prim. We had sort of smiled at each other and then stood in silence. The street was deserted and I really needed the loo! I turned to the man and said look this is very embarrassing but I really need a loo. Would you please keep a watch out in case anyone comes as I just can’t wait’. He looked very surprised and was saying ‘oh yes er oh well yes…’ as I took off my coat. I handed it to him and said please don’t look’. Another sip of tea. She drinks very elegantly.
She continued again. “Then I crouched down in the gloomy corner of the shelter. I deliberately put my back to him so he could look without worry I would catch him. Seeing my elegant, and rather low cut, dress as I took off my coat had already got his attention of course.” She looks directly at me, to see that I understood.
I did, she could see I did. It is important to her that I do.
After another sip of tea, and her last piece of Victoria Sponge, she dabs her lips and carries on. I am enchanted, as always. …”So I was hitching up the long dress as I crouched lower and lower with my back to him. ‘Oh my god sorry please keep an eye out, oh I’m so sorry’ I was saying. It was very exciting feeling the dress up round my waist and the cool air on my bottom. My knickers I knew were now on show along with suspender belt and stockings. ‘Is all clear?’ I was asking as the hiss of pee started. My flush of embarrassment had been growing along with my excitement! I just can’t describe how I glowed with pleasure and tingled all over to be honest. And seeing the pee twinkle in the lamp glow and make a dark stream across to the gutter was fabulous. Time slowed down and it seemed to go on and on….and on. ‘Oh dear, oh I’m so sorry’ I said again. And he was so polite saying ‘it’s ok, don’t worry, no one about, no one, it’s ok.” She paused.
She always needs to check that I do not find her silly, and of course I don’t. I find her tales sexy, and interesting.
“Oh Mr.Jones, you are sooooo reassuring! They way you look at me and nod.
I do feel I’m probably making a fool of myself telling you all this! But I’ll finish it anyway! And it’s quite interesting trying to tell it to you.” She smirked, shyly.
She took a deep breath, and continued. “When the wee finally stopped I asked him to check my coat pocket for a tissue and slowly was straightening my legs. I have to say, especially at 19, my legs were good. My bottom pale round and firm and legs long, strong at the thighs and with thin elegant ankles. Especially nice in the heels I wore. 🙂 And standing up I kept my back to him and kept the dress high round my waist as I reached a hand behind me waiting for the tissue. From what I remember I was giggling a bit as I waited and he was telling me there was still no sign of anyone around. When I turned and saw his face he looked as pink cheeked as I felt and I could sense he was very excited. I had pulled my dress down over my hips and smoothed it down and he held my coat out for me to put my arms into. When I turned and thanked him he stood close and started doing up the buttons which I remember seemed a bit odd. But I noticed his hands trembling a little and didn’t at any time feel at all scared. Of course I don’t remember exactly what was said but I was thanking him for being kind or a real gentleman or something. And I was still giggling a bit with nervous awkwardness!”
She paused, for breath I think, she does not pause much when in full flow!
Another deep breath, and her story kept dancing along…” He said something like ‘there all safe, no one will know about it’ and was still fussing with the coat. I told him it was too warm for the buttons done up and asked him to check if the coat was creased at the back. I’m trying to get the details right here as the way he was smoothing the coat and getting me looking tidy again was kind of creepy but also became increasingly arousing. I knew he was using it as an excuse to have his hands on me and, instead of stepping away, I encouraged it with comments like ‘thank you yes and my dress sleeve is runkled up, oh can you pull the shoulder a bit, yes…..’ As I pretended to concentrate on straightening my clothes he did the same and his little pulls at the coat and dress soon became quite obvious feels over my breasts and bottom! But still I ignored it and said I thought the coat lining was twisted. I even shrugged the coat off and shook it and he held it for me again, while all the time taking any opportunity to feel over the dress. His hand was under the coat and grabbing at my bum as I continued to ignore it or thank him when the bus appeared.”
She looked at me intensely, trying to work out what my face was saying. I kept my spanking poker face steady.
On she went.”I hadn’t thought about how to get out of this episode and my mind was racing when he sat close next to me. He was fiftyish but it didn’t stop him passing me a card and saying it would be nice to see me for coffee sometime. I went back to giggling and said ok thank you maybe. The bright lights in the bus had broken the magic but when I stood up, seeing my stop approach, he remained seated. I don’t remember anyone else on the bus. There can’t have been anyone near. A hand moved up under the back of the coat, swiftly over the smooth dress, finding my bottom and grabbing quite roughly at the firm cheeks. I leaned over and whispered something like ‘aaahh you’re so naughty and rude feeling my bottom like that’. Fingers were for a moment then exploring further as I stood still….fumbling…..pressing…groping… At the jolt of the bus stopping I gasped at the sudden last push of a greedy finger! I might have said ‘see you soon’ as I moved off to the open door.”
Silence descended. I looked at her, she looked at me. I shouted…”Come in now!”
In walked Kate, Samantha, Charlotte, and Stephanie. Miss C was shocked. “Have they been listening?”
“Yes! You naughty girl!” Said Samantha.
“Every word!” Remarked Charlotte.
“How naughty to put yourself in jeapordy lie that.” Commented the quietly spoken Kate.
“You deserve to be punished hard for that.” Smiled Stephanie.
I told Miss C to strip to her underwear. Stockings, sexy panties, uplifting bra, all in red and black. She kept her high heels on.
“I am going to spank you with a plimsol, and give you six with the cane young lady. That was a silly reckless thing to do. Anything could have happened to you. You are a very naughty girl…what are you?” I chastised.
“A naughty girl Sir.”
I made her say sorry to each of my girls in turn. Then I asked them to sit in a row, before the vaulting horse. I made Miss C get over it, legs spread wide. Her pussy was dribbling like a leaking tap.
I punished her before the girls, on the bare.
She loved it, the girls loved it, I loved it. I told her that really, she needs taking to the same bus stop and spanking there, which she delighted in.
The photo in the title illustrates that. So….catching a bus today? Keep your eyes peeled, you never know where we might turn up!
Let’s just say, she left feeling relaxed and satisfied.