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I think you will like today’s input, here are a few photos…
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The Spanking Triangle
Please note when reading this story, this is the somewhat exaggerated account of a real relationship I had as an 18 year old way back in the 80s. I won’t tell you which bits are real and which I have amplified to add interest, but suffice to say the descriptions of the girls and their bottoms are entirely genuine.
The school we attended was (And still is) a typical semi-rural secondary school in the East Midlands. More of than half of the 1500 kids travelled in by bus and the school, built for 600 students, was always crowded as the feeder villages populations expanded over the years. Temporary classrooms helped to keep class sizes manageable, but the Drama, PE & lunch facilities were always a squeeze.
The 6th form was the first time we had PE with the girls. Up until then, they had always turned left to go up to the netball or hockey field and we had turned right and headed out for rugby or football. The curriculum for the 6th Form was different though. We had a wider choice of activities and the only way to ensure enough people for each sport was to allow us to mix. The winter term for the lower years normally involved cross country running and very wet rugby practice while the 6th Form however, took advantage of the choices offered to them and the majority opted for inside sports like badminton, trampoline or circuit training. On this particular week, I had opted for badminton. My usual circle of friends decided that watching the girls bouncing on the trampoline was more interesting and I had been left to find a new partner to play against.
As I wandered along the badminton courts, I saw 3 girls from my class. Claire & Alex were fraternal twins and both were friendly with Gail, a giggly, plump redhead. The official PE kit for inside games was black shorts and white T-Shirt for the boys and blue gym knickers and white T-Shirt for the girls. By the 6th Form, this was largely ignored. I was wearing my long sleeved red and white rugby shirt, Gail had added her netball skirt to her ensemble, but the twins were both correctly attired in just their gym knickers and white T-Shirt.
I should mention just how dissimilar Claire and Alex were. Claire was the oldest by 10 minutes or something, but you would place her age as a whole year or more above her sister. Tall and slender with a well developed bust and a slight broadening around the hips, Claire was blossoming into young womanhood from a gawky adolescence. Her blond straight hair was usually cut fairly short framing her round face. Her long legs ended in a nicely rounded bottom, something her current outfit showed to good effect. Alex on the other hand was a good 4” shorter, still flat chested to the extent that she still did not wear a bra, even for PE. She wore her hair a little longer, a style that suited her thinner face. The only similarity between the 2 girls was their unblemished, creamy white skin. Alex’s bottom and waist were still boyishly slim but her stature made her look no less slender and graceful than her elder sibling. Brought up by just their mother after their dad walked out, they were both popular and well known in the village.
This was all in contrast to their mutual best friend, Gail. Shorter still than Alex, she had developed a little earlier and both her bust and waist had swelled to adult proportions without the height to carry it. Her ginger hair was set off by a ruddy complexion, the cold weather giving her an almost raw look. No doubt she was embarrassed by her large rump and had chosen to cover it with her netball skirt. As a newcomer to the village, joining the school in the last year of juniors, her family still struggled for acceptance. Gail’s older brother was a bit of a wide boy and did the family name no favours at all.
We had all attended the same junior school, played together as children and sometimes worked together in class. Claire and Alex’s mother worked shifts in the same department at the hospital as my mum and as their house was closer to the school than mine, I had been round to their’s for my tea on many occasions. They were trying to play doubles badminton with just the 3 of them and so took up my offer to join them very readily. Unfortunately, none of us were very good and the game quickly degenerated into silliness. This would not have mattered had we not been spotted by the PE mistress just as Gail deliberately threw her racket over the net instead of the shuttlecock. As it was the end of the day and she knew that none of us had buses to catch home, our punishment was to stay behind and pack up all the courts. To be honest, we didn’t really mind as it meant that the ridiculously crowded changing rooms would have emptied somewhat before we got there.
As everyone else filed out of the sports hall, we started to wind up the nets and recover the shuttlecocks from the 4 corners of the sports hall they had ended up in. The girls were no less silly and giggly as we packed up then they had been during the lesson, throwing the equipment at each other and falling on the crash mats in a girly heap. I scowled at them as I tried to pack up the gear on my own, but the girls just stuck their tongues out at me and carried on messing about. My frustration reached a peak when Alex crept up behind me and deliberately tripped me up as I wound up one of the nets and I landed in a heap quite well wrapped up in it. They had to dig me out and untangle me from the mess of mesh and took every opportunity tickle and poke me as I lay there unable to properly defend myself. After 20 minutes during which I vented some of my anger at the girls including at least 10 sound spanks with a ping pong bat on Alex’s bottom and a couple of thwacks at both Claire & Gail, we had all the gear stowed back in store cupboard.
“I think you’ve left a mark on my bum” said Alex as we walked towards the changing rooms rubbing her gym knicker clad bottom.
“You seemed to enjoy the first one and it was no more than you deserved” I replied, eyeing up the reddish stain on the back of her leg. “Maybe you would all behave better if you received a good spanking now and again”
All 3 girls roared with laughter and ran into their changing room pretending to slap each others bottoms and mimicking my outburst. As Alex walked in, she shot me an odd, appraising look as though maybe the spanking had meant more to her than just a bit of fun. I held eye contact with her until she disappeared from view, hoping to reassure her that my intentions were also more than a bit of slap and tickle.
