Things continued to become more frivolous and were noticed first of all in the school Laboratories, in particular, Biology, Science, and Physics. Old atmospheric rooms from the days when the school building was Cumley Bottom Hall.
The girls wore the navy blue skirts, but when a chance moment arrived, they would whip them off and show their bottoms!
Much giggling ensued and the girls were being told to calm down more and more. Because their teachers were always wandering around during experiments, three girls at a table would keep watch, and the fourth would flash her bottom. Usually captured on someone’s mobile phone! Like this one.
The catalogue of photographs was growing at an astonishing rate, here are some examples.
More and more bottoms were now completely bare!
The girls got braver….
When fetching a test tube, a funnel, or litmus paper, and such like, they took a route around the laboratory, wiggling their bottoms provocatively.
Even the girls keeping watch were getting more daring.
One day a girl almost got caught and the shock made her drop a pipette, breaking it.
Miss Everglow shouted at the top of her voice.”Something is building up in this school young ladies, and I do not like it, neither do the rest of the staff! Be warned, if I find out that a breakage such as this, is through tomfoolery, the knickers of all the girls involved will come down as quick as a gas ‘pop’ in a Bunsen burner, and I will redden their cheeks before the whole class with this!”
She produced the largest size spatula that the laboratories use. It looked fearsome in her hand.
For a day, as news spread, things did die down.
But on Friday night, a single sheet of paper was given secretly to every girl in the school, with a photo of ‘The Bottom of the Week!’ printed on it
Every girl now had a goal, which of course was to be ‘Bottom of the week.’
To see more of her work, click on ‘Links and Contributors’ then click on ‘Contributors’ and scroll down.
Pom-pom part 5
On the way back home I asked my sisters if Aunty would be lenient for signing my Punishment Notification.
Belinda said, “I wouldn’t bet on that !”
Lilla added, “With Dad you can try girly tricks as batting your eyelashes, looking contrite and rubbing your bum. Same as when you try to wrap your own father around your little finger…”
Loulou mentioned, “All of that backed fired quite a few times with Dad…”
I nodded. I had the same experiences.
Belle warned, “Don’t try to sweet talk Mum !”
Lilla further warned, “She’ll have you cut a switch,and decorate your thighs !”
Loulou took the words out of my mouth, “Oh no! Cheer leading practice with thighs streaked in red !”
Our new sisters explained, “With a Punishment Notification best to leave it on the dinning room table and go stand in the corner with your knickers down and holding your skirt up and wait. Hopefully they will feel that your punishment was severe enough…”
We had arrived at our new home and I followed their advice. The Punishment Notification was on the table, and I shamefully stood in the corner with my red bum well exposed.
I heard the front door being opened and the voice of Aunty Angelina, and there was another voice, it was a male voice, it wasn’t Uncle Amias ! I could see in the corridor’s tall mirror my rubicund nates and the boy from across the street who cuts the grass. I pushed myself against the wall as if it could swallow me. “
I heard the door being closed and prayed that this boy hadn’t seen me. Aunty Angelina said, “What have I got here ? One of my French girls with a well spanked derriere and a Punishment Notification. Why were you punished Babette ?”
“I whispered the answer for a French grammar question…”
“Who were you trying to help ?”
“I can’t tell Aunty, I am not a rat !”
“Ah! I am guessing that it was one of my girls !”
She bellowed, “Belle, Lilla and Loulou come down here this instant !”
Babette said, ” ‘I whispered the answer for a French grammar question’ …. and she won’t tell me who she was trying to help. She also said, “I am not a rat !” I have a feeling that she is protecting one of my girls…”
I could see the three of them heads down and carefully studying the rug.
“It can’t be Loulou she wouldn’t need help with French grammar…”
Belinda stepped forward, “She was trying to help me…”
“You will go cut a switch. You wont be punished for cheating, you hadn’t ask Babette to give you the answer. You will be switched for having poorly prepared your lesson.”
Later Uncle Amias was back from work, “Whoa! Two naughty girls decorating the corner of our living room !”
Aunty Angelina told, “Although I had to punish one of them I am quite proud of them. Miss Babette tasted the paddle of the college’s principal for having whispered the answer to a French grammar question, and refused to give me the name of who she was helping. Belinda admitted that she was the one Babette tried to help. She hadn’t ask for help, but she had poorly prepared her lesson and tasted the switch.”
They clapped their hands, “OK you two, go find your sisters for soothing rubs !”
Next morning Miss G.I. Jane,our cheer leading coach, texted all of us to announce that we are invited for a day by the famous Cowboys Cheerleaders.
Two days later, we had donned our best cheer uniforms and Lilla and Loulou inspected the naughty girls. First it was Belinda, “Well, its obvious for us that your thighs were switched, but you actually have very few faint stripes. “Babette your next and raise your skirt for us.” They teased me with a fun dialog, “I am telling you, that girl was paddled..”
“It could be sunburn…”
“Nah, such a shade spells a good paddling !”
I went into the corridor to have a look for myself in the tall mirror, “Its a very faint hue…”
They laughed, “Only one who was paddled will know !”
We weren’t late for our coach, and didn’t mind the early morning drive. We enthusiastically sang all the way to Dallas. Having arrived we were impressed by their clubhouse. It was another dimension, it was a team of pros.
