So many ways to show off God’s finest creation. These are vintage/retro bottoms that make you want to spank, stroke, squeeze etc
Olga, my favourite vintage bottom
During my search for the perfect bottom, I have come across a lot of groups of girls in photos. I thought I would put all the new groups in their own section…
I think you would enjoy this more if you wen to the start, follow this link to part 4, then each one has a link to the previous, and then you can take a gentle stroll back through the story, enjoy…
…Spanky’s reaction to the first well delivered whack pleased Mistress Charlotte, she decided to continue to six of the best. Her slave girl gripped and held her position quite well…
She was pleased, very pleased, and stood proudly by her new slave. “Right then….next I am going to…”
Come back to see won’t you? She has a very long voyage of discovery to go on!
Two more spanking models from the 60’s, this time from the south coast. Ingrid from Bournemouth and Lowra from Brighton. You will find lots of other 60’s spanking models here…
Here is one I colourised… Can you see the edge of her directoire knickers?
I can see the appeal of them actually, they would make great school knickers under a gym-slip to expose for a spanking of a pretty girl. Very embarrassing!
Here are a few more…
She looks nice on the rocking horse doesn’t she? Here are a couple more…
I think she must have been fond of riding, not just a rocking horse either. In the following ones she is riding her friend and smacking her bottom to go faster.
A pretty girl, similar to Charlotte don’t you think?
Certainly acts in a similar girlish way judging by this shot in the dunes!
Naked, you wait for a minute, nervous, breathing shallowly, plucking up the courage to knock. You can hear her walking to and fro, behind the stout oak door. It is best not to anger her…
You kneel, facing away from the door, red silk leash in hand, and knock. The door opens, she takes the leash from your hand, and running it through her fingers walks back into the room to the bed, and sits. “Turn and crawl to me.” She commands, as she tugs the leash.
You turn at the tug, and with your waist swaying like a cat, you crawl to her.
She rises from the bed and positions herself at your side…
She had been in trouble all term, spiteful, peevish, and a tormentor of the less able or confident girl.
In the playground today there had been a huge commotion, it seems she had thrown a girls plimsols into a tree and emptied the contents of her satchel into a puddle. In other words she had become a bully.
I stormed over…”Right! …everyone of you stand still. What has…”
Every girl pointed at her. It was simple to deal with. “Molly, you can get a thrashing right here, on your bare bottom with a cane, before everyone! Or get to the classroom, for thirty six with the size thirteen plimsol I keep for naughty bare bottoms, in private! Your choice young lady, are you owning up?”
She owned up to her crime, and much to the dismay of the crowd, I grabbed her by the ear and pulled her hard and quickly to my classroom for a full blooded no mercy spanking!
I used my piano stool. “Get up on there and let me bare your bottom, and mark my words, your parents will hear of this!”
I yanked her knickers down roughly and gave her a very loud reprimand. I could hear the class stood in the corridor, go quiet, listening to every word.
My word dear reader, I’ll let you know this, I showed no mercy! Straight from cold the first crack of the rubber soled, heavy plomsol, was as hard as the last….and fast! God I gave it to her really harshly. She squealed, let me tell you. But in that vulnerable position all she could do was take it! If she decided to try and protect her bottom she would have fell over. The whole spanking was done in two of three minutes. Thirty six of the finest, hard and true, her cheeks did not have a second to recover before the next whack landed, it is the only way with a spiteful bully. The class outside must have been terrified.
She was sobbing her heart out when she had the shock of her life! I told her to stay where she was, and opened the door! “Come in! Take your seats….QUIETLY!! And see what happens to you if you bully. She will stay there for ten minutes, in disgrace and shame! I know her parents well, and I know that this sorry little bottom will get a repeat dose of this tonight! So, learn a lesson…ALL OF YOU! Bullying will not be tolerated, here, or at home!”
Her bright red bottom, and engorged labia, were on show to them all, and I did nothing to discourage giggling or mocking.
After ten minutes I allowed her to lay over the stool. Bits of paper and paper clips bounced off those tender cheeks for the next hour or so.
Another bully dealt with. Another bullied girl satisfied and safe.
That was thirty years ago…
…I bumped into her in the supermarket last week, the cheeks on her face blushed as much as those on her bottom did that day. I could not help but join the queue at the checkout, just behind her.
I dropped a few hints on Twitter that I would like a man to come to my studio and spend a day with Charlotte and I, with me being as invisible as I could be, whilst taking photos of him being punished etc in various ways.
Maybe I was a little too subtle, but after a few months a follower named William had broken my secret code! …” Are you by any chance asking for a man to come and be spanked all day by Paris (her Twitter name) for you to take photos? I do not want to show my face, but would love to volunteer! No limits as to how hard.”
Perfect! I like to see a Domme in action now and then, so I messaged him back and sort of interviewed him. What ensued was eye opening, and made me wince a few times!
A couple of weeks later, he arrived. Obviously nervous, and twitching with excitement. Charlotte told him to strip naked…her first words to him! What a start for the poor soul I thought. But judging by his manhood being stood up like a jib crane before her, he enjoyed the shock!
She speaks beautifully to her subs, it is a joy to hear, and to watch them, as they meekly obey her.
I deal in antiques as you know, and managed to get an adjustable Victorian Women’s Prison Bed, it adjusts for flogging! She started him off on there, first putting a small square cloth down, in an appropriate place. Some men ejaculate at the first stroke it seems. It was all very educational, sexy, and interesting.
So there he was, naked, bare bottom up high on the bed. I had no idea what was coming. I found out later that she takes ages before actually hitting their bottom, she builds their skin sensitivity up to its highest level, with gentle almost tickling actions, and using very sharp apparatus, lightly. It is all very skilful, I knew it would be, but never imagined it could be so intricate.