The boys changing room was entirely empty by the time I arrived. Just the normal debris of 150 boys trying to change in a space designed for 30; Old socks, a solitary trainer and the unmistakable odour of teenage boys who avoided showering whenever possible remained. My bag was squeezed on top of a rack of derelict lockers, doors hanging off and all the locks long since broken. All my clothes were crammed inside on top of my books, calculator and pens etc. The showers had been left on and after the 20 minutes they had been running, were actually hot ! I took advantage of this rarity, dug out a bottle of shampoo and towel from the depths of my bag, stripped off, piling my kit in a heap next to my bag and headed off with just the towel around my waist. The showers were in a block just around the corner from the main changing area. The floor was a lake as the main use for the showers was normally cleaning one’s dirty boots and this always blocked the drain up. I found a relatively clean area and hung my towel up on a screw that once upon a time held a proper hook. The shower was actually very good. I aimed 2 or 3 of the jets at my body from various angles and used almost all of the shampoo washing not just my hair, but all of me very thoroughly.
As I showered, I heard a door bang. I had soap in my eyes at this point, so I couldn’t really see whether it was somebody coming or going and so just assumed it was just the caretaker seeing if the room was empty or someone just fetching something they had forgotten. What a mistake ! I switched off the showers and headed back to the bench where my bag and clothes were, or should I say, had been.
They were gone ! No bag, no PE kit and no clothes ! I heard another door bang in the distance and 3 voices laughing and shouting. 3 voices I knew very well. I heard them calling my name in a sing song, teasing voice and had no option but to set out and find them. It wasn’t hard. Their voices could be heard coming from the room next to me. This was of course, the girl’s changing room and they left me in no doubt that this was to be my destination. Clad still in just my towel, I marched along the short deserted corridor and banged on the changing room door. It opened immediately revealing the 3 of them, fully clothed, in an otherwise empty room.
“Come in then” chided Claire “We wouldn’t want anyone to see you coming onto the girl’s changing room in just a towel” All 3 girls roared with laughter again and I quickly crossed the threshold into the room.
The door slammed behind me and Gail dropped the catch on the Yale lock normally used to keep our possessions safe during games, but now ensuring them privacy. I sat down on a bench and folded my arms defiantly. “Right, you’ve had your little game, give me my clothes back now” I said
“That “wasn’t very polite” replied Gail “I think there should be please in there somewhere.”
“Please give me my clothes back before I spank all 3 of you in turn then”
Another burst of laughter and 3 bottoms wiggled at me, just out of reach.
“You will have to ask much nicer than that if you don’t want to walk home in a towel” said Claire, tugging it playfully.
“Please can I have some clothes to wear as I am getting cold and feel very silly” I (Sort of) pleaded
“There,” said Claire “That wasn’t so hard was it ? I’m sure we can find you some clothes now”
Alex walked over to a large plastic tub near the door and started rummaging around in it. It was full of discarded clothing, to be worn by any unfortunate who had mislaid or forgotten their kit. Old PE kit, unwashed uniform, trainers and a towel or 2 that the girls had left behind in the changing room was all mixed up together and spilling out into untidy piles on the floor. There was a similar box in the boys room, but it only ever contained a few odd socks, a couple of very sweaty rugby shirts and a pair of shorts from about 1953. It appeared though that the girls lost or disposed of much more clothing. You could have kitted out half the school from their box. In hindsight, I would say most of the stuff in there was deemed too unfashionable by its former owners and had been “lost” so that it could be replaced by whatever the new uniform fad might be. Although the younger years were closely monitored for non-regulation items, black jeans rather than trousers, fashion skirts and tops rather than the rather dowdy official items, the upper years were allowed a certain amount of latitude. Alex pulled out a tightly pleated, slightly flounced skirt, like a PE skirt, but with an elastic waist band rather than the more usual button and wrap around kilt style. It was quite large around the waist, but no more than 16” long. Probably a cast off from a plump 4th year moving from the “almost uniform” look to an ankle length Goth skirt complete with tassels and beads. “Put this on” Alex commanded, holding out the navy blue garment.
“I don’t think so” I said stepping back and half smiling in anger and humiliation. None of the girls answered, but stood there smiling broadly
“Give me my sports bag” Still nothing. They just looked around holding their hands out palms up, as if to say “we haven’t got it.” I looked around but it was nowhere in sight. There was a million places to hide my stuff and not all in the same place either. The lockers in the girl’s room were in much better condition and some still had locks and even keys. If they had locked my stuff in one of those, they could just disappear off home and leave me stranded in the girls changing room dressed only in a damp and chilly towel. I sagged and acted like I was accepting my fate, at least for now.
“You can put it on under your towel, we won’t peek” giggled Gail. “The 3 girls moved to block the door I had been inching towards in the hope of at least making it back to the boys changing room and grabbing whatever I could to cover my shame for the trip home. With the door blocked, I had no choice but to capitulate or cause a huge fuss and then walk home in just my towel. I was trapped.
I grudgingly took the skirt from Alex and turned my back on the girls. Having never worn a skirt before, I had to examine it to work out which was the front. The pleats seemed to go all the way round and so I guessed that it didn’t matter. I stepped into it and pulled it up my legs. I so nearly got it past my bottom before my towel fell off. There was a shriek of laughter as I flashed my backside at them, but within a second, I was semi-decent again. I turned around to see Alex rummaging on the box again. She pulled out a white polo shirt that formed both part of the summer uniform and was worn by some of the school’s sports teams.
“Wait” said Claire “I think he needs something under that” She pulled open her sports bag and pulled out her black sports bra. This was basically a cropped vest top without any catches or adjustable bits. She roughly pulled it over my head and tugged it into position. She stood back at gazed at me with a critical eye. “Stuffing” she said, reaching into her bag and coming out with a pair of socks. She wedged these onto the bra cubs and kneaded them into shape.
“No way” I said “what do you think you are doing ?”
