TradCP Scenarios and Sets – Number One ~ ‘Growing old the spanking way.’

Because of the quality and variety of his work, I have given him his own page, he is one of my contributors.

Click here to see more of his AI work…


Have you ever noticed that not many bottoms get wrinkly? Even the much older woman can be seen bending whilst shopping, and her curves attract the eye.

Bottoms….wonderful things!

So in this scenario, your mind goes back to soon after you married the woman of your spanking dreams. A few months had gone by, and spanking is in your life big style, you are blissfully happy knowing that the girl you chose to spend your life with, loves to play the naughty school girl or other roles….and….she is very very good at it. She thinks you are fabulous at role play too. Conversations and plans have been talked of, costumes chosen, life and the future look as rosey as her freshly spanked cheeks do after being over your knee.

You remember how as a young man you used to delight in watching her bottom, ‘all the time’.

Forty beautiful blushing pink years have drifted by, and now, sat in your slippers, in your favourite chair, you smile to yourself as you are doing exactly the same…in a bigger house, with a different kitchen.

She wiggles her bottom, and says….”Things never change darling, I love it how for forty years you have noticed every time I try to get you to look at my bottom, in the hope that you might spank it.”

…she continues. “I am glad you still like my bottom.”

“Oh I do, I have watched it for forty plus years and it has never lost any of its spanking charm. Right now, there is only one thing I would change about it.” You reply.

She turns, with a slightly worried look. “What?”

“I think it looks fabulous darling, but better with the shorts at your knees and your bare bottom pushing up for a spanking over my lap. Shall we play?” You ask with a wry smile.

She holds out her hand for you to take, and with the other, takes a wooden spatula out of the ‘Kitchen Untensils’ jar. An egg rolls off the worktop and breaks on the tiled floor. “Oh, I am ever so sorry Sir, and those eggs were from your Mummy”.


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