Black and White Set ~30 – Mistress and Her Spanking Pets…

When my studio opens up again fully, you will see a lot of my friend Claudia, and her pet Matilda, they are joining my team. A while ago she met my girls, and they got on rather well…


ring ring…….ring ring…..ring ring….

“Hello girls, it is time for my night time therapy, come up to see me.”

Claudia waits with their rope leashes.

The four spanking pets come crawling in to see their much loved Mistress.

Mistress puts their ropes on…

She talks to them constantly, praising or admonishing their actions of the day. Each time a girl has her lead put over her head, she receives an appraisal for the day, at the end of the week, they pay. It is Claudia’s reward for housing them and caring for them.

At this point it looks like Charlotte has been a good girl, and Kate has been a naughty one. (By the way, this is Kate’s Studio) They will all get their nightly spanking, but at the weekend, it is ‘Mr.Whippy’ the Cane’s time to come out and play with their naughty bare bottoms.

“Come along girls.” Claudia says as she tugs their ropes, time to comfort me.

They settle down on their haunches to listen to their nightly spanking story. Where they all rub their pussies to orgasm. Delightful moans and groans soon fill the air.

Then Mistress sits back and beckons her girls to her.

The girls gently caress their Mistress to bring her a relaxing relief, and release.

Tonight it was Kate’s turn to diddle her Mistress’s pussy to orgasm.

“I suppose you all want a ‘nite nite’ spanking do you?” Asked Claudia, knowing their answer would be yes of course, and up they all got.

They all got on all fours for their night time spanking, wiggling their bottoms in anticipation and then taking their loving, but crisp and hard spankings.

Once again the girls settled on their haunches.

She got her cane and went along the line telling them how many strokes they had earned so far.

It was looking very much like Kate’s poor bottom was going to be the sorest.

She told them to stand up, bend over and grip their hands between their knees.

“Gather around me girls and lets say goodnight.” She said as they straightened and grouped around her, stroking the cane and her.

They slid down her body and gathered around her ankles, it was time for a bare bottom rub, for MIstress. Their hands crept up and pulled down her directoire knickers, and her plump bottom got a goodnight caress.

Can you guess which one is holding her knickers at her knees?

Hands rubbed up her thigh, inside and out, bottom cheeks were kneaded and stroked, her pussy was played with again until her second orgasm made her squeal out loud.

And the next day would end in a similar way, like every day.


2 thoughts on “Black and White Set ~30 – Mistress and Her Spanking Pets…

  1. Ah.Matilda caesar.Very much on yours truly’s would like to meet radar.Though all we see of her here is her bottom.
    As for Claudia (or Miss Iceni as she is better known),I think I’ll steer clear lol.No I am sure she is a lovely lady in real life.

  2. Hello Old Codger, you will be pleased to know that Both Miss Iceni and Matilda are returning to the Emporium fold, once the studio is re-opened.

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