“We thought you would like to be one of the girls” Replied Claire, through yet another fit of giggles. “Put on the polo shirt and let’s see how you look”
I looked at her for a moment, rolled my eyes and pulled on the polo shirt. I tucked in the polo shirt into the skirt, finding my “boobs” gave it a very flattering shape. I was a lot slimmer then than I am now !
“Not bad” said Gail “but what about his short hair ?”
Alex dived back into the box and emerged with a baseball cap bearing the logo of some long defunct netball team. She pulled it over my head and my appearance changed straight away.
I looked like a sporty schoolgirl, not too full a figure, but with well defined leg
& arm muscles. A pair of red football socks completed the picture and helped to disguise my slightly hairy legs. These arrived along with my trainers from my sports bag that had magically appeared from nowhere.
“Ready to walk home then ?” said Claire.
“Once you pass me my underpants” I replied “I’m not having you lot trying to lift my skirt up all the way home
“EUGHH” shrieked all 3 girls “No Way are we touching those !!!”
“Give me my bag and I’ll get them out then” I said, rolling my eyes and looking around for my bag that had by then disappeared again.
Alex ignored me and went back to the lost property box. “I can’t find any knickers in here.”
“No you won’t” said Claire “Miss Patterson takes them all out, she says it’s not hygienic”
“What’s he going to wear then ?” asked Alex
“I know” giggled Gail. The girls went onto a huddle and whispered and giggled for a moment, shooting looks at me before continuing their discussion
“Turn around and face the wall” ordered Claire. There was a rustle and more giggles before she told me to turn back. Gail was smoothing her skirt back down with one hand and was holding a pair of gym knickers.
“So it’s all right for me to wear a pair of your sweaty knickers, but not for you to hand me mine ?”
“I wear mine over my normal knickers” replied Gail “So they are not all sweaty and whiffy like yours”
Shrugging, I pulled them up, working them under the skirt without exposing myself. They were tight round my crotch, but baggy across my backside. Gail’s bottom being much bigger than mine. The worst part was, they were still warm, musky and just a little sweaty. My balls were trying to squeeze out of the sides of the gusset and my cock was wedged against the tight cotton of the front panel. At least that stopped my growing hard on showing. I put on my trainers and did them up. Claire handed me her coat, a pink anorak and fished my coat out of my bag that I could now see was hidden under the bench. She zipped it up and watched as I did the same, its smallish size pulling closely across my expanded chest. Standing I said “Come on then, hand over my bag now, I’m ready to go”
“I think not” said Claire slyly. “You’ll just run to the boys changing rooms and change back into you normal clothes.” Curses, my plan was thwarted ! This was exactly what I had planned to do as soon as I realised what the girls were doing. My shame would have been limited to a 10 pace journey to the boys changing rooms but this was not to be. Alex opened the door and ran off with my bag containing all my clothes. “See you at home” she called back to her sister before running off at high speed.
Claire, Gail and I walked out of the school into the damp, cold evening air a few moments later. It was mercifully quiet as both students and staff had by now departed for the day and the evening classes had yet to start. Claire and Alex lived only a few hundred yards from the school, down a narrow lane running off the main village street. We crossed the road and with me feeling very self conscious, smoothing down the pleats of my skirt as we started down the path. The feeling of walking in a skirt was very strange. My legs, particularly my upper thighs felt exposed, even though they were covered by the skirt. Every step caused the skirt to swish against my legs, in a way trousers or shorts never do. My sock “Boobs” bounced slightly as I walked and I was very aware of them bobbing just below my eye line. The girls chatted but appeared more nervous than I was. There was no giggling or messing around, just glances around in case they spotted someone they knew. I don’t think they expected to succeed with their joke and were well aware that they would be in serious trouble if the truth came out. We saw nobody for the entire journey and it was with much relief all around that I closed their front door behind me.
The house felt overheated and stuffy as we walked in. Gail & Claire headed for the kitchen as I closed the front door. I could hear Alex thumping around upstairs and the lack of car told me their mum was still at work. I peeled off Claires coat and, spying my bag on the sofa in the lounge, walked in and shut the door behind me. I dug around in my bag and dragged out my trousers and after kicking off my trainers, slid them on. At last I could get that skirt off. I pulled it off and dumped it on the sofa, followed by the hat, polo shirt and bra. Damn, I still had the knickers on. Gail could have them back tomorrow.
