Monthly Archives: June 2024

I am having an admin day today….but a little amusement to keep you going. And…ta dah!! My new studio is now open!!!!!!!!!!!!

The last ten black and white sets, the last ten colour sets, lots of P.E. Kit stories etc need adding to the pages, and I am spending today getting everything up to scratch, like I do now and then (allegedly…lol).

That is why the contributor days are so good for me too, it gives me chance to catch up!

TradCP has sent me this, he has used a face you all know, I am sure you can work out who it is…

Worked it out?


I have had to make a few decisions… But first let me tell you, I will still be blogging every day if I can, and cannot see many reasons why not to be honest.

BUT, consider this…

I started this in 2017, on average I get 3000-3500 visits a day, somedays more…6000+ the other day, but never less.

I think a lot of them are the same people coming to look at different things, so, realistically, if an average person looks at 3 things, then goes off to another site, that equates to 1000 followers. So 7 years has got me 1000 followers.

I joined Twitter again, now called ‘X’ last year, my first post was on Nov 22nd.

In eight months I have now got 1000 (near as damn it) followers, and a lot of them are the rather well known spanking people. People wanting to team up etc.

1000 followers in 7 years…. or 1000 followers in 8 month…..FACT ONE

Three days ago I advertised my first event in my new studio, to my club members. INTEREST IN IT = 0…..not one club member replied.

Hmmmm, I thought…. “I wonder what would happen if I mentioned it on Twitter/’X'”

In one day, four events are full.

Peter Birch the famous spanking author is coming to shoot my girls, in a joint shoot.

Miss Iceni is booked with Matilda, and my three girls.

A man has volunteered to come and photograph me spanking my girls for the new ‘MrJones Spanks section.’

The event I spoke of where I wanted some naughty boys to join Cromlech and five women, on here I got…..since April….one

On Twitter……All the empty places are now gone. and are now joining the above and Cromlech in an October shoot.

Yes, I am happily booked until November, some in events, others with me and my girls and of course Suzette :o)

So….sorry club, I will still ask, but from now on, my followers on ‘X’will get first chance.


THE STUDIO!!! Woo hoo!!!!! I still have bits to do, but am now happy to use it.

This is the worst bit, a dumping ground, but it will be my cafe, where customers are served tea and cake by my girls in maids or waitress outfits. Any cheek or spillages…. mean spankings! It will be called the ‘Blushing Buns Cafe’, and will incorporate a shop. I am going to paint three or four blushing bottoms on the wall to the right!

But what interest us, is what is through this door…

I open the door, “After you, the upstairs section of the Spanking Emporium is now open for business.”

You follow me, like people of ‘X’ do!!…..::chuckle::

We have a classroom/detention room, one has to pretend that is next to the Study you all know so well, but in reality is is at the other end of the mill, down a steep flight of stairs.

It is a little tight, but with movement during a shoot, it is perfectly okay.

We have a Victorian room, which leads into Mr.Walters Punishment area.

You peep through the door, and go “Oooooh, that looks nice!”

This is Mrs.Walters Punishment Area, they go together really…

That’s the door we came through before you. We turn left, to the bedroom.

It needs carpet tiles, but we can borrow the pink carpet from the Victorian Set for now, I have the tiles, just need time to lay them!

There are lots more corners, with a fully equiped dungeon area too, and the Study now has a lounge area for spanking naughty schoolgirls who come home with a bad report!

But today, Charlotte and Kate worked like little troopers with me, to get it to this stage. We can work on the rest around shoots. I was going to put them in school uniform for you, but we had got warm working away, so I suggested…..

“Why don’t you get naked, and I’ll take shots of you to show the studio off?”

They both agreed….”Yes Boss.” “Good idea Mr.Jones.” Came their replies…


Starting tomorrow, a fleshy sort of tour of the studio rooms and corners.

Charlotte and Kate look at you, in the cheeky way they do, and ask…

“Would you like to follow us?…..On a tour of the studio?”

Fleshy Tour Part 1, coming soon!

more to come…


Black and White Set ~ 32

To see the rest, click here…


Miss Kenworthy is in the Detention Room, Charlotte is staying behind. She walks around the room and notices Charlotte with a smile on her face, scribbling away. When she walks towards her, she turns the papers over.

“Hmmmm, Charlotte, you lines are very neat, now turn your papers over, and let me see what you have been busy at!” Miss Kenworthy says crossly.

Charlotte fumbles and stutters.

“I suppose you are going to tell me that this childish, naive, artwork of two testicles, and a penis with sperm coming out was on the papers when I gave it to you?”

“Errrr….it….I…I….I…was, it was….er….ummmmmm.”

