Photos Set ~ 538, this is part of photo set 510 ~ Part 5

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We left Samantha waiting for her spanking.

I gave her a bare bottom spanking in the same position as the last photo you saw, but in this one, as you can see her bottom is delightfully pink.


Samantha and her spankings….

Probably the lightest I give, but the reaction is superb. She wriggles violently, she struggles and is a strong girl, she protests, she squeals, she says “…. that’s enough, that’s hard…owwww, ooooh stop stop…”

It is quite amazing and such a joy to do. She falls out with me afterwards, and sulks, and looks at her marks, but….I can tell….oh yes, make no mistake, she might not like them as they happen, but the build up, and afterwards, sees a change in her whole persona! It took me a long time to get to spank here, and hardly anyone ever has, I have given her a couple for being genuinely naughty, and they were such a real exciting thing!

She knows she likes them, in a strange way, I know for certain she does, she hates it if I point it out to her….but the look she gives, and the respectful way she behaves towards me, and the happiness inside her, make is so very obvious!

Miss Kenworthy likes to be spanked….but she will never admit it!


to continue…

I left her in shame and told her not to move, no matter who comes in to see me.

How I love it when someone comes to see me and one of the ‘posher’ girls is sat with a red spanked bottom. They bury their blushing face and cringe so much.

more to come…


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