Saint Helena Correctional Institute for Unruly Girls ~ 1965 ~ Volume 2 – Part 2

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Miss Kenworthy waited, and the silence was deafening. “So you have nothing to say.” She said coldly…”Not even a sorry?”

“Oh,oh…er I didn’t realise you were waiting for me to speak, yes I am very sorry.” Charlotte replied.

“Hmmm, I think you will be.” Came the response.

Charlotte squirmed, not really knowing whether to look into Miss Kenworthy’s eyes or not.

“I am going to give you a good long hard slippering with my size 13 plimsoll on your bare bottom. Some girls seem to have great difficult in staying still.”

…”I have ways of controlling that, believe me young lady, your cheeks will not be able to escape. You are not leaving this room until I am happy that you have learned your lesson! I will be using this.”

Charlotte looked horrified at the piece of wood that Miss Kenworthy held now, instead of the plimsol.


“Don’t look so worried, I am not using this to hit you with!”

She placed it on the flogging horse, and picked up the plimsoll again. “Stand before the stool, prepare yourself.” Miss Kenworthy said as she strode to the side of the stool.

Charlotte was in quite a nervous state, and now needed guiding, her mind was not really focussing on the instructions, something that Miss Kenworthy had seen countless times in girls about to be punished. She guided her over the stool.

“Grip the rear legs of the stool.”

“Right, lets get these knickers down, shall we young lady?” Miss Kenworthy said strictly as she raised Charlotte’s gym slip to reveal her stockings and navy blue, regulation, school knickers.

more to come…


6 thoughts on “Saint Helena Correctional Institute for Unruly Girls ~ 1965 ~ Volume 2 – Part 2

  1. Some excellent pictures, but I feel in cases of girls “over 18” having to report for punishment they should firstly report to the gym mistress to be kitted out with a gym kit on the morning of their punishment this is for 2 reasons firstly to extend their punishment, having to wear gym kit all day so that everyone knows they’re to be punished, secondly to avoid the girls own uniform or gym kit being soiled during punishment, in the case of accidents

  2. Can’t fault you Fred and as you know I have a gm kit section, but to try and please everyone, I do all angles.

  3. Ok, I know I’m repeating the thought but Samantha looks delectable in that skirt and Charlotte looks suitably apprehensive ………

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