The Fleshy Studio Tour ~ Part Five – Photo Set 535

The bedroom, ideal for a naughty girl sent home with a note. I can now do a story of a girl at school, in class, then sent to the study, and then what happens at home, because we have the lounge area downstairs, and now this too.

The floor looks a bit rough I know, but I can use the carpet from the Victorian Room and I have carpet tiles too….all in good time!

Hmmmm….maybe a bit more light for a schoolgirl’s bedroom, I want them flashing their bottom through the curtain and somebody tells mummy, up she comes with a slipper or hairbrush!

The desk is from Suzette, I need to hang a cane up. It can be where the naughty girl gets caned… also, she wants every person who gets spanked on it, to sign it….what a good idea….not to self, buy a marker pen!

more to come…


6 thoughts on “The Fleshy Studio Tour ~ Part Five – Photo Set 535

  1. The girls look wonderful on the bed; so completely happy in their nakedness and enjoying sharing their bodies and fantasies with us- are they discussing punishment they have received or those they would like to give?

    The desk from Suzette is beautiful and the cane should be to hand nearby; lovely idea to sign the desk after getting the cane don’t forget that naughty boys may also be in need of correction

  2. You have inspired me Ben, I think I might mark the inside of the lid with columns and rows and use it as a sort of punishment record. I am surprised you did not jump at the chance to meet Kate when I offered Ben, I have told her of you and said that I hoped you would join the class of naughty boys. No pressure though mate, not from me, not ever.

  3. Yes – lovely pictures ………. This could be any scenario you wanted it to be ……… !

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