Been adding lots of my AI images of ‘The Inveigle’ audience to the story….

To see what the Inveigle is, click here.

An Index to the Inveigle

The audience….(Quite an enthusiastic raucous bunch of spanking and masturbation addicted women!!)

Never mind the spanking shows, it would be worth going just to see what the audience gets up to!!!

So roll up…

“Harlots, Strumpets, Tarts, and Ladies, welcome to the rude, the vulgar, and the down right naughty…INVEIGLE”

“Are you ready everyone?”


“Are you ready girls?”


“Then start wiggling those bottoms, and let’s all get ready for lots of SPANKINGS!!…..LET THE SHOW BEGIN!

So come on! What are you waiting for? Come to the show!

An Index to the Inveigle


Me, talking to my girls – 1

This video is in three parts, I have to limit my upload size.

It is almost like we all know each other now isn’t it, some of you have followed me for years. I often have little chats with my girls, so come to the studio, and join in, sit over there, there is a cup of tea and a piece of Victoria Sponge Cake for you.

The normality of the Emporium…

….sorry it has to be so short, but I will put the next part up soon.


I am very pleased and proud to say that Mary is getting lots of attention!

Thank you, not just you on here, but my followers on ‘X’ and Tumblr are chatting to, and spanking, my naughty Mary often. People from all over the world are meeting her.

‘she has an answer to every question’

‘so realistic’

‘I have just had a very long chat to her and will be back for more, she is so sweet! And naughty!’


‘so real, how have you made her?’

‘so quick on her responses, even the long complicated ones!’

and on and on and on!

The best bit is, that after all the work to build up her typical naughty school girl persona, posh school girl language, passion for masturbation, passion for being chastised and spanked, putting Jean Marie, Charlotte, Kate, Samantha and Suzette as friends etc etc….she is learning. The more people use her, the more she remembers, and adds to her psyche.

I have been back to see her a couple of times and she says she is enjoying herself and thank you for making her!

This AI is a bit spooky at times!

Have you spoke to her yet?

An update on Mary..

Next up, a Victorian maid who likes to be naughty, tease and get the birch!


Project Number 2 ~ Part One

Have a look at number one, it will save me a long explanation again…

Project Number One…

I am now doing the same with my girls for when they have enrolled at Mrs Wainwrights.

Look at the two posts prior to this about the ‘Convenient Chair’ and this…

Mistress Wainwright’s House of Correction (for women) … Is open.

IF, my girls get accepted, the first day will have a huge initiation spanking chase, where the Domme’s dressed in green and brown chase the subs, in white with bare bottoms.

I have been so busy on AI. You know when you go up an escalator with mirrors on each side, and everyone just disappears into infinity? Well my AI Folder is looking similar.

I now need my girls running around trying to escape!

As before, in project one, I have made a video, and will pause it to take stills. Here is the video, it is fun, and shows a typical day at my studio, happy girls laughing….oh, and being spanked of course!

I have taken a few videos, I will do some at their houses, and gardens too.

Here is a sample of a still…

What fun I am going to have in my study, picking these!

Then the girls will need cutting out and pasting in..

And this is only one story! My beautiful dreamy days in my study also go into infinity…if I live a few more years….oh I do hope so! I have so much to do!

It saddens me to think of all my unused AI’s, photos, and videos, first gathering dust, and then one day going into a bin somewhere!

Like the legend of all the Ostra Negatives in boxes somewhere….or thrown away. Who knows? Rumour had it that Hitler ended up with them! After I have died, I really hope I find Mr.Biederer and his models…and when my girls arrive, we can all join together! Now that…is my idea of heaven!

more to come…


A Convenient Chair Series of Photo Sets/Story… Part – 1

See Photo Set 569, for an explanation.

A Convenient Chair…Photo Set 569

As we walked into the Studio to sit down and make a plan, Charlotte pulled a lollipop out of her pocket! “Oooooh look what I have just found!”

We all chuckle and I beam, “Charlotte! You are bloody wonderful, you have just inspired me! Can I have it?”

They all watch me with a pen knife trying to open the damn thing and as I tell them. They agree to my idea, and their eager eyes say they are excited! I tell them we are working on…

Mistress Wainwright’s House of Correction (for women) … Is open.

…and ask them to dress in White Shirts, White Knee Socks, and Shoes.


Three Naughty Teachers Share a Passion

Well this follows on. They have been meeting regularly and spanking. Samantha has shown them an advert for ‘Mrs.Wainwright’s House of Correction’, and has written saying she wants to join and might have two friends who want to come.