They were in the zone, he was totally immersed, I doubt the world existed to him outside a yard from his bottom. I moved in slowly, clicking only when necessary, trying not to make a sound.
What came first surprised me, the first contact was not from her, but hot wax from a candle. He had no idea where it would land, it puts him on edge, having no idea where the next few seconds pain will be…splat, sizzle! Maybe an inch from the last, maybe a yard. Charlotte says that is the whole idea, it takes second guessing out of the equation. He is not allowed to look, if he did, she said she would send him home, and that would be it.
I watched her, totally absorbed, aiming like a bombers target man.
After a while, in between the splats of wax, were a few well aimed smacks. He was bewildered and bewitched already. His anticipation was shot, gone already…he had no idea what or when.
She looked up and down his body, telling him where exactly she was looking, he flinched and trembled, almost as if her stare was leaving a mark. She picked the wax off, a bit at a time with her long beautifully manicured nails, telling him she was looking at his back, then quickly picking a piece of inside his thigh, or his neck….the poor soul was on edge.
Her nails are sharp, she was introducing him gently to the sensation of gentle sharpness, almost like ant bites.
She reached into her bag of painful delights and took out a Wartenburg wheel, and similar attachments. She has many, a plethora of sensory tools, including pins, needles, and steel rods. I agreed beforehand after being told of their penis use etc, that I was not interested in seeing them, and just to concentrate on getting his bottom bruised, and red raw. She continued her journey to the requested conclusion…
I crouched down slowly and shot the use of the Waternburg wheel through her legs…in the interest of art, her pussy and bottom cheeks had nothing to do with it.
As silently as I could, I photographed her skill in the use of what used to be medical instruments connected with neurology, slowly the pressure on the needle like protrusions increased…
Similar instruments were used, some right inside the crack of his bottom, it must have tickled like crazy. “Keep still or I will push it right in!”
How he struggled not to move, the sensations in his body were now totally concentrated from the sit spot to his lower back. I honestly think that if a fly had settled on his bottom too hard it would have inflicted pain. But still she swapped apparatus, bringing his sensations to incredible height. He began to thrust slowly. “Stop that you naughty boy!” How he loved to hear that!
She went to her bag again, he was in heaven, almost in a sensitive sleep. Music was playing, a meditation cd, even I felt like nodding off…then…WHACK!
God, the poor sod had no idea, the surprise almost sent him to the ceiling, I had not concentrated on what she had got from the bag, it was a tawse! ” Oh you naughty naughty, little boy, I told you not to thrust your willy!
There are lots of ways a girl, (nervous about telling her partner that she wants them to smack her bottom long and hard), can let them know. This is how Charlotte wants to ask you.
She has been trying different positions, but basically, this Friday evening, when you get home from work, she is going to have some nice music playing, your favourite food cooking, and a nice warm fire crackling. There will be a message on the table…’come and find me, I have a surprise for you’
A trail of pink rose petals will lead you to the bedroom.
Which greeting would you pick for her to be waiting for you in?
Please don’t upset her and say ‘no thank you, I am not into spanking, sorry.’ I think she would cry if you did, she has been wanting a good spanking for years.
…so, she left the portcullis and began to meander. Imagine how she feels here. It is a bit scary, it’s also large, and a tad on the dangerous side. She is beautiful, and naked. All her fantasies, fears and memories come to the fore.
She has told me that when she is there alone, she just sits sometimes, and contemplates life…
She says too that she often giggles as she remembers the many games of hide and spank we have played there. She hides, I count to fifty, and the chase is on. I set the alarm on my phone and give her an allotted time. If I find her before the alarm goes off, she gets spanked. To be honest, she often makes it very easy, especially when she is ‘in the mood’.
Here is an example…
Now where is she? She is so good at this! Not a sign of her! I will try elsewhere!
Sometimes we have a picnic, and I take the opportunity to take photos of her, like this little set…
Kate is lovely, a very quiet well spoken English accent. A naughty….very naughty mind, clever and interesting. With a beautiful body, and pretty face. Sometimes I see a spot, put her in, ask her to do glamour…and click!
Can you see the trees…lol, didn’t expect trees did you? It’s my private little wood. It looks better with Kate’s bush in it.
At other times I just follow her, and I imagine it is like this when I am not here and she has borrowed the keys. Just her, the jackdaws croaking and screeching, butterflies, birds…
Yes, naughty things have happened here, but most of the time it is a place of deserted beauty where nature has started to claim back. Inside it is cold, still, and secretive…
Anyway, my apologies, I know you come here to look at spankings, and sometimes you find none. I just like to share my girls.
Lots more of this place to show you…come back again won’t you :0)
Here is my lovely Kate once more, this time on the miniature rocking chair. Similar to ‘Neddy’, it rocks back and forth as you spank, enabling a wonderfully erotic rhythm for spanking. Meeting her bottom on the return stroke, to send her forward and back for the next. It is a good indicator as to how much she wants it! If she needs good hard smacks she pushes forward and then back hard to meet my hand or implement.
I love her mildly amused, slightly confused endearing look. Sexy isn’t it? Let’s watch her mount it…
“Are you settled and ready Kate?”
‘Yes Sir.’
“Then let’s get this fine rump of yours ready for a good long hand spanking…time to bare it my dear!”
‘Oh goody!’
“Lovely, ready to rock?”
‘Yep! Let’s rock Daddy Oh!’
“Cheeky devil, are you mocking my ways again?”
She giggles…’Only a lot Mr.Jones!’
“Right!” I did not need any more impetus but now I have it, let’s get in position by her side…SMACK, SMACK, SMACK!
Off she goes..the chair creaking, and her squealing, smacks echoing!