The door opened as I sat on the hard leather sofa, buttoning up my shirt. Alex walked in wearing just her gym knickers & school blouse. “I want to show you the marks you left on me” she said, sticking her bottom in my face & pulling back the seat to reveal a set of round red marks made by the head of the ping pong bat. I reached up and rubbed her exposed buttock, fully expecting her to flinch or move away. Instead, she pushed herself harder against my hand, almost sitting on my lap. My fingers traced the red marks, feeling how they had cut a little into the skin. “Is the other side the same ?” I asked. She stood up and drew up the other side of her knickers. I turned her round and examined her closely. There was just one mark on this cheek, a lot fainter than the other side. I rubbed it gently and then gave her a few gentle slaps. Alex’s whole body language changed. She relaxed towards me, trusting me not to hurt her, but to help her on a journey of self discovery of anticipation, excitement then mild pain, followed by an extended state of ecstasy. I guided her down so she was now laying across my lap, her knickers pulled into the crack of her bum, both cheeks exposed. She winced as her legs bent. “Are you OK ?” I asked
“Yes, it’s just my knickers are cutting into me”
“Would you like me to pull them down” I asked, voice trembling a little with my own anticipation
“Yes please, take them off”
I reached my hand to the far side of her waist so that I could pull her knickers off and as she shifted her weight I was able to slide them down to her ankles. Unlike Gail, she did not wear anything under her gym knickers and so she was now almost naked, just her blouse covering her trunk, the very top of her buttocks and her pussy. She kicked them off and then lay back down onto my lap, handing control back solely to me. I rested my handed lightly upon her bottom. Apart from the red marks from our earlier encounter, her creamy white complexion was as much in evidence on her bottom as everywhere else. I gently stroked her, allowing my hands to trace the transition from cheek to thigh. I looked down and decided upon a spanking strategy. I had never properly spanked anybody before although I had often fantasised about it. I was nervous and uncertain about a number of things. What if I hurt Alex, either physically or mentally? What if we were caught ? I had no idea when her mother would be home or what the reaction of Claire or Gail would be. I was sure Alex did not want to have sex with me, but no doubt she could feel my hard on through my trousers and like any 18 year old boy I would have fucked her at the drop of a hat. Fortunately, Alex’s arousal grew greater as I gently stroked her and tried to rationalise my fears. She squirmed a little and opened her legs slightly, causing a fresh wave of worry for me as her tight pussy lips peeked out from between her buttocks. It was all I could do not to come there and then, so I felt now was the time to start. I lifted my hand about 18” and cupping my fingers slightly brought it down firmly on Alex’s left buttock. The smack landed with a satisfying noise but without any real power. I repeated the stroke on her right buttock, this time a little harder. At every spank, Alex tensed momentarily before relaxing back onto my lap. I carried on for a few smacks, getting harder all the time. Her bottom seemed to rebound from the spanks very well. There was very little wobble when my hand landed, just the flexing of the muscle after each shot. It gave the impression of being very well toned, but the truth was more that she had yet to gain her womanly shape.
After about 20 strokes a red glow was becoming visible on Alex’s bottom and I decided to stop. Having no experience of giving a real spanking, I was worried that I was doing her real damage. I know now that we should just have been getting started, and that her warmed up bottom would have taken much more attention before so much as a bruise resulted. I rested my hand on her bum, feeling the heat radiating from it.
“Thank you” she said, surprising me totally. There had been no tears or cries of pain, just the occasional flinch as the spanks landed. I think I expected her to just get up or hurl abuse at me as her tormentor. It was only later that I realised how much she gained from the experience.
“Have you been spanked before ?”
“No, my mum used to smack us now and again, but this is different, it’s not a punishment, it’s a deep fantasy played out in real life, I feel tha…”
Just then the door crashed open and Gail and Claire came bounding in. Alex jumped up, her hands covering her pussy from view, but not before I had appraised her smooth hairless slit with an engorged clit just poking out.
“Have you just smacked her ?” exclaimed Claire, her eyes wide. “I thought we heard something” Alex pulled on the skirt I had discarded earlier and replied brightly “Well, he did promise and it’s your turn next” The atmosphere changed totally. The intense loving and sensual period we had just enjoyed was replaced by the playful tone of our earlier school encounter. I am sure Alex wanted to hide her sensations of pleasure from the spanking from Claire, at least until she knew how she felt about it and would react. Gail blushed to almost the same colour as her hair and said very rapidly “You’re not smacking my arse, all I want is my knickers back and then I need to go before my mum worries”
“Sorry,” I replied “Still wearing them. You can have them back tomorrow. Do you want to see me spank Claire before you go ?” She froze by the door and turned to watch the unfolding action.
Claire was still looking at Alex appraisingly. “Lets have a look at the damage then” Alex turned round and raised the skirt, the redness already fading. “Did it hurt ?” Claire asked
“No, not really” Replied Alex “That’s why I let him take my knickers off.”
Claire bit her lip and looked apprehensive. “You stripped off in front of him ?”
“Not much, I was laying across his lap at the time, it was only my bum he could see”
I didn’t correct her.
Claire was obviously still not convinced. I grabbed her wrist and guided her fully clothed onto my lap. She kicked her legs and tried to scrabble free, but I held onto her wrist and bent it behind her back in a sort of half nelson. She squeaked with pain as I tweaked it a bit further and she lay quietly. I placed my free hand on her bottom and caressed it gently. Claire reacted totally differently to her sister.
“Just get it over with will you, I can’t stand waiting like this” She pleaded. I obliged by landing a good whack across her skirt clad bottom. Not the clean smack of a naked bottom, but the thud of my hand having its energy dissipated through at least 3 layers of material.
“Owwww” She screamed “OW OW OW OW OW” as I landed another volley of blows.
“That’s no good, I want to see you get a good spank on the bum like I had” said Alex. She moved across the room and undid the zip on Claire’s skirt. Claire looked round and started to mouth “No” but Alex persisted and continued to tug the skirt off. I glanced up to see Gail watching, her expression one of concern. Alex however ignored her presence and carried on. Tights and knickers quickly followed and soon I had found myself gazing down on a different scene.
This second bottom in 10 minutes was very different. Unfettered from the layers of material holding it firm and shapely, Claires bum seemed to flatten and spread before my eyes. There were a few dull marks, presumably from the spanks already delivered and a definite whiff of muskiness similar to that from Gail’s knickers, but absent from Alex. It occurred to me afterwards that when Alex had run on ahead, she had taken the opportunity to freshen up in the bathroom and don a clean pair of knickers prior to the rest of us arriving. Claire kicked her legs, revealing her pussy. Almost as tight as Alex’s but with just a little wispy hair, I tried to ignore it and concentrate on the job in hand. I shifted her weight slightly, feeling her bust press against my legs, not a sensation I could have got from Alex.
