This brings me up to 504 photo sets now.
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This brings me up to 504 photo sets now.
Click here to see the rest…
To see the rest, click here…
My studio is all laid out now, I am building walls around the classsroom and lounge, then moving on to build them around a bedroom and dungeon. All in good time…progress is slow, but steady.
I am also kitting it out the best I can, but everything seems so expensive these days.
I have made a frame, it has got to have rings for ropes etc, and a support underneath to take the weight of three or four girls.
So I asked Kate to try it out, in navy blue knickers and vest. Remember it is not finished, but I needed to test it before carrying on.
Up the stairs she goes…
And up she climbs…
A colour bonus, just checking light etc for photos.
Perhaps a long bamboo bar might push their bottoms out, I will experiment!
Of course, I had to give my first little spanking to her….but it was cold, so only a quick one, in colour.
Hmmmmmm, a bit of work needed, but quite acceptable, can’t wait to see three bare bottoms wiggling around on it, under the smacks of my plimsol!
To read the rest, click here…
The spanking, firm, heavy hand of Miss Kenworthy began to make its way down the line of pleasingly presented, bare cheeks, of the naughty girl’s bottoms.
Sometimes girls jumped out of position as a smack landed, but were soon put back in line.
After making her way down the line and back up, she concentrated on one girl at a time, starting with Charlotte. Making her bottom rosey red.
Then it was Suzette’s turn to feel the sting of Miss Kenworthy’s palm.
more to come
To read the rest of this story, and others in the same style, click on ‘Photo Stories’ in the menu bar above, and scroll through lots of spanking stories, until you get to Number 87…. then click and explore.
I have decided that the ‘in threes’ stories can now have any multiple of three photos, 3,6,9 etc. in a post.
Samantha bent down in the sunny courtyard and framed Charlotte’s bottom with her arms. “Oh your bottom looks beautiful in my living frame!”
“What do you mean?” Asked Charlotte.
“I have wrapped my arms around your bottom, it looks so ripe for spanking!” Which she did, again, but with both hands!
Another set of joyful giggles mixed with the crisp sound of smacks echoed around their courtyard. “Will you spank my bottom now Charlotte?”
“Of course!” Agreed Charlotte, and very quickly and eagerly, they swapped places.
Charlotte framed Samantha’s bottom, and agreed that it was indeed a splendid thing to do, and proceeded to spank it.
They talked as they spanked, and Charlotte said how beautiful it was to have a secret place where they could do it outside, “The smacks sound completely different outside, don’t you think?” She asked laughing.
“Let’s go and compare the sound inside then shall we?”Suggested Samantha.
“Of course.” Replied the ever agreeable and compliant Charlotte.
They set off towards the garden path to their conservatory.
I have now decided to do ‘in threes’ in any multiple of three I like…
more to come…
Here is a taste of what is to come, giving you clues as to how the stories will develop….over time, you know I am not the quickest!!
It was a lovely shoot, just me, Charlotte, Kate,and Samantha. Eating Victoria Sponge, drinking tea, spanking, taking photos, and chatting. Below zero outside, but warm bottoms inside!
I introduced you to my friend Mr. Trad. the other day…
.. we have decided to keep in touch regularly, discussing the finer points of punishment, and keeping each other up to date with what is happening here, and over there at Broadley Bottom College for Girls.
I like to hear his accounts, and like he says of ‘my girls’, I am getting to feel as if I know his girls too.
The highlights of this week at Broadley are as follows…
Funnily enough, one of his girls, also called Charlotte, who bears a similar demeanor to ours, had her bottom smacked before the class on Monday. She would not stop talking and got the plimsol for it. What a familiar tale!
I must say, he has a wicked sense of humour, and he said that even one girl he was about to spank let out a little nervous titter when he told her that the ‘No Smoking Rule’ at his College, did not apply to her bottom!
We chatted about implements and equipment, and he told me how effective he was finding the short cane across a bottom, very effective in making a girl jump. I must get myself one.
Like my school, he has lots of borders. And this girl whom you can see nervously waiting outside one of his punishment rooms had been bullying a younger girl in her dormitory. After giving her a spanking he told her that he was attending her dormitory’s study room and giving her another brisk spanking before bed time.
Talking of his humour, he said to me, ‘I have a girl here that reminds me of your Kate very much.’
“Oh yes, long dark hair, quiet, with an innocent smile?”
“No, a great bottom for spanking!!” he replied laughing.
He is not wrong!
I will write again soon when I have spoken to and mailed him a few more times.
More to come…
You always like the informal ones of my girls getting changed…
I like to take them for you, it’s like sharing my happy times with you all :0)
I try my best to amuse you!