“Oh just admit it girl! That was clean paper, there has only you been sat with it, I have certainly not drawn it, so….one does not have to be Sherlock Holmes to work out who drew it! So instead of you writing your lines and going home, the lines you have done are going into the bin, you are getting a spanking and then writing twice as many lines as you were before! This time, PRINTED neatly in Upper Case!” Announces Miss Kenworthy, who follows it up by adding, stand up!”

Charlotte puts on her sulky bottom lip face and stands up.

“Come on, do not dilly dally, as soon as you are up, bend over the desk!” Miss Kenworthy urges. “Put your hands flat on the desk in front.”

Charlotte does as she was told and puts her palms flat on the desk in front, no sooner are they there, than her skirt is raised.

Miss Kenworthy cannot help but think what a beautiful sight Charlotte’s bottom is in her tight knickers.

Soon afterwards her thumbs are hooked into the waistband of Charlotte’s tight knickers and are tugging them down.

“Good Lord Charlotte! I hope your Mummy knows about you tattoo, because rest assured that on Friday night’s Parent’s Evening, I will tell her. No doubt she will ask how I come to see it, so she will find out about this spanking too, and I know your Mummy very well indeed young lady, and I can safely say that your knickers will be coming down again when she gets home!” Threatens Miss Kenworthy.

Charlotte groans.

Charlotte feels the cool air of the classroom drift over her bottom via the light breeze coming in through an open window. It alerts her to the nakedness of it. She is proud of her bottom, and spends a lot of time feeling it and looking at it in the mirror. She is nervous of the spanking, yet very pleased that Miss Kenworthy has seen it.

Miss Kenworthy begins to spank her cheeks, and loves the way the ripples run through them and wobble too.

Sadly the black and white hardly shows up the blushing cheeks of Charlotte’s bare bottom, so here is a colour one…

More to come…


Gibson Curiosity – Number 17

Before you read on…

In between all my stories and photo sets, you find things like this, or things from other contributors, it gives me a little break. To keep posting with a story or a set every day, would be a bit too much for me to do, some posts take a lot of planning and more than the time I allow in a day to write.


To see the rest of Mr.Gibson’s Curiosities, click here…

Number 17…

Today we are going to take spanking, where nobody has boldly taken it before, at the helm will be Captain Kirk. Yes, that’s right, Star Trek! We are off to the Final Frontier!

We’ll just let him finish spanking one of his female crew members, as Mr.Spok watches…

“Now stand up, pull your knickers up, and go back to the bridge, and any more mistakes like that and the spanking will be on the bridge itself!”

Good old Captain Kirk, me and my Dad used to watch the episodes together, a lovely memory of mine that I treasure.

I think it was one of those shows right on the cusp of men being men of the 60’s and moving on to today’s, version of a man. Nothing wrong with the men of today, one has to accept change. But I am glad I was born in 1951, and was formed into what I am now, by men and women, of that time.

In one episode, (Series 3, Episode 13), Captain Kirk threatened to spank this lady…

In the episode, Kirk is ferrying two dignitaries to Troyius. One is a Elaan, who is to be married to Troyius’ leader, the other is a Troyian ambassador who is supposed to teach her manners on their way. Elaan acts like your stereotypical spoiled brat/rock star. Destroying her quarters and refusing gifts from the Troyian ambassador. She expects everyone to listen to her orders.

At one point after exchanging face-slaps with Kirk, Kirk grabs her arm,and threatens to spank her. Which then leads to this…REMEMBER THE WORDS ON THE SCREENSHOT, I will refer to them later.

Kirk claims that all women throughout the galaxy are ill-tempered, illogical beings, Elaan does throw a major tantrum and stabs an Ambassador of the planet Troyius.

Kirk reacts by threatening her the way only Kirk can: “If I touch you again, ‘Your Glory’, it’ll be to administer an ancient Earth custom called a spanking.”

Elaan obviously likes being told off and put in her place, and the respect she has for Captain Kirk ends up with her using chemicals in her tears to make Kirk fall in love with her.


She then asks, in a sexy moment between the two: “Captain, that ancient Earth custom called spanking… What is it?”


Good old Captain Kirk, he spread spanking to THE FINAL FRONTIER, just think, a blushing pink planet might be full of women right now, wanting spankings and worshiping the Spanking God of Jones…::chuckle::


You will have just seen another club post…

The reason they are in the club is because some members allow their faces to be seen, and only club members can see them.

But so that you do not feel like you have missed out too much, here are a couple of cropped ones.

The story is about a teacher and a schoolgirl who sell cigarettes to girls not old enough to smoke. Both get spanked together!

They were spanked on their clothes first, hence the blushing bottoms.


The Pillory ~ Part Four

To read the rest, click here…


My apologies for the delay in this part coming, the folder it is in, went walkabout!! I must have somehow dragged it on the page to another folder, because I have traced it to a very obscure folder. Anyway, all’s well that ends well!