I think that I probably started on Claires bottom at the weight I finished off with on Alex’s. Her cheeks wobbled wonderfully on every spank and she yelped like a scolded cat the whole time. After 10 smacks and no sign of the redness I had seen with Alex, I stopped. It was obvious that although Claire had sort of enjoyed the encounter, she did not share the emotions of her sister. As soon as I rested, Claire lifted off my lap, pulling down her blouse to cover as much of her midriff as possible. I saw that the front of her pussy was covered with a light frizz of pubic hair before she moved her hand down to cover herself, grabbing her clothes and backing towards the door without another word. I looked at Alex apprehensively. “Is she OK ?” Alex shrugged.
“I think so, I’ll check”
Alex left the room after her sister leaving me to gather my thoughts. In the space of a little more than an hour, I had been humiliated, dressed as a girl, paraded through the streets and punished my tormentors. I had seen my first 2 semi naked girls for real. My exposure to porn magazines and grainy VHS tapes had not prepared me what counted as my first sexual experience.
I looked up at Gail, still frozen by the door. The twins had had to push past her but she had still not moved. I smiled at her. “Well, what do you think ?”
She was obviously not sure. I think she was torn between the desire the sample the delights of a hard spanking and the memory of beatings at home. Although she had never said as much, I could imagine that both her mum and dad were free with their hands on both children.
“I need to go” she said “Make sure you bring my knickers tomorrow, don’t forget it’s PE again”
I smiled. “How could I forget ? I’m looking forward to another game of badminton.”
Gail shouted her goodbyes to the twins and headed home.
Alex returned, still dressed in the pleated skirt & blouse. “She’s fine” she said, sitting on my lap and placing her hand around my back and her head on my shoulder. “She was in the bathroom looking at her bottom for marks. I think she’s disappointed there are no bruises.”
I smiled. “I’ll try harder next time”
“Not with Claire, I think once was enough. She just feels the pain, not the nice bit afterwards.”
“What do you feel ?”
Alex shifted and thought for a while. “A lot of things” she replied. “I like the build up, been forced to bend over your knee exposing myself to you. Feeling powerless to react, submitting to your will.”
I stroked the side of her leg, my hand pushing her skirt a little further up her thigh.
“What about the pain ?” I asked
“That’s not something I dwell on” She said. “It just increases the feeling afterwards, makes it more intense.”
My hand was now stroking her bottom again. She changed her position, sitting astride my legs with her back against my chest. She hooked her legs over mine, her bottom pushed into my groin as I leant back on the sofa. I’m sure she could feel my advanced state of arousal, but made no mention of it. I moved my hands over the top of her legs, stroking her thighs, gently probing upwards. Alex opened her legs a little wider and at last, my hands were brushing each side of her soft, smooth pussy. I had never dreamt of doing such a thing and was uncertain of not only what I should do, but what I would feel down there. I continued to stroke the velvety outer lips for a while before Alex reached down herself and opened her pussy by rubbing her fingers up the tight slit. She grasped my hand and showed me where to press and where to rub. Her vagina was wonderfully moist and quickly capitulated to some gentle finger pressure. Her clit was already peaking out between those hairless lips, inviting a touch. “Gently” she murmured, showing me the touch that worked best for her. With one hand still on her pussy, I slid the other up to her chest. Despite the apparent flat chest, her breast buds and nipples were to be found. I ran my fingers over them causing Alex to sigh with pleasure. She made no complaint as I unbuttoned her blouse and stimulated her directly. Within a very few minutes Alex’s breathing became deep and her eyes half closed. She pressed my hand deeper into her urging my touch to become heavier. I pinched her nipples, wishing I had more hands to touch her in more places. Eventually she pushed my hands away from her pussy and up to her breasts, She worked herself to orgasm as I pinched both nipples at the same time. As I felt her body sag, I removed my hands and cuddled her tightly. She responded with a deep kiss and a tight embrace.
After a few minutes, Alex lifted herself from my lap. “I must get changed before mum gets home” she said “Why don’t you stay for tea ?”
“OK” I said, after a few seconds thought “Mums not home until later and she will have expected me to have eaten”
“Go through to the kitchen and tell Claire, it’s her turn to cook tonight” said Alex, moving through the door. Alex walked up the stairs to the room she shared with her sister. I followed her out of the lounge and walked into the kitchen. Claire had changed her clothes and returned downstairs and was now dressed in a jumper and jeans. She was standing by the window, just staring out. I walked up behind her and stroked my hand across her bottom, ending up holding her around her slim waist. She flinched and moved away a little. When she turned, her eyes looked watery, her expression a worried frown.
“You won’t hurt Alex will you?” she asked
“With a few taps on her bum, I shouldn’t think so”
“That’s not what I meant, you are the first person she has been intimate with, she has never been close to anybody before.”
It was my turn to flinch now. The colour drained from me.
“I saw you on the sofa when I came downstairs from getting dressed.” continued Claire “I know what you were both doing. I don’t think she has never been touched like that by anyone else before”
“Will you say anything, I mean to your mum or anyone ?” I asked, fear apparent in my voice.
Claire smiled. “No, but don’t make me regret it, Since Dad left, we all look out for each other. Please don’t let Alex down or abuse her trust. I think she is quite vulnerable at the moment.”
I kissed Claire firmly on the lips much to her surprise, smiled and moved away. “Trust me” I said “The last thing I want is to hurt her.” We looked at each other for a moment exchanging a short nod before turning to the job in hand of making tea. I went to pick up a loaf to cut some bread but Claire stopped me. “Wash your hands before you touch anything. I know where your hands have been !” I grinned at her and turned on the tap.
