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A few more days passed by, and it was time for another of Mistress Samantha’s appraisals. She had been spanking and caning in the mean time of course, but sometimes she just liked to surprise her. She rang the bell and into the lounge came Kate.

“Time for a test my dear, you like my tests don’t you?”
“Very much Mistress, yes.”
“Well go and make me tea, and bring it to me.”
Ten minutes later she returned.

Kate was shaking with excitement and tea splashed on to the sugar lumps.
“You naughty girl! How on earth can I put a damp sugar lump into my cup of tea. And it’s Wednesday, you know I like the gold sugar tongues on a Wednesday, good grief! You have put Bourbon biscuits on my fine bone china plate instead of Garibaldis! You are getting another spanking young lady, you have failed the test!”

A quick spanking over Mistress’s knee was delivered to her lovely bottom.

Straight after she was told to sit on the green padded spanking bench.

Before she knew it she was up ended on all fours and given five minutes on each cheek!

And so did another beautiful day of spanking drift by in Samantha’s lovely house.
More soon, by for now, look out for updates!