The Fleshy Studio Tour ~ Part Four (Part B) – Photo Set 534

On with the classroom…

“You are doing a very good job today girls!”

“Thank you Mr.Jones, Sir”, smiles Charlotte as she salutes.

“Doing a good job here boss!” Kate adds in her usual style as she salutes too.

Do you recognise the photos I posted a few week ago, all freshly mounted and framed now. I love women saluting you know….kind of gets me…right there!…

They whisper and giggle, what are they plotting?

“If we look naughty and needy will you spank us both, please Mr.Jones?” Asks Kate.

“Can we Kate and I spank each other too?” Asks Charlotte.

“Of course!”

They know I will always say yes, but I love the polite way they ask me and call me Mr.Jones.

So we had a little interlude and resumed with the pair spanking…

I needed to take some shots at the desk and judge the light from the windows…

Don’t they fit in well, I love their knees!

We are off to bed next! Remember the shots of Kate in the gingham dress I did, the bedroom looked a bit rough….but it is better now. The area to the right of it is the dungeon.

more to come…


6 thoughts on “The Fleshy Studio Tour ~ Part Four (Part B) – Photo Set 534

  1. Tut tut Charlotte. A left handed salute.
    Poor drill and a definite snub to your boss.
    It’s “Jankers” for you young lady. Extra work around the study with an ever present soreness to that beautifully shaped derriere.
    I will leave the tools to be used and number of strokes to be meted out to Mr Jones. However; I do expect satisfaction and full recompense to be delivered for this flagrant breach of respect, lack of drill and a flouting of the Kings Regulations.
    Your one saving grace is that your hand is correctly tilted (For a Royal Naval Salute)
    Kate – correct hand, bad hand form. However as you may be performing an Army salute or even worse the Junior Service (RAF). We will let this one slide. Rest assured though ladies – poor drill will not be tolerated in the future.
    Mr Jones – please carry out the punishment as detailed.
    Ex RN Warrant Officer 1st Class

  2. What a great idea ! A spot of marching drill wouldn’t do them any harm no need to kit them out they can report dressed as they are, those plimsolls should keep the noise down outside now in the warm weather !

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