I made it home that night just before my parents got back from work. Dad had picked Mum up and brought in a Chinese takeaway (Food I hate) and so was happy I had already eaten. I retired to the privacy of my bedroom. Slid the bolt I had installed myself across the door and lay on my bed. My mind was whirling with the emotions and thoughts of the last few hours. I remembered I was still wearing Gail’s knickers and removed my trousers before stroking my rock hard cock through the tight cotton. As I replayed the spanking and caressing of Alex in my mind, in no time at all I felt myself coming. I made no attempt to stop myself or remove the knickers, but let the goo bubble into them. I lay there feeling the sperm dribble from my softening cock until the clamminess made me remove them. I gingerly pulled the knickers off, being careful not to smear cold spunk down my legs. I used a clean part of the knickers to clean my self up before putting on some clean pants and replacing my trousers. I looked at the sticky, smelly knickers now lying on my desk. There was no way Gail could have those back in that condition. I bunched into my hand and sped across the landing into the bathroom. Spinning the hot tap on, I rinsed the knickers through and rubbed some soap into the worst of the stains. After a second rinse, the knickers were clean. I just needed somewhere to dry them now. I looked around. The pipes to the bath and sink were boxed in along the skirting board. There was a gap at the sink where the pipes came through just big enough for me to get my hand into. I took the knickers, folded them neatly and inserted them into the gap as far as I could. The dark knickers disappeared into the void and would hopefully sit on the warm pipes and be dry by the morning. Feeling pleased with myself, I thew some pants and trousers on and walked back downstairs to join my parents on the sofa for a good dose of TV.
The following morning started badly. I overslept after taking ages to drop off to sleep. I kept worrying my hiding place being discovered and couldn’t sleep until I knew my parents were asleep. My dreams were of Alex, Gail & Claire. Trying to make love to one of them while dressed as a girl while the others watched and giggled, being spanked by the PE mistress in front of the class and finally wanking in the girls changing room on Alex’s sofa in front of them all! I woke up to find I had had a wet dream and my shorts were wet and sticky. I stripped them off and hid them under the bed, before collapsing back into bed and sleeping until shaken awake by my Mum as she headed to work. I just had time to wash and dress, grab my school stuff and head out of the door at a run, cramming a piece of cold toast in my mouth as I went. I arrived in the form room just in time to be signed into the register and sank into a seat at the back of the room. The bell rang shortly afterwards and we headed off to our first classes.
Alex, Claire and Gail hurried over to greet me. I smiled at Alex but did not hug or kiss her. We walked to our French class and took a table with them all at the back.
“Have you got them then ?” Asked Gail
“Got what?” I asked puzzled.
“My PE knickers” She growled, under her breath “We’ve got PE again after lunch”
“Ooops, sorry I forgot them” They were still wedged in with the pipes in the bathroom and I’d not thought to check if they were dry yet. “You’ll have to manage without them”
Gail glowered at me for a minute before an idea occurred to her “You can buy me a new pair from the uniform shop at lunch time” She said brightly. Great, no dinner for me then. I didn’t know how much they cost, but I only had £2 in my pocket. We arranged to meet outside the school shop at the beginning of lunch. With any luck, she could buy them and give me back enough change for a Mars Bar at least.
The school shop was a cross between a tuck shop, stationers, second hand bookshop and uniform outfitters. It was open every lunch hour and was run by some of the mothers. These days, I’m sure it would be full of healthy snacks and bottles of overpriced water, but in the 80s, tuck shops were seen as a perk of frugal dinner money spending. Text books and pens could be bought and worn out or lost uniform replaced. As it was all the old fashioned regulation garments, the uniform department was never busy during term time with just the odd tie and occasional PE kit being sold. Pushy mothers of the younger years insisted on buying their children a year of humiliation by getting all their uniform from the shop, safe in the knowledge they were “doing their bit” for the school.
Gail was standing outside when I got there and smiled as she saw me approach. I held out the cash but she pushed my hand away. “Come on inside” she said. We walked in and pushed through the crowd buying sweets and crisps to the uniform counter at the back of the shop. We waited by the counter until one of the mums came over. “Yes my dears, what would you like ?”
“A pair of PE knickers please” said Gail
The lady reached under the counter and came back up with a box of various pairs of the navy blue knickers. “What size ?”
Gail turned to me and looked me up and down, as if assessing my size. “Lets try age 14-16”
The lady found a pair and held them out to Gail. She took them and pushed them against my waist, stretching the elastic to see if it would fit. “What do you think ?” she said to me, grinning mischievously. I made an indecipherable noise and backed away, blushing deeply. Gail turned back to the lady who looked a little confused. “Yes, he’ll take them thank you, how much ?”
“Erm £1.70 please” she said looking between the 2 of us. I handed the money over and she gave me the change. Gail handed me the knickers and turned to go. I stuffed them into my pocket, grunted “Thanks” to the lady who was now smirking and hurried after her, any thoughts of buy a Mars Bar banished from my mind.
Outside, Gail was leaning against the wall with tears running down her face, heaving in silent laughter. Claire and Alex appeared from nowhere and their similar demeanour persuaded me they had been in on the plan. I pulled the knickers out of my pocket and threw them at Gail. “Here take YOUR knickers !” I snarled, stalking off. I had no doubt that the mum who had served us would tell her friends what had happened and just hoped she didn’t know me or Gail well enough to work out who I was. I certainly wouldn’t be going into the shop for a while. I looked back to see Gail waving the knickers at me and dissolving into another fit of laughter.
