Over to You – Number 3 ~ Result

Remember this?

I had four entries, none from here, all from ‘X’

The best two were these, one from a Mr.Holden…(I have added some pictures, because his came early and gave me time to sort some) and a second was one from a Mr.Smith….both great quality, but I did not have time to add pictures.

Mr.Holden’s Entry…

Charlotte and Samantha had their own stables and often entered a horse for a race. A rival stable, not far away run by a Mr.Jones had won every race when he had put one of his, up against one of theirs.

The girls had been watching a drama on T.V. a few few nights ago, and in it, two people from a stable had gone to the rival stable and nobbled a horse! Nothing nasty, they had just given in a damn good feed of carrots, sugar lumps and other treats, the night before a big race. It was enough to slow it down, and it came third, the people in the drama winning!

Mr.Jones was a wily old fox and had strategic cameras placed all over his stables. An alarm went off on his security set up, and on inspection he found the two girls with sacks of carrots, lots of treats, and a few bottles of beer!

It was obvious that two girls from the nearby stable had come with the intention of over feeding his prize stallion. Not only that, they were both quite tipsy! Having drunk four bottles each.

They were caught, and threatened with prosecution.

They pleaded and begged, and to avoid the Police they had agreed to corporal punishment at his house.

The photo above is them at the door.

Once inside, he made each one punish the other…

Then he went for his dressage whip, and gave their bottoms a good thrashing!

Well done Mr.Holden, a great idea.

And from Mr.Smith…

Good Afternoon Asa, 

Here is my somewhat clumsy attempt….Not at all Mr.Smith, it is rather good! And what a lovely surprise at the end!!!

A furious Head Lad has just marched these two miscreants to the Trainers office door and instructed them to wait whilst he informs the boss of their infractions. 

In the office he has to tell the Trainer that will have to withdraw two horses from the big race at Ascot in three days time because the two apprentice jockeys outside ignored instructions and got into a unofficial race against each other when they had been instructed to gently exercise their mounts.

Now Sir Clive the trainer was incandescently angry at the potential lost revenue and more importantly the chance of losing valuable owners as a result of this but being a calculating man he soon came up an idea to mitigate this disastrous situation. 

Two quick phone calls and our miscreants fate was sealed. The head lad informed the girls to wait until they were called in. Half an hour later the owners arrived in the yard and strode straight into the office. 

Both our owners seem slightly flushed in the face is this caused by anger or a rather different excitement about what is to come. 

Ten minutes later the young ladies are summoned into the office and told to stand in front of the desk with their hands on their heads. Sir Clive starts to give them a ferocious telling off and gives them the option of dismissal or a rather different retribution. 

Both of our unfortunate young ladies need there jobs and reluctantly agree to option number 2. 

3 chairs quickly appear in the middle of the room each of our wronged and rather excited bosses take a seat and prepare to deal with 2 seats of a different nature. All 3 hand out ( quite literally) spankings over jodhpurs then knickers and finally on the bare bottoms of the two naughty young ladies. 

Sir Clive stands and announces the final sentence 2 strokes of the cane from each of them , six in total but there is one more humiliation first. Remove all your clothing he instructs.

Shortly two very sorry and naked are bent over touching their toes as they receive 6 stingers each. Sir Clive sternly informs them that any further misbehavior will result in a repeat performance, 

“Yes Sir.” reply his new wife and step daughter 

Well Done to ‘X’, you have shown my blog what talent lies there.

Another ‘over to you’, just on ‘X’ this time….is coming soon!


2 thoughts on “Over to You – Number 3 ~ Result

  1. I’ve been off the Internet for several weeks due to circumstances beyond my control. It was wonderful to come back on-line and be greeted by these two splendid models’ lovely bared bottoms, turned upright and awaiting punishment. Thank you!

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