The girls held the naughty boy tight, he did well, and held is position, just. Although strokes eleven and twelve tested his resolve…
The girls loved every second…from feeling him shaking nervously at the start, to watching his buttocks bounce at every whack. The whistle of the cane and the crack as it landed. His girl like squeals. And Miss Kenworthy, her face, her body movement and her words…
Everything about his caning thrilled them, and they wanted to tell their friends all about it. New boys were coming soon, more play things. They were going to make it all the girls missions, to get them punished as often and as hard as possible…in public!
But for now, the first boy’s thrashing enthralled them both…
It was over. Stiffly he straightened.
The naughty boy cried, the girls giggled at his plight, enjoying every second of his agony. Miss Kenworthy told him that she had no sympathy and his crying would make no difference. “Naughty boys do not deserve sympathy!”
“I will not stop girls ridiculing you…ever. It is part of the punishment boy! Humiliation might teach you a valuable lesson!”
He was unceremoniously put into corner time.
The future looks as rosey as his naughty bottom for this story.
If you recall I put a few adverts out for more boys, I wanted another three.
There was the usual bravado….followed by dithering…”How hard, how many…”
It is always the same with naughty boys, they are very, very, hard to find.
But it looks like I have.
it might be a while, they have uniforms to buy, and names to pick, and dates to sort….but…
Well it has started. A couple of week ago I told you it was my intention to blog on Tumblr and twitter more, as well as here. It would mean that some days I will not blog on here.
I will now post new stuff on all four places, as well as keep up with my other stuff, in various places. It is actually better for you…but rest assured, this is the main thing, ‘my baby’, and most important to me.
That is where I have been today and it will occur more often.
Quite a lot of you have found me, and are rather enjoying themselves.
Miss Kenworthy looked her up and down, with a look of disgust and disdain on her face.
Then she stood and began to give Kate a dressing down.
“I know everything, so do not even try to talk yourself out of anything Kate, Mr.Regal, as you probably heard, as you were telling him to ‘shut his gob’ has given me a detailed account of what you have been doing whilst playing truant, which has since been verified by members of the audience and two ushers!!!” Miss Kenworthy boomed.
Kate did the best she could to look remorseful and stayed silent.
“I presume they are supposed to be shorts are they? You may have well gone out in your school knickers!”
It was probably nerves, but Kate did the worst thing she could, and let out a little giggle.
“Quiet you insolent child! Do you think this is funny? Do you? DO YOU!!!!!???” Miss Kenworthy’s voice rose in volume and octaves.
Kate said a very nervous and very quiet “No Miss.”
“I should think not girl! Stand there whilst I prepare something to punish you over!”
Kate stood where she was told in complete submission, regretting her afternoon out and her giggle.
She heard Miss Kenworthy prepare things, but dare not turn, even a fraction, to look.
Then Miss Kenworthy uttered the two words that Kate was dreading. “Turn around”
A request for grey knickers was made, so I have obliged.
This set is centred around the punishment seat in the Detention Room. Used for a girl to wait nervously for her punishment, with bare bottom on show.
(I have videod this and it will be on my X account, but it might be the last in a set of videos I am putting up, all with the same uniform, and grey knickers)
Kate has been told to go to the punishment seat on entry to the detention room. Sniggers arise from the other girls.
She goes to stand before it.
I tell her to raise her gym slip. I see heads spin to watch, and do not discourage them. The shuffling on seats signifies this and I see Kate cringe in embarrassment.
She slides them down deftly and beautifully, quite erotically. The room goes quiet at the beauty of her bottom.
“I see you are still supporting a glow from this mornings spanking from Miss Kenworthy, you are not having a good day are you?”
“No Mr.Jones.”
“No indeed, at the end of the lesson you are getting fifteen on each cheek with the plimsol girl. Before all the girls here too I might add. Now place your hands on the seat top.
The seat deliberately has a high back, it is a struggle, even for a tall girl.
“Push your knees in please.”
“Now you have one hour to wait there, no fidgeting or disturbance or I will change the plimsol to the cane. Turn around everyone, continue with your work.”
I can hear sniffing, and sighing, is someone upset? Lets go down this corridor, I am sure it is coming from down here.
Oh I know where it is coming from, down here, at the end, is Mistress’s Punishment Boudoir, it is where she sends her naughty maids to wait for her when a punishment is due.
We are proved right, sat on a fine old oak settle is Kate, the naughtiest of her maids…sniffing, and looking anxious.
We open the door of the room opposite, it was an old grain store and has a sliding opening about a foot square, with a grill, used for drying, it controlled the wind flow. It is white washed, with an arched roof and a brick floor, cool, but not cold. There are some stools, we pick two to sit on whilst we wait, you peer out of the grill first…
You whisper to me….”We get a good view, there is no door on at all, is that how she wanted it?”
I say that it is, so sound can travel and anyone passing can see, or if two or more maids are sent, they can see the one beofore them being punished. To add to the fear.
We change places, and I look. She looks quite forlorn, like a prisoner waiting for the cell door to be opened on the day of sentencing.
We hear distant footsteps and so does she as she begins to cry. “Awwwww dearie me, ohhhh….sniff, sniff.”
Her Mistress shouts down the echoing corridor…”Stand up!”
Kate stands trembling.
We find a crate and put it in position so we can both watch.
Mistress stands at the door and tells her to turn to face the flogging stool. We look at each other, eyes widening, excitement rising, and then both return our gaze to the room. Where she turns.