A dozen of them with a pair of coaches warmly greeted us, and led us to their huge indoor gym, “Show us what you can do !”
We did our French cancan and a pyramid and more… Then Loulou and I concluded with our multiple back flips and wheels. For the first time Abigail did three back flips and a perfect wheel. They applauded and retired away from us to chat among themselves..
When they rejoined us. One of their coaches said, “We feel that you should compete in the nationals. You will need a real pyramid, a three level one with a full split on top.”
She pointed to Veronica our captain, “You have a great split you should learn to do it atop the pyramid…”
One of the Cowboys girls, pointed to Belinda, “Yoh the girl who got her thighs switched, you did great with your handstand, you should do it atop the raised hands of a teammate.”
Another Cowboys girls waved for me, “Yohoy the girl who had her butt paddled, and your partner, and the young one, how many back flips are you able to do ? Give us your best !” I did nine and landed on my bum. The Cowboys girls cheered with “OUCH!” and everyone laughed. Loulou did eight and was applauded. Abigail did four and we cheered her !
Then they invited us for lunch at their cafeteria…”
I have been working on another study or two, and have put Samantha in, with a blushing bottom of course. Do you think it is well enough equipped?
It needs a bit of shadow work, but I will do that later. The main part is the study really, but I thought it would be better for you if I popped someone in 👍😊
Forgive me, I have let my newly learnt skills on AI run away with me a little, as I try to generate a wondrous world of spanking, in a place not known to you.
I know of it, and you will like it, trust me.
To understand this, you need to click here …and scroll down to ‘A Galaxy far far….”
“Right, are you all up to date? Good. Follow me to the story.
Samantha did not dream, she went on trips on Astral Planes, as her other self, ‘The Governess of Spanking Dreams.’
She enchanted Charlotte first, years ago, then Kate just a few years ago, and now another.
Read on…
Charlotte fell into her usual deep sleep. Just a few miles away in a pretty village Kate slipped into a deep slumber.
As East met West, in rural America Jean Marie fell asleep after writing the latest part of a story for her pen friend, Charlotte.
She knew Charlotte would masturbate to it and send intimate photos. It was a strong friendship. They both wished to meet one day, Kate and Samantha said the same, they wanted to meet her too.
Samantha, The Governess of Spanking Dreams, her real self, deftly found three Astral Threads, and tugged.
Charlotte, Jean Marie, and Kate, although sleeping soundly, and breathing deeply, left their bodies.
Tugged from a Galaxy far far away.
Through clouds, through stars, through the cosmos, they all drifted to three landing platforms, protruding from a magical world of Spanking Dreams.
Charlotte landed in what looked like a Palace, fit for a Princess from a fairytale. Instinctively she knew which way to go. Forward, to the end…
Kate landed on a church like corridor, she knew without doubt that the window at the end had a small door to the right, she began to walk…
Jean Marie landed in a place that looked like it could belong in an historic stately home in England, full of secret passageways and naughty secrets in it’s history. She confidently strode forward, aiming for the middle distance and belong.
All three made their way to meet someone. The Governess of Spanking Dreams.
Each ended up in a room.
Jean Marie came to rest in a delightful vaulted room. She felt happy and safe…she also felt watched, so presented her bottom to where she felt the gaze came from.
Looking directly at her bottom, perfectly in line with her gaze she spoke to herself, and Jean Marie. “Well done.” Said the Governess.
Charlotte who had been here before, many times, never failed to swoon in the wealth of the place, it was opulent in all areas. Never the same.
She felt medieval, like she was in some glorious tale of old. Quietly at first, she heard what was like a babbling brook, but more metallic. She looked up as pure gold, beautifully crafted chains cascaded around her.
Two chains kissed her bottom, and she pushed against them.
“Well done my precious spanking jewel.” The Governess of Spanking dreams said to her pet.
Then her attention went to Kate.
Who was swaying to the sound of a harp being plucked by some unseen spanking Goddess.
She felt someone looking, and suspected that she knew who, and posed, deftly and beautiful for her.
“Perfect.” Whispered the Governess of spanking dreams.
In each of the three rooms, there was a simultaneous ‘click’. As each of them noticed a door they had not seen, swing open.
They walked through to meet each other.
Jean Marie spoke first, even before saying hello…”My bottom! What is happening to my bottom, it is swelling.”
A voice came from behind them.
“It’s only me playing with you.” Said Samantha. “It is time for your first spankings, and I am preparing you all.”
“Oh I say girls! Look at the flexibility in this large diameter, long senior one, let’s send it to Mr.Jones of Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls to wrap right around those lovely pert soft plump trembling bare bottoms!”
“Oh don’t Mildred, my pussy is already dribbling as I wrap these two dozen ones up for that Posh Girls Grammar School in Buckinghamshire! I might have to go to the loo again as it is!”
“Don’t bother Girtrude! Drop your knickers here! Use the handle of this, it’ll be perfect to hold and pull up and down as you ride it. Think of all the sticky juices of yours in his palm as he uses it for the first time!”
“Ohhhh Mildred, I wish it was on my bum, pass it here and keep watch! Florrie! Bring one over here quick! I need a dozen or so to help me cum!”
“Coming dear! Shall I pretend To be Miss Kenworthy?”
“Ooooh yes!!! I will be Charlotte?”
Orgasm six of the day between them! It is only 11 o’clock!