Chapter 2: The interval and a visit to the spanking booths
The intervals during an Inveigle show are grand affairs. They provide a chance to visit the beautiful exotically tiled bathrooms, the bars, private rooms, and a walk down the ‘lanes’. It is during a visit here that the size of this place reveals itself. It is huge. Lots of small back-to-back, London town houses had been purchased over the years, and made into a complicated rabbit warren of a complex. It is like a small indoor town. There are private rooms to rent bookable by the hour, courtyard bars, and most famously, the ‘spanking booths’. Most of the booths are three-sided, with their fronts open to the ‘lanes’ where crowds can gather to watch. They are perfect for humiliation.

by ~ Asa Jones
Our two liberal-minded girls who went to the theatre together, decided to walk the lanes and visit the booths. They loved to watch each other enjoy themselves, and took it in turns who visited a booth. Tonight it was Emma’s turn to entertain her friend. Melanie sat down on an opulent studded leather chair opposite the booth Emma had entered.
Emma had just been entrusted with the discipline of the maids at her father’s house. In her opinion he had been far too lenient with the pretty girls, and they could twist him around their little finger, Only a week earlier, Emma and her Papa had returned home early to find their two maids asleep, and very little work had been done. She had pointed out to her dear Papa that he was too soft with them. He knew very well that she was right, and agreed that, from that day on, they were in her charge as regards to duties and discipline.
They had both received their first spankings there and then! Her Papa had sat on a chair opposite her, and knee to knee they had both simultaneously spanked the bare, red, wriggling bottoms of the maids. Afterwards Papa confided in Emma that he had rather enjoyed the experience.
Emma had been reading articles by Mrs Beeton, of the cookery book fame, about the discipline of maids. She was a great advocate of spanking, and her articles in the ‘Good Housekeeping Magazine’ were fast becoming a spanking bible, specialising in the punishment and humiliation of maids.

She knew that very soon she would have to punish her real maids again, and tonight was a rehearsal. She was also going to buy straps and canes from the Inveigle Shop. The maids at home were going to lead a very different life from now on!
The booth she picked had a lovely glowing fire, and was occupied by two maids which she had ordered prior to her visit. Sitting down on a hard upright chair, Emma soon set about baring the ‘naughty maids’ bottoms and spanking each of them soundly held down across her knee. This was accompanied by applause and encouragement from a gathering crowd of onlookers.
“Mrs Beeton would be proud of you love!” Shouted a stout, severe looking woman. “Make sure you spread their arseholes for everyone to see! That makes them blush, especially if you do it in front of girls who are younger than themselves!”
“Like us!” Shouted a group of young ladies who had stopped to watch.
So she did, and the girls squealed with embarrassment, especially as their butt holes were pulled apart and cool air rushed in!

Once she had ‘warmed’ the naughty maids bottoms to her satisfaction, Emma had made them bend over side by side, with their bare bottoms on show. She then picked up a large wooden hairbrush and started to wallop each of them with it alternately, much to the delight of the young ladies.

They wriggled and kicked, squealed and cried, the whole delightful scene illuminated by the cosy warm flickering flames of the fire in the grate.

“Make their bottoms glow brighter than the embers Emma!” shouted Melanie, which brought forth great mirth.
Soon she sat on the chaise lounge and began to spank the girls in various positions, as the watching crowd urged her on.

First one, and then the other…

Her friend Melanie shouted to her, “Why not get the maids to spank you Emma?”
The watching women loved this idea and Emma agreed.
“Girls, come and attend to me, but first do my hair. I must look my best for my spanking!”

She bent over for them, and once again the crowd offered encouragement…but this time it was the maids they called to.
“Get your revenge… make her bottom burn…use a strap!” They shouted.
They did get a strap, which soon was cracking down across Emma’s cheeks. They took turns in applying the strap to Emma’s rapidly reddening rump so that it started to blush as red as the fire in the grate. Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Despite the rapidly mounting sting and burn, Emma absorbed the spanks with evident enjoyment, her rump willingly rising to each stroke and rippling on the strap’s impact in a most delightful fashion. Melanie loved the sight of her friend’s bottom being so expertly leathered and became more and more aroused. She couldn’t decide whether she would like to be in Emma’s place or whether she would prefer to be one of the maids applying the leather strap. Either choice would be wonderful! ‘Oh spanking, spanking, what blissful and erotic fun!’ she thought.

Eventually a bell rang loudly. It was time to return to their seats, the interval was over.
The atmosphere changed, and an air of expectancy descended on the excited women. The two maids made a fuss of their ‘Mistress of the Hour’ and said their goodbyes.

Into the theatre they walked, the wonderful atmosphere, the polished wood, and the red plush seats welcomed their bottoms.

“Oooooh!” said Emma as she sat down.
Melanie giggled and two women taking their seats behind them added, “Looks like someone is going home with an ‘Inveigle Rump!’ “
Emma blushed as the seats began to fill and the music began. Melanie took her hand and squeezed it. “I’ll rub some cream on your bottom later.”
She turned to her friend and kissed her on the cheek. Smiling, she replied, “Thank you, I’d really love that, but for the moment let me enjoy the lovely warm glow that is now rapidly spreading to you know where!”
Often, after an interval, there were vacant seats, left by visitors still engaged in their activities in the booths and lanes. Mr.Trentham was a regular post interval visitor. Here are some of his works…

It wasn’t always sex and spanking at the ‘Inveigle Show Times’. After the Show was over, one of ‘The Lanes’ was opened up for skittles, a very popular pastime in Victorian England. Public Houses in particular were very keen on it, the huge crowds were good for Business. ‘The Inveigle Girls’ had an excellent team, and won a few trophies which were presented on stage and kept in a cabinet in the foyer. There was only one difference when you played at the Inveigle. It was naked skittles…

…comprising the real, from left to right,
Victoria, Samantha, Charlotte, Scarlet and Stephanie.
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