Kate began to exact her revenge as I had instructed. Suzette struggled in the pillory, but as Kate was, only moments before her, when Suzette had spanked her, she was well and truly trapped.

With a satisfied smile, she relished the calm before the storm on Suzette’s bare bottom, which was fast approaching. Not just from Kate, but from me as well.

Then Kate’s palm began to fly back and forth, no slow build up, but an opening salvo as fast as any she gave. Suzette was taken aback.

smack,smack,smack,smack,smack,smack,smack, smack,smack,smack….

“Owww, Ooooh, Ohhhhh, Yeowww, owww, owww, ohhhh….

I smiled in satisfaction. After all the spanking I have given to the softly spoken, usually submissive, Kate, it was good to see her spanking face and watch her in the ‘zone’.

Look at Kate’s spanking face, isn’t it lovely!

My apologies, as you can imagine a spanking is fast and furious, and time changing camera settings etc can miss a lot, so I lay on my back and just shot with the same settings to give you an idea of the movement and fury of a good spanking in progress.

So these next photos are not very good….but too good to miss!

Kate was soon bringing out the colour we all know and love, accompanied by the sounds of smacks and yelps that we all adore!

What a situation Suzette had found herself in! Bottom up and unable to move whilst being at the mercy of a spanking schoolgirl!

But for Suzette, things got worse, much worse.

“Well done Kate, that is a good spanking she has had at your hand, and your palm looks quite red and swollen to me, so have a rest. I am going to thrash her bare bottom before you now.”

Kate looked very proud to receive such praise, and stood back.

I continued, but addressed my words to Suzette. “I am annoyed with you Suzette, and believe me, you do not want to make me angry. Your bottom is going to suffer a Real Royal Thrashing from me, brace yourself. I was behind the blue door, I have heard EVERYTHING!”

Suzette had never felt so trapped and imobile in her life. A six foot one man, had her secured. He had just told her she was to receive a Royal Thrashing. This mean no mercy, and it only stops when the King says enough. The King in this instance was me.

Kate was overjoyed at the news, and the mockery began!

She became the schoolgirl she loves to be, dancing around, singing…”You’re getting a thrashing! You’re getting a thrashing!”

Suzette went stiff with rage and humiliation, as the torment grew.

“Not so bossy now are we Miss Bossy Boots who is going to get her poor ickle botty smacked so hard for being cruel to me!”

“Oh dearwie me, poor wittle Suzette is getting all angwy! Beciuse she is going to get her bottom thrashed for being such a naughty little girl!” Tormented Kate.

At this point I was over the other side of the studio, sorting out an array of implements to use on the fine bare bottom of Suzette. I knew what Kate was doing and I was surprised that Suzette had not risen to her baiting already.

Suzette could not contain her frustration any more….”Oh piss off!”

“Mr.Jones, Mr.Jones, Suzette is scowling at me and looking ever so nasty, and she has just told me to do something not very nice…sniff….sniff…sob!”

“You naughty girl Suzette!” I boomed.

“You have made poor Kate very upset, and look…she is crying!” I added.

“Oh for God’s Sake Mr.Jones, she is putting it on, she has been tormenting and teasing me! She has you tied around her little finger” Suzette said angrily.

“Don’t you lose your temper with me young lady! And stop telling fibs, I know that Kate would do no such thing!Now apologise for telling lies, and from now on, for the rest of the day, call her Mistress Kate!” I said, adding fuel to the fire burning inside Suzette’s mind….on purpose of course. I love it when a naughty girl is teased and explodes in anger, only to be punished before their tormentor.

“Now you be a good girl naughty Suzette, and speak to your superior properly, now…. apologise to your Mistress Kate, and speak nicely to me otherwise I shall report you to Mr.Jones.” Kate spoke in a Disney style Princess’s voice.

Now you cannot see it here, but the sardonic smile on Kate’s face was superb, and Suzette was struggling not to explode in fury.


In reality Suzette is a very well spoken, superbly dressed, well turned out woman. I have never heard her swear, she has a lovely voice. But for the sake of the story…….

“Are you not listening to your superior?” Kate asked politely….”My fucking superior…you?!?! How does kiss my arse you slutty little tart sound???” Suzette burst out.

“Mr.Jones, did you hear that? She has been really nasty to me!” And she did not call me her Mistress like you told her to, at all!! In fact, she called me a slutty tart and used the swear word for bum Mr.Jones.” Kate cried bitterly, rubbing her eyes very dramatically.

I walked to them and stood behind Suzette. “Suzette….you have been a very, very bad girl!” I said loud and clear.

more to come….

sorry, but from now on this will be for the club only, I will be thrashing Suzette and only show my face to my trusted club members. I know then that my face will not be shown anywhere else then. They have earned my trust, and deserve a treat now and then.