PE that afternoon was held outside as the sports hall was being filled with tables for exams. We were still in the mixed groups as normal, but had a limited choice of activities. Mixed rugby, football, Hockey or contact sports were not allowed. The teachers said this was because the boys were too rough, but we all knew it was because the girls used it as an excuse to pinch and grope the boys incessantly. There was therefore only netball or cross country running on offer. With all of us living in the village, a bunk off home during the run was almost tradition. We joined the rest of the runners and made a good show of heading off at a good trot though the light drizzle towards the main road. All 4 of us quickly dived out of view at the earliest opportunity and ended up outside the twin’s house. Claire rummaged around under a large flowerpot near the door and found the spare key and we went inside.
The lounge was warm after our chilly run but we were all shivering a little from the cold damp air outside. Claire offered to make some soup and went through to the kitchen. I think Alex was hoping Gail would join her, but she didn’t, continuing to perch on the arm of the sofa I was sat upon.
“Knickers comfortable ?” I asked, lifting Gail’s skirt up her thigh a little.
She jumped and blushed as she swept it back down.
“He still owes you a spanking” said Alex, slyly.
Gail made to jump up, but I was too quick and grabbed her around the waist. I held her firmly with one hand and tickled her under the arms and around her middle until she collapsed in a giggling heap on the floor.
“Why don’t you do it Alex ?” I suggested.
Alex looked at me wide eyed before glancing down at Gail, who by know resembled an untidy pile of limbs and random body parts. She looked up at Alex with a start, trying to gauge if I was serious and whether Alex would take me up on the offer. Before she could answer, I reached down and flipped the fastener on her PE skirt. It fell from her waist, revealing the new knickers she had embarrassed me with earlier that day. I motioned Alex to sit before standing myself over Gail and pulling her up and then over Alex’s knees. I sat down next to Alex, gazing over at Gail’s large ruddy bottom straining to escape from her knickers.
Gail looked much older and bigger than Alex when draped over her small lap. Her short legs still didn’t reach the ground, but the sofa helped to support her weight. Her broad hips stretched almost the width of Alex’s legs, while her ample bosom nestled deliciously into the soft cushions of the sofa. Never had I wanted to be a sofa cushion so much before – or since!!
“Pants down I think” said Alex not even pausing to let Gail reply as she grabbed the waist of the knickers and wiggled them over Gail’s bottom. I was treated to a wonderful view of Gail’s ruddy bottom, framed by her gym knickers sitting at the top of her thighs.
Whack ! Alex landed the first stroke. I could see the ripples on Gail’s bottom as the energy was dissipated across it.
“OHHHH” shrieked Gail, her pink face going redder still.
Smack, Smack, Smack. Alex landed 3 more spanks, causing even more wobbles. I noticed Claire had sagged slightly and was not fighting as much. She was obviously enjoying receiving Alex’s hand as much as Alex enjoyed meting it out. She must have delivered over 20 spanks before she noticed how much redder Gail’s bottom had become, and decided as I had the day before, to stop. Gail remained draped over her lap, breathing heavily, tufts of ginger pubes poking out from around her pussy.
Claire walked back in with a tray of mugs of soup. She did not seem in the least bit shocked at the sight of Gail’s bottom, but simply sat on the chair opposite and hugged her mug. Gail slid off Alex’s lap and hauled her knickers back up. She looked around for her skirt, but I motioned to her to sit down without it.
“Drink your soup and get it later” I said. She nodded and sat back down on the arm of the sofa, next to me. I felt I should be able to feel the heat radiating from her rump, perched just inches from me. Her bottom spilled over either side of the sofa arm, seemingly increasing its already buxom proportions. I stared at it as I drank my soup, vaguely fantasising about attempting a rear entry on it. Eventually I looked back at Alex, who was obviously engaged in a similar dream and gave her a broad wink. She smiled back at me, a satisfied smile indicating to me that she had enjoyed the afternoon every bit as much as Gail and myself.
Claire suddenly jumped up “Runners” she shouted, pointing out of the window. Just visible on the main street were the poor unfortunates returning from their jaunt around the countryside. We downed the last of our soup and ran for the door. I snatched up Gail’s skirt and got through the door first, my trophy held high. Gail came thundering after me, catching me up as I got to the school gate. I almost felt like throwing the skirt up where she could not reach it and make her run back into school in her knickers (As she should, if the uniform code was enforced) but I relented and allowed her to return to the changing room as she had left. No one seemed to notice that about 1/3rd of the class were much cleaner than the rest. I guess quite a few had not participated fully in the full activity, but I doubt any had enjoyed their skive as much as us!
The rest of the day passed off without incident and after school we headed to our respective homes. No doubt we all re-played the past couple of days in our minds that evening, but of course before the days of the internet and social media, we couldn’t discuss it – at least not without risking using the home phone!
So there you have it dear reader. In the space of a scant 24 hours, the 4 of us had experienced a hitherto unexplored part of our collective psyche, and I think we had all enjoyed the adventure. We never really discussed it much afterwards, but my relationship with Alex continued for the rest of the school year. It’s a shame it fizzled out when we went our separate ways after 6th form, with university and work in the offing, but through the miracles of social media, we are all still in touch. We’re all in happy, settled relationships, but I wonder how many of them still feature a little pain mixed with pleasure now and again!
Asa’s note…how lovely to think of them still in touch. Thank you Reverend, a lovely trip down an exciting memory lane.
We had nine for dinner, and they stayed until night, Christmas Eve was busy, at the end of the day, around 6 o’clock it was peeling brussels sprouts etc and at mid-day today (Boxing Day) my wife I emerged from the kitchen, all the house tidy, pots done and time for a chill….hence, here I am!
My dear friend ‘B’ had something going off at her site for Christmas, ou might want to check it out…
Click on links and contributors above, then scroll down to her blog…
To read more of the work of ‘B’, click on ‘links and contributors’ above, then click on ‘contributors’ and scroll down to her.