“Bend over.”
We both like Kate, she is one of our favourite maids, and we both agree she has a fine rump as she bends.
“Dress up!”
Our excitement, like our manhoods, rise. We find it hard to blink.
“Part your bloomers.”
We both gasp as we see the curtains unveil a beautiful full rump, ripe for spanking and displayed perfectly.
You crouch down for a look from the side. Through a knot hole in the timber of the door.
You whisper, “I can see the cane marks from last week still!”
I shush you, “…not so loud, it is like an amplifier down here.
Kate turns, she has obviously heard.
Kate closes her eyes and waits.
If she heard, then Mistress did, but we know she likes to know someone is in here, watching her punishing a girl. Kate says nothing, she knows it is best to keep quiet.
Now that Mistress is sure that someone or some bodies are watching, she orders Kate to take down her bloomers…
I was a little annoyed with myself after this shoot, allow me to explain.
Simply put, I made too much of a good thing!
As you know I have known these two dear friends for many years, and one tends to get to know mannerisms and little quirks in female friends, and I can tell almost straight away when I can ask for something special. I always have a plan in reserve for such occasions.
I am not sure why, but when Charlotte is in need of a caning, she seems to talk posher, and act calmer, and seem more attentive. When Samantha has a need to cane hard, she seems serious, and uses fewer words. When she is to cane a man, she sometimes frightens me, (when she in the zone!)
I admire male subs who throw themselves at her mercy.
On this day, they both made it clear to me that is was a good day to ask!
I had read their signals well, they jumped at the chance and stared at each other eagerly, almost slobbering!….no they were not….but you know what I mean, they lapped the idea up!
I got Charlotte on Neddy the Rocking Horse and Samantha used a riding crop to make her gallop, it was fabulous.
I should have stopped there, but I could see they wanted and needed more, and I could just not let the chance go, so I suggested a caning.
“Ohhh yes! I am up for that now!” Charlotte agreed eagerly.
“I would love to, it is like you read my mind Mr.Jones.” Samantha replied in a steamy sultry way as she does.
I suppose reading faces and mannerisms is like reading their mind….I put it this way…I read their faces, because sometimes faces and mannerisms, talk without words.
So they gave and received fantastically….but
From a photographers point of view…
On Neddy, she was bent forward, and the crop was viciously whippy. The strokes landed perfectly central, the set looks fantastic. But bend her over a desk, with a straight dragon cane, equally whippy, and the dynamics alter. Charlotte presents her bottom differently, and Samantha whacks at a different angle, more from above than a swing into the buttocks.
So what happens? Charlotte ends up with two sets of stripes, at different angles, and locations, in my opinion it spoiled this set a bit. So….
My apologies for the two different angles of strokes, I will not use these in a story, I have a large reject pile! All photographers do. I should have called it a day as regards photography, and just let them do it. Then another day, I should have done the desk, with a pale pink, pleasingly plump, blank canvas.
But never mind, I didn’t, but at least you understand why the striping is not quite right…
Are you wondering why I mentioned shadows in the title? The funny thing with the speed of light is, …you can pick movement up in a shadow that you can’t with the subject….I took a few more, concentrating on them….but they did not quite work either…
Now and then I have a day or two working in the background as you know. So I have told my vintage secretary to nip off to the sandwich shop, on her bicycle, and get us some sandwiches.
A bit blunt I know for me….but one has to speak to her in a retro way or she gets stubborn, and says “I do not like modern men! I want them like you Mr.Jones!”
Who am I to argue??
I shout after her….”You have got 20 minutes, any later and I will spank you and make you ride your bike around the block with no knickers on and your red bottom on show!”
Wow! Look at her pedal. So glad I let the front tyre down! Ha! She is getting off to look now, and did you notice something about the photo? …like no bike pump? I look down to my hands, which I bring from behind my back…”Huh, how did that get there?”
Her spanking was over, it was now time to display her bare red bottom.
“Right then young lady! Your spanking is over, it is time for you to stand in shame facing the wall, with your red bottom on show. You will look a very silly naughty girl won’t you? Especially as my visitors usually start arriving around now! No matter who comes in, or for how long, you stay where I put you. Understand?” Asked Miss Kenworthy.
“snifff….sniffle….snifff….yy-yes Miss.”
“Don’t pull them up you stupid girl! Your bottom is going to be on show, to show how much of a silly naughty girl you are…did you not hear me?”
“Awwww….ooooooooh…er, sorry Miss, yes Miss.” Kate replied in a daze.
“Face the wall, stand still, do not move, no matter what happens or who comes in……and put your hands on the top of your head!” Miss Kenworthy said strictly.
She pulled her knickers down low and jacket and gym slip up high, so everyone could have a good view of her naughty bottom.
“You look a very silly girl now don’t you?” She asked.
Blushing just as much in her face, as her bare bottom, Kate agreed.
Miss Kenworthy went to sit back at her desk.
She sat and did some work….as a few minutes passed by.
The intercom buzzed.
“The girl from the catering supplier is here with some samples for you Miss Kenworthy.” Said the secretary.
“Oh good, send her in.”
Kate cringed and wished a hole would swallow her up, as the knock came, and door opened.
The girl uttered. “Ohhh, er, am I alright to….?”
“Yes come in, Kate here is a very naughty girl and is stood in shame! As you can see by her red bottom, she has just had a spanking!” Miss Kenworthy beckoned.