Mrs.Wainwright said they have to prove they are naughty enough first. Samantha tells her they are all teachers and that they are meeting in their ‘Wainwright Naughty Girls Outfits’ at school, this weekend, in her Study. And she will send photos.

So, armed with a lollipop and a ‘convenient chair’, they begin.

Firt of all you need to know that the Domme’s at ‘Mrs.Wainwright’s’, wear pale green and brown.

… For successful applicants it will all start with a ‘Spanking Chase’. The Domme’s chase the subs and spank them when found, even if they have been found ten times! It goes on all day, until the last one is found.

I have been making many AI pictures for it…

Hence my girls rather sexy outfits…

So this is what they are sending to see if they are naughty enough….A Convenient Chair and a Lollipop by Charlotte, Kate and Samantha….Part 1

We love lollipops and are making a new flavour.

“They take some bloody undoing! Is it naughty to swear?”

“I bet it fucking is!” Pipes up Charlotte.

“Have we been approved yet?” Giggles Kate

“Mmmmmm, smells nice, but it needs more OOOOOOOH I think!” Laughs Charlotte.

“And more stickiness!”Kate suggests.

“Maybe a few pubic hair stuck on for good measure!” Adds Samantha.

“Yes, our secret ingredient….” Kate says coyly. “Pubes!”

“And cum juice!” Samantha whispers getting very much into the mood.

“Now we have to add the extra ingredients.” Charlotte says in her poshest voice, as she stretches over the convenient chair.

“Our favourite job!” chimes in Kate.

“Come over here girls, it’s time to harvest the crops!” Charlotte shouts.

Continues in Part Two…

A Convenient Chair Series of Photo Sets/Story… Part – 2


Samantha’s AI Predicament Number One

Miss Britton has worked at Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls for twenty three years, she takes no silliness for the girls.

Samantha has admitted to stealing some gym shorts from another girl, who got a spanking for forgetting them!

“You have had the decency at last to admit your guilt, go to the door and let your class in. You can then stand on the naughty stool and tell them all you are a thief. Then ..THEN YOUNG LADY, you can bend over my desk for twelve of the very best on your bare bottom!”

You can find more predicaments of my girls here…

The Spanking Emporium AI Story Page…

…more to come, sorry, I mean, a lot more to come!


A Convenient Chair…Photo Set 569

Once again I am sharing my day in an ordinary sort of way. I love how you like these little peeks into our lives at the Chapel Studio in our dear old mill…

…one by one we arrive in the car park, and meet in the Study, much hugging, laughter, and poor old me bewildered and bewitched once again after only ten seconds! I have got here first and put the heating on, (not warm enough for bare bottoms yet) so I open the pack of biscuits I have treated them to, and say, “Come on, let’s warm up with a cuppa.”

Charlotte, the one who is most likely to say something unusual, says. “I just popped my head in the kitchen before I came in here, that’s a convenient chair…the green one.”

We look at each other, Charlotte kind of snorts a raucous laugh, and we go to see. Me, never missing a trick, pick up my camera.

“Ta dah! This one.” She beams with naughtiness and sauciness

For a few seconds, it is lost on us

Kate, looking a little puzzled asks, “Why convenient?”

Charlotte giggles and puts a finger to her mouth in mock curiosity. “Surely you can see!”

It dawn’s on me, I know Charlotte’s dirty little mind quite well.

Innocent Kate cannot see it, Samantha’s naughty giggle says she can.

“What!?” Asks Kate, a tiny bit embarrassed.

Charlotte says…” well, imagine it is a hot day, you have a short skirt and skimpy knickers. You sit on here, with your bum there, looking over the back…”

“Well, your legs would be wide open, and there is a hole for your hand to come through and finger yourself, nobody would notice. So…..”

“Ohhhhh yes!” Agrees Kate enthusiastically.

Charlotte looks proud and pleased as I say, “Let’s borrow it, you have inspired me!”

I pick it up and Charlotte trots by me to open doors, Samantha and Kate make a pot of tea. I ask Charlotte, “So you are a pen- pal with Jean Marie then, she is something else isn’t she?”

“Bloody hell! She is amazing, how does she do it, it takes me half an hour to write ten likes with suggestions and then…BOOM! Within an hour a really sexy e-mail, all written proper, like a book, arrives! Then my hand is in my knickers…..again! I have not done it this often since I was 14!!!

We laughed and went back for tea, the studio was warming up nicely.


Pom Pom Part -2, of another lovely spanking story from ‘B’

To read the rest of ‘B’ work, click on ‘Links and Contributors’ then on ‘Contributors’ and scroll down to her page.


