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CHOIR GIRL – Part two
“OK, girl, pull them down to your knees now!”
Awkwardly, you obeyed me and reached back and tugged the tight panties down to your knees. Your lovely bottom was now bared and ready. I quickly gave you twenty-five hard smacks, not giving you much time in between to move around. You were in danger of falling off my lap and had to spread your legs slightly to keep your feet planted. As I continued to spank, I gazed down upon your red cheeks and the downy cleft that split them. You were revealing just a little bit of your inner secrets to me… I longed to take you as my lover!I am sure that you felt evidence of that fact coming from my lap as you moved against my firmness.
After these one hundred spanks, I had you stand, still with your panties at your knees and your skirt held high, and show your reddened bottom to the class. I stood and moved up behind the chair. As you were showing your behind to the others, you were showing me what had been hidden inside that tight white panty gusset about fifteen minutes ago. I had to stand with my hands clasped in front of me so my students wouldn’t see too much of my excitement!
“Thank you, Miss. You may readjust your clothing as we prepare for the next phase.”……….as you pulled your panties back onto your bottom, I turned the chair so that its back was toward the back of the stage………….
“Alright, young lady, let us move to the next phase.”
“Please,Sir, it is becoming very warm in here….”
“Especially on your bottom, I would think!”
The class roared with laughter, and you blushed to the roots of your hair.
“Sir, please, may I remove my sweater?”
“Certainly,” I replied.
You gently pulled your dark sweater over your head and handed it to me. As I took it from you and turned to place it on the top of the nearby piano, the other students noticed immediately the proud points rising from the surface of your blouse, as your nipples were fully hard from your excitement.
I then instructed you to kneel up on the sturdy chair and bend over. You did as I asked, grasping the back of the chair and lifting your bottom up and out for punishment. Your blue skirt, which you always liked to be tight and short, was spread tightly over your buttocks,and the hem was pulled high enough that the students seated toward the front could have a little peek at your white panty bottom.
(Everyone would see it again, soon, though!)
From the top of the piano, I brought out a wooden paddle, about one half meter in length, with a leather-wrapped handle and shiny, varnished surface. I stepped to your side, as you instinctively straightened up a bit, and said to the class:
“The paddle is a popular instrument of correction. Schools used it for discipline until the mid 1970s. It has several advantages: it doesn’t leave marks, but can apply a good deal of punishment, even over a clothed bottom. I will now demonstrate this feature. Miss, if you would be so kind as to lift yourself into a proper position again?”
Looking a little fearful as I showed you the instrument that would soon be introduced to your rear, you slowly bent forward again, bringing your bottom into proper elevation. Without further delay, I gave you six brisk swats. You were a little unprepared for the pain, and cried out softly after each stroke. But you still kept your bottom arched out for more!.
“As you can see, the device is able to cause some discomfort in the subject. However, it is even more effective if there is less material in the way. Young lady, would you please lift up your skirt and hold it out of the way. Thank you. Now arch and offer again.”
The students and I again had the visual pleasure of seeing your lovely bottom again, clad in thin cotton. The tight virgin white panties moulded themselves to the cheeks of your lovely rear like a second skin, as you slowly moved back and forth. I touched your bottom slightly with the paddle, then drew it back and gave you a hard smack.”Oww.. .oww… oww,” you cried, as you straightened up to rub your arching rear. “Miss!” again you bent, and after lifting the skirt again, were ready for the next stroke. This pattern was repeated again five more times, and then I allowed you to stand.”Please face your fellow students, now.” You turned to them, not looking nearly as happy as you had several minutes earlier.A few tears had formed at the corners of your eyes, as you looked around at your classmates.
“Miss, how many students did you steal things from?”
“Eight, I think, Sir.”
“Do you know who they are?”
“I think so, Sir.”
“Excellent!Lean closer and let me give you your next instructions..” You put your ear close to my lips and cocked your head to the side to listen. With a hand raised to hide my lips, I whispered the instructions to you and then gave your ear a gentle caress and kiss.
“Yes, Sir; Thank you, Sir.” You then spoke to the class:
“Hey people, I’m sorry for what I did.. this group of you is too important to me, and I deserve every bit of what I’ve gotten so far, and what is still coming up. I would like each of you whom I robbed to come down and give me two swats with the paddle. I wiill come to your seat, give you the paddle, and escort you down here to the front.”
I then spoke up:
“Thank you, young lady, but there’s one little problem. Your skirt keeps falling down and getting in the way… would you remove it, please, and place it over with your sweater on the piano?” You looked worried for an instant, but then reached inside the back (I think!) and unfastened it. Stepping out of it, you walked over and placed it on the piano, then returned and faced the class again. All of them could now enjoy the bushy matt of pubic hair that was hidden inside your sister’s borrowed tight knickers, as well as the dark tips of your nipples poking up the material of your blouse.
You then asked me for the paddle. Carrying it, you walked slowly up to a boy in The bass section, handed it to him, and took him by the hand down to the front of the room.
The rest of us enjoyed watching your bottom move as you walked, and also the embarrassment of the young man as he tried to hide his erection as he walked and then stood by the chair! You knelt up on the chair, as before, and presented your bottom to him, saying: “I’m sorry, Carl, for stealing that money from you…would you please paddle my bottom, now?”
He struck you twice – the first one was not too hard, but the second really stung. You then stepped down, curtsied to him and thanked him as you took the paddle back and he returned, red-faced, to his seat.
The same procedure happened seven more times, for three female students and four more boys. The last boy had been a favorite of yours for several years, and had asked you on dates several times, but you had refused!He was a football player, and you loved to watch his big muscular legs and tight little butt as he ran around the field in his uniform!To tease him a little more than the rest, you did not clench your legs together tightly, but moved your knees as far apart as they could on the seat, giving him an extra eyeful! You spoke to him very slowly and sensuously as you asked him, and jutted your bottom out as far as you could. Unlike the others, he bent down to take a closer look at what he was about to swat. You responded by moving your hips back and forth to simulate the motions of love-making. I cleared my throat loudly and called for the punishment to continue. (Partly because I was very jealous – I wanted you to become my own personal sub and lover!)
He was able to give you two hard swats, but after the second, as he watched you writhe your slender, nearly bared bottom inthe air, he lost control. “Oh no,” he murmured, as the rest of us could see a dark stain spreading across the front of his tan slacks! Shamefaced, he returned to his seat, as you arose and handed the paddle back to me.
(to be continued….)
In the words of ‘Uncanny’ (anyone watch it?)…”Bloody Hell Maestro”.