Photo Set 539 ~ Part Two of set 530 ~ Navy Blue Knickers, White Vest, White Socks, Plimsols…and Miss Kenworthy!

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…as instructed, Kate walked solemnly to her fate, and her appointment with Miss Kewnworthy’s hairbrush.

Miss Kenworthy listened to Kate’s nervous shallow breathing, it was something she loved. A confirmation of the power and dominance she had over naughty girls.

“You have been a very naughty girl young lady! To start with, I am going to redden your bare bottom with this hairbrush, from cold! That means that it will be given with no mercy…do you understand? I usually give naughty girls a slow warm up to their red bottom, but not with you! Your bare bottom will feel the full force of this vintage, thick, heavy, solid, oak hairbrush from the off! Now turn around, let me bare your bottom for you!” Miss Kenworthy spoke in a fierce frightening voice.

“Yes Miss.” Said poor Kate as she turned.

As Miss Kenworthy delicately pulled the tight navy blue school knickers of the naughty girl down, she feasted her eyes on the lovely firm target before her.

She let the elastic of the waistband go with a snap, which gave Kate a jump.


Miss Kenworthy said nothing, and just smiled to herself.

Miss Kenworthy leaned backwards to allow Kate the room to bend over her lap. “Right, over my knees you go, and look smart about it, I have not got all day, even if your bottom does deserve to be spanked all day long!”

She adjusted the position of herself and the naughty girl. As she did so her bottom slipped delightfully over the edge of the stool, making a little shock wave ripple through the soft moist flesh of her pussy, and right to her clitoris.

She had experienced this a few times, usually when she was excited about giving a no holds barred, full blooded spanking on a lovely plump bottom. She could feel the wetness of her knickers. She knew from previous experience that rocking as she spanked, could very easily give her an orgasm. She wiggled slightly and the sensation hit her clit straight away.

“Push your bottom up for me Kate…that’s it, present it to me for a spanking….keep it there. The pressure from the soft warm flesh of Kate, and the shockwaves from the spanking rippling through her buttocks would act two ways.

Kate’s pussy was running free, the mixed smell of warm damp slippery cunts mingled and drifted into the nostrils of them both, the motion began, and two engorged sets of pussy lips began to rub each side of two stiff little clittys!

Miss Kenworthy lifted the heavy hairbrush high, and the two decidedly wet groins began to grind into each other involuntarily, picking up a rhythm that would increase into two orgasm, with both trying their best to hide it from the other.

more to come…


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