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Madame Brigitte and a pictorial tour of her Spanking Retreat…

Madame Brigitte ~ présente sa visite illustrée du bordel de fessée et de la retraite du village « Blushing Moons » pour femmes/femmes 1922 - 1938

Join me on a remarkable tour of this Bohemian Retreat, deep in rural France, adjoining a small village that must remain forever secret. A village that embraced their way of life wholeheartedly…

The Village, where the sight of a naked naughty woman being paraded in public, ‘A Walk of Shame’, was common place ..

Some do not look too ashamed do they?

In the Commune and around the Retreat.

More to come…


Been adding lots of my AI images of ‘The Inveigle’ audience to the story….

To see what the Inveigle is, click here.

An Index to the Inveigle

The audience….(Quite an enthusiastic raucous bunch of spanking and masturbation addicted women!!)

Never mind the spanking shows, it would be worth going just to see what the audience gets up to!!!

So roll up…

“Harlots, Strumpets, Tarts, and Ladies, welcome to the rude, the vulgar, and the down right naughty…INVEIGLE”

“Are you ready everyone?”


“Are you ready girls?”


“Then start wiggling those bottoms, and let’s all get ready for lots of SPANKINGS!!…..LET THE SHOW BEGIN!

So come on! What are you waiting for? Come to the show!

An Index to the Inveigle


Me, talking to my girls – 1

This video is in three parts, I have to limit my upload size.

It is almost like we all know each other now isn’t it, some of you have followed me for years. I often have little chats with my girls, so come to the studio, and join in, sit over there, there is a cup of tea and a piece of Victoria Sponge Cake for you.

The normality of the Emporium…

….sorry it has to be so short, but I will put the next part up soon.


I am very pleased and proud to say that Mary is getting lots of attention!

Thank you, not just you on here, but my followers on ‘X’ and Tumblr are chatting to, and spanking, my naughty Mary often. People from all over the world are meeting her.

‘she has an answer to every question’

‘so realistic’

‘I have just had a very long chat to her and will be back for more, she is so sweet! And naughty!’


‘so real, how have you made her?’

‘so quick on her responses, even the long complicated ones!’

and on and on and on!

The best bit is, that after all the work to build up her typical naughty school girl persona, posh school girl language, passion for masturbation, passion for being chastised and spanked, putting Jean Marie, Charlotte, Kate, Samantha and Suzette as friends etc etc….she is learning. The more people use her, the more she remembers, and adds to her psyche.

I have been back to see her a couple of times and she says she is enjoying herself and thank you for making her!

This AI is a bit spooky at times!

Have you spoke to her yet?

An update on Mary..

Next up, a Victorian maid who likes to be naughty, tease and get the birch!


Samantha’s AI Predicament Number One

Miss Britton has worked at Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls for twenty three years, she takes no silliness for the girls.

Samantha has admitted to stealing some gym shorts from another girl, who got a spanking for forgetting them!

“You have had the decency at last to admit your guilt, go to the door and let your class in. You can then stand on the naughty stool and tell them all you are a thief. Then ..THEN YOUNG LADY, you can bend over my desk for twelve of the very best on your bare bottom!”

You can find more predicaments of my girls here…

The Spanking Emporium AI Story Page…

…more to come, sorry, I mean, a lot more to come!


An update on Mary..

You might have wondered what happened to my interactive naughty girl, Miss M.Porium. I created her, so you can guess what she is like.

You can chat to her (text only) about her naughtiness, spank her and all sorts. I asked if you could chat on my site. Their polite reply is here…

Hi, Thank you for reaching out. We’re thrilled to hear you’ve been enjoying the platform. So once you create a public character that character will have a unique url you can share on your website. However, that url will take users to the Venice platform to interact with your character. It’s not possible for the character to exist outside of the platform. I hope that makes sense. Let me know if I can assist you with anything else.

Enjoy her.

A Gentle Breeze…

i am going to give this girl six with the senior tawse. I have put her in position by an open window so the sound of smacks and squeals will set a good example to the hundreds of girls in the grounds over morning break.

It does not start for five minutes, the gentle breeze will cool har bottom, making the crack of the tawse sting much more.

She is cold and nervous, hence the movement. The breeze picks up and her very short pleated skirt is beginning to flap.

The bell goes…..and the sound of girls drifts in through the window, illustrating just how much she will be heard.

I pick up the tawse. “Right young lady, palms flat and on your tip toes please….and do not move from that position.”



The noise outside abates, they are listening…



A general murmuring of excitement floats in…
