Black and White Set ~ 35 -The Ruin, continued…

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After her naked outdoor spanking, we had a little snack, a small picnic. It was so warm, the sounds of nature wrapped us in its arms, as did the old ruin, and a feeling of security, safe in the knowledge that there was only one way in, and I had locked it behind us.

Fed and watered, Kate said as she yawned, “We had better carry on, you have worn me out and I might fall asleep!”

So we continued our exploration.

“You would get sunburn if you did.” I said, and put my hands out to pull her up.

There was a door just opposite us and deciding it was time for a bit of shade, we carried on. I watched her walk and peer in.

There was another door leading outside, opposite this one, she told me. “Do you feel safe?” I called.

“Yes, especially with you Mr.Jones.”

I smiled and told her to hide, and said that if I found her in five minutes, I would spank her. She giggled and ran inside, we were like children playing.

“I will count to twenty before I come after you.” I called.

At twenty, I went in and burst into laughter. “Well, I don’t want it to take five minutes, or you won’t smack my bottom!” She giggled in return.

I gave her another spanking, it was such a lovely free feeling to play and behave like children again….well, sort of! We were both naked after all, and I kept spanking her! But other than that!

She peeked out of the other door and said it was still red hot, and asked if we could stay in the cool shade.

We walked hand in hand to the next room, there was debris around, and I felt protective, as I always seem too with my girls. There was a bench, someone at some time had done some work. She hopped up…”Take my photo Mr.Jones!”

So I did…

I walked around and took another.

There was something about being in the cool dark, that made us want to stay a while, so I jumped up beside her on the bench, and we stayed.

More to come…


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