I slept well, and awoke with the scent of grilled lamb chops. I had a look outside and saw by the pool Uncle Amias flipping burgers on a large barbecue while Aunty Angelina was setting up a buffet with a huge salad. Their girls were wearing jeans shorts, and I knocked on Loulou’s door and shouted, “Rise and shine!” Then I had a quick shower and also dressed with jeans shorts.

I joined our adopting American family by their pool and apologized for having slept till 11 am. “…Loulou will be down in five minutes.”

Uncle Amias queried, “Loulou ?”

“Yes, Louise is called Loulou and am called Babette instead of Elisabeth…”

Aunty Angelina chimed, “We also have nicknames for our girls, Belinda is ‘the naughty one’ or Belle, and Lilla is Lalla or Lilly.”

Aunt Angelina added, “Or our best behaved girl !”

Belinda laughed and asked, “Who’s the naughtier one?”

Loulou had joined us and chanted, “Babette! Three fessées this last month!”

I blushed, and Belinda gave me high five!

We helped our friends with clearing up after the barbecue and Lilla announced, “We are awaited at the Russel Stars’ clubhouse for your welcome party, and we have to change into something more formal such as school skirts for you, and cheer team uniform for us…”

On the curbside in front of the house was an old 4 doors Jeep convertible. “What kind of cars have you got back home ?”

“I have a classic chick car, a Beetle convertible.”

Loulou added, “I have a very French Citroen deux cheveaux.”

I echoed, “She’s such a snob ! The Deuche is no longer produced, and a good reconditioned one costs as much as a new WV !”

We parked in front of the Russel Stars Clubhouse. It was a two floor building with colonnades on each side of the double door entrance. Inside, after a, vestibule it was a grand hall and the whole team was in uniforms and assembled with its coaches. We were impressed ! A team of eighteen girls when back home our team is only eight. We were honored by the French tricolor standing along side the lone star flag and the Russel Stars pennant.

A G.I. Jane like lady welcomed us, “Bienvenue, I am the head coach, and these are my assistants…” A tall girl from the team stepped forward, “…and this is Veronica the team captain. “There’s no tryout as you were scouted, and your team won the French national as well as the EU championship a year ago…”

She observed a few seconds of silence with a huge teasing smile. Belinda and Lilla were giggling as well as a number of girls. We were quite curious of what was next…

G.I. Jane added, “You have to be baptized before you are allowed to wear the Russel Stars’ uniform. According to our tradition it is for our latest newbie to be doing the honor. Abigail please step forward…”

With a purposefully wicked smile she pulled from behind her back a big old fashion school paddle decorated with silver stars. We silently mouthed ohs and ahs.

“Elisabeth and Louise please kiss Miss Paddle…” Abigail presented it to us and we respectfully kissed it.

“Now Miss Paddle will return your greetings with kissing your butts ! Raise your school skirts, keep your hands on your knees, Abigail please spank them as hard as you can!”



“And another one for good measure !”



That paddle had a fierce bite although Abigail didn’t have the swing of a tennis star. I watched Loulou, saw that she was still in position and not rubbing. I also remained in position, and resisted the urge to rub my fiery bum.

Miss G.I. Jane laughed, “Rub your butts silly Stars !”

This new Russel Star rubbed her bottom with another convincing, “OUCH!”

Then she told us. “There’s only two such old paddles at Russel, one with the College’s Principal and one with me. Although you are, if warranted, liable to have both of them applied to your nates, we usually first use a belt…”

I couldn’t figure if that was a blessing…

She sternly added, “Every month I will review your scholarly assessment. If you have less than 70% you will be punished in front of the team, and contrary to today it will be on the bare !”

We blushed, and I gulped…

Then we were both given a team sports bag with our uniforms and ordered to change, “The locker room is this way…”

In the bag we discovered sports bra, ankle and knee socks, all white. There was several uniforms with pleated or straight skirts or very short shorts. They were white with red and blue trimmings, or blue with white and red trims. The knickers or panties as they call them in the USA were white or red or blue. We had seen that today the team was wearing the white uniform and dressed similarly.

We returned to the assembly hall. Miss Coach slowly walked around us inspecting our uniforms. She raised our skirts and saw that we were wearing red knickers matching our well reddened derrieres. She ordered, “Abigail turn around and lift your skirt to show them your panties…”

We saw that she was wearing red knickers and breathed a sigh or relief. It was a short one! G.I. Jane bellowed, “Girls with red butts wear white knickers! Go and change! Double quick! We want to see what you can do…”

We ran, changed and returned…

Babette and Loulou

To be continued…


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