Monthly Archives: June 2023
In Three’s ~ Number 14 – Samantha Tries the Other Side ~ Part Twelve (A)
To read the rest, click on ‘Photo Stories’ in the menu bar above, and scroll down to 87
After examining her slave girl, Charlotte led Samantha by her collar to an old towel rail placed in the room.

“Bend over, and grab the rail which is most comfortable for you to present your bottom to me.” Charlotte instructed as she guided her hand.

“Hmm, that will do nicely.” Said Charlotte.

More to come…
In Threes – Number 16 -Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls ~ Volume Six – Maid Training ~ Part 9
To read the rest, click on ‘Photo Stories’ in the menu bar above, and scroll down to 87…
“How…..WHACK!…many…WHACK!…times…WHACK…do I…WHACK!…have…WHACK!….to…WHACK!….tell…WHACK! you that all the labels must face the front and be in alphabetical order!!!”
“Owww, ooooh sorry Mistress! Sorry! owwwww owwwww!”

“You are not having a very good day are you?” Asked Miss Kenworthy rhetorically.
“No Mistress…..sniff.”
“Come along, lets see if you make a better job of the stairs than last time! Judging by your dithering about I suspect it will be another shambles.”
All in a fluster the naughty maid Kate, runs to the stairs and starts to sweep.

Miss Kenworthy scrutinised Kate, flexing her cane and tutting frequently.
The pressure on poor Kate was almost unbearable, and she loved it!

More to come…
Event Day Diaries…No-1 ~ This is also Photo Set 482
As you know, I run a spanking club, where casual friends and followers over the years have slowly become really good friends. We meet, to share our love of spanking. The faithful few who manage to make our meets have been rewarded by becoming the SET, (Spanking Emporium Team)
On event one we concentrated on a) A story where four naughty girls had to see Reverend Jay. b) A naughty desk and knickers rack. c) A naughty boy punished before a group of girls.
But in between we all take ‘snaps’, to record the day, with casual shots…this enables the less fortunate to get a feel of our lovely days, and see how it is to spend a few hours mixing with me and my girls…
I promise, we are not being presumptuous and saying ‘look what we do’, no… we are saying ‘…we know we are lucky, and we want to share our good luck with you.’
So imagine you are there, my girls come in all dressed up and slowly change into naughty adult schoolgirls. Girls you have come to know over the years on my blog are suddenly asking if you want a cup of tea, or ‘who are you then?’ and general chat.
I have often told you of our love of cups of tea….it is the same in an event.

Then before you know it, we are talking scripts and getting ready to shoot. you are having conversations with the girls you have seen spanked hundreds of times on here. And now you are going to see them spanked for real. How exciting!
You can even talk to me!….but to be honest I tend to be dashing about, keeping an eye on time, and who is doing what!

The guests are around, but do not want to show their faces of course, and I respect that.
So please, my dear friends, my guests, add a comment or two, let people know what its like from your point of view. Tell them a bit of our lovely day…let’s share our good fortune.
More to come…
Tom and Bridgitte Unite…
You all know of my dear French friend Bridgitte, who writes stories for me on her own page, in my ‘Contributors’ section, click on ‘Links and Contributors’ in the menu above, then click on ‘Contributors’ and scroll down to her page ‘B’
You also know of Tom Paine, the man who sent me his art work and a rough idea for a story. I finished his story a week or so ago, you can read the three parts here…
Bridgitte needed a drawing for a story and asked me if Tom would do one for her. I said that I thought he would. So after a few messages and e-mails, Tom found himself doing a drawing for her, which he coloured using water colour pencils.
Now Tom, is not ever so computer savvy, so he sends his art to me by post, and I try my best to make it look as good as I can on here.
When it came, I thought it would be nice for them if my girls opened it. My girls read Bridgitte’s stories, so the video complimented both her writing and Toms art which the have seen and like. There was lots of chatter about the picture, and B’s stories. Here are a few stills…

And here are two versions of the drawing for them to pick from…

You will see the story on her page, I will let you know when.
In Threes, Number 15 – Part Ten
To read the rest, click on ‘Photo Stories’ in the menu above and scroll down to 87…
Kate landed two more good smacks on their pet’s bare bottom…

They all examined their spanking work, before the next stage.
Their pet enjoyed them talking about her bottom and the gentle touch of their fingers, very much.

More to come…
The Ripple Effect…
Charlotte is on the naughty stool, sat at the naughty desk, her knickers hung above her on the knickers hook. Seven people are watching, this is from one of my events. She is very excited sexually, at being spanked in public.
As I told you in a previous post, the shock waves from each smack were rolling up her bottom and inner thigh as her soft buttocks hung over the edge of the stool. Her pussy is trapped between her thighs, her bottom poked out. Each shock wave ended at the front of her pussy, before returning back along it, hence, every smack caressed her clit.
This is the best position for a girl to have an orgasm from spanking shock waves.
Watch the wave, these are screen grabs from a video we took of the spanking, so are not crystal clear, I found that black and white showed the wave best.
If you want to try it, a wide flat top deep stool is needed, the knees need to be pushed right back on the edge, her bottom poked out as far as it can, hanging down, so her pussy is tickled by the opposite edge of the stool to her knees. Watch the shock waves…a real turn on for both parties. Watch the ripple and wait for it to start returning. This is going up and down her pussy on the inside of her thighs and crack of her bottom, as soon as it gets back, smack again. Increase the speed, not too much….slowly get faster. Once you have the rhythm right is is like rubbing her clit faster and faster… orgasm. The pain and sound of the smack make it better, but if you can, get someone or some people to watch.

‘In Threes’ ~ Number 13 ~ Two Naughty Waitresses – Part 12a…
To read the rest, click on ‘Photo Stories’ in the menu bar above and scroll down to 87
It was Charlene’s turn to feel the sting of the tawses.
Firstly, with her knickers up, it was the thinner, flexible broader one.

Each time it landed, the crack echoed around the cafe, quickly followed b a sharp intake of breath and a squeal.

More to come…
In Threes – Number Ten ~ The Magnificence of Samantha as a Domme – Part Twelve A (I am not fond of the next number!)
To read the rest, click on ‘Photo Stories’ in the menu above and scroll down to 87
Although most of my pictures are of Samantha dealing with women, there are quite a few dealing with naughty boys too as you know.
Here she is spanking a naughty boy on the bare bottom before three girls. They were all in detention, and he began to masturbate as the girls bent over before him. You will see this in a photo story too.

To see Miss Kenworthy in full flow is indeed an exhilarating, even a slightly scary sight. These were taken during one of my events, and the whole audience was quite spell bound by her presence.
Would you feel nervous?…

More to come…
Three’s – Charlotte the Spanking Pet ~ Part Twenty Seven
To read the rest, click on ‘Photo Stories’ in the menu above, and scroll down to 87.
The Governess of Spanking Dreams adjusted the knees of her pet, Charlotte, to make her bottom stick out, and be at a better height for whacking with the plimsol.

Then she adjusted her spanking stance, and patted the cheeks of Princess Spanky, testing for the comfort and accuracy of her swing.

She raised the plimsol, and the height was perfect for whacking hard and true. her pet trembled in anticipation.

more to come…