Wuthering Moors part 3
Alicia and Betty trooped into class with their ‘chums’. Whispering for each other,
“Its like going back in time!”
“Just like some Westworld with the sisters being the Indians!”
There was two classrooms, it meant about 15 to 20 girls per classes. A mean looking sister presided our class. It was an old fashion classroom with the teach’s desk on a platform, and old wooden desks with attached seats. Betty shared with Louise, and Alicia shared with Jenny. As we sat we took more details such as the old blackboard with a chalk written warning, “Cheaters will be caned!” A school cane hanged between the blackboard and a huge map of Yorkshire.
“Good morning young ladies, we are going to have a nice dictation. As usual the pass mark is 12/20. Less 4 points per grammar and vocabulary mistakes, less two points for other mistakes…” She slightly raised her voice as she added, “And a bare bottom spanking in front of the class for those who fail!”
Alicia’s eyebrows danced, Betty grinned. Alicia knew why, Betty was a spelling bee at their old school. Alicia wasn’t, and she was also concerned by that bare bottom spanking in front of the whole class. At their former school, with the exception of rare dorm smackings, punishments were administered within the teachers studies.
Alicia sweated, it was a challenging dictation for O or even A levels. Jenny seemed to sail through it. The present perfect, the toughest tense, a nightmare! Once done, the mistress picked up our work and told one girl to recite a poem she had to learn as a penance. All of us were told to remain quiet while she corrected.
Alicia didn’t have to hold her breath for too long. “Alicia zero! Come here!” She stood and remained hesitant. “Don’t make me fetch you!” The teach stood, pulled her chair away from her desk, stepped down, grabbed Alicia by an ear, and had her bending over her knees in front of the class. Then she pulled her skirt up and yanked her knickers down. Alicia mouthed a surprised, “Oh!”
It was a severe spanking. That nun must have been gardening for years and she had leathered hands. Alicia must have got a hundred smacks. Her bottom and thighs were crimson, and she showed all her girly secrets to everyone in the class. “Oooouuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccchhhh!!!”
Then she pulled her up by another ear, pinned her skirt up with clothes-pegs and tugged her knickers down to her knees before ordering, “Stand by the blackboard with your hands on your head.” We saw that she was blushing almost as red as her bum. Two more girls were similarly spanked and joined her.
Then it was the mid morning break and Betty was bursting with silly questions. “How was it? Is your bum still ablaze?”
“It was fiery, and my butt and thighs are still throbbing!”
“You showed everything to everyone! Naughty girl!”
I know! I couldn’t help it, especially when she started smacking my thighs!”
“That was so …. ah …. so intense …. and…”
Betty had a suggestive smile, “And you’re excited!”
Alicia blushed some more, and a bell interrupted them. They returned in class. The next nun wrote four equations on the blackboard. “The passing grade is 10/20. You have 30 minutes.” Alicia with a devilish grin for Betty returned her work in 20 minutes.
The 30 minutes were up. Alicia was told to pick up the papers. The nun corrected them and shouted, “Betty come here! Now!” It took no more than a few seconds for Betty to moon the class. That nun was a marathon spanker and after 100 spanks Betty’s nates and thighs were glowing, and she had reveled her button to the whole class. Her skirt was pinned up, and with her knickers at half mast she had to stand next to the blackboard with her hands on her head. She was joined by three more girls.
It was time for Alicia to laugh, “Whoa! We saw your clitty! Naughty girl!”
“Ouch! She roasted my bum!” She rubbed her skirt over her derriere.
Alicia teased, “Don’t stain it!”
Betty tried to grab Alicia’s skirt, “Its airing time !”
Alicia pulled it back…
A nun barked, “No fighting! Both of you 3 demerits!”
Then it was lunch and all the girls who were spanked had quite an appetite. Jenny and Louise asked each other while smiling for Alicia and Betty, “Haven’t they added 6 dems now?”
Alicia and Betty
To be continued…
You are invited to play with us !
We have a new website !
You will find an Application Form in the pages of our blog at
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To read the rest, click on ‘photo stories’, and scroll down to number 87
As Princess walked into her selected room, the sun came out. She looked around at the town where she lived, surrounding her treasured place. She knew that many buildings all around her were higher or equal to the one she owned, she knew people looked, and she loved that.
Walking proud, and with no shame, she displayed herself to any would be ‘watchers’, as she walked to the apparatus.
She began to set it up, in half an hour ‘girl’ would be here.
more to come…
To read more of these type of stories where they are delivered in parts with three photos at a time, click on ‘Photo Stories’ above. Then scroll down to number 87…
The Governess of Spanking Dreams had a hidden desire.
It was to be submissive for her pet, it was their secret, and only allowed when she was in the mood. She gave Princess Spanky instructions that Samantha had to be called ‘girl’ and her Mistress was to be called ‘Princess’. No mercy was to be given to her bottom.
With those simple instructions in mind, Princess went to an old building she owned, and set up some simple apparatus on the top floor. She purchased some ‘Achilles Boots’ but not with an extreme heel, and some evening gloves. She also purchased a Gorean Stainless Steel Polished Slave Collar. She knew that her Mistress owned a copy of every Gor book by John Norman.
Up she climbed.
The building was huge, cold, and more than a little spooky. She liked it that way.
The previous day she had stashed a few implements away, and picked them up on route. She went through the door where she had set up the simple apparatus. “Oh good, all is still here.”
She knew they would be, but suspected spirit activity in the building , and… ‘you never know.’
She walked over with the implements.
more to come…