The Incident Log of Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls – Incident No-5 ~ The Hockey Match Riot – Part 5

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We left Miss Kenworthy reaching for her spanking plimsoll if you recall, with Charlotte looking over her shoulder.

A little apology here, both Samantha and Charlotte are gigglers, and Charlotte could not help but giggle when she saw the size of the plimsoll I had hung up for Samantha to collect, as she asked if it was second hand from a clown! So the next photo of Miss Kenworthy walking back with her plimsoll, has Charlotte giggling…actually, she kind of squawks and giggles…especially if she has made us all laugh and is feeling proud of herself….it is quite amusing and usually sets us all off. I assure you I punished her for it…..anyway, on with the story, and ignore the grin on her face, for some reason I only took one shot.


“Face the wainscotting Charlotte.” Miss Kenworthy told her, in a serious tone.

Charlotte, assuming correctly that she meant the wood panelling, looked to the wall, as Miss Kenworthy patted the plimsoll on her cheeks as taking aim.

The spanking of the near naked Charlotte took place…

Once the spanking was over, Miss Kenworthy pointed to the spot she wanted the naughty girl to stand in…”Right, now stand there!”

more to come…

I felt a bit artistic and turned it into black and white as well…


2 thoughts on “The Incident Log of Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls – Incident No-5 ~ The Hockey Match Riot – Part 5

  1. Good old Jean Marie…always sexy, always great comments xxxx why not come on X and tumblr…you would fly!

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