Over to You ~ Number 3 …NOW CLOSED FOR ENTRIES…

As usual the result will be given in a few weeks time, and then the best ones will be added to the ‘Over to You Section’, in the ‘Contributors Section’.

So get your writers head on, and see what little scenario/short story you can come up with, for this photo of Charlotte and Samantha in their riding gear, outside a door…..what can they be waiting for? Who is on the inside?

I cannot wait to find out!!

Either e-mail me or add it as a comment on the bottom of this page.


8 thoughts on “Over to You ~ Number 3 …NOW CLOSED FOR ENTRIES…

  1. Oh dear oh dear, what a picture ………. two gorgeous girls – imagination runs riot ………..

  2. They are sneaking into a rival owners stables to nobble his prize horse, but he has laid a trap for them. They soon find themselves ties and bent over saddles, with the owner approaching with a dressage whip!

  3. Two more aides have been caught ‘having a flutter’. Rather than report them to the Gambling Commission Mr.Jones has decided to handle the matter informally. They will soon find themselves bending over the flogging stool, bottoms bared for the birch

  4. Both have naughty boys secured over a low beam, and they are naked with their bottoms on display. On the walls of the house are various canes, riding whips,paddles and more…

  5. Very topical Rodney, and another one of my ‘X’ followers, how nice to see you here. I like this a lot, especially as the goverment betting scandal in ongoing….well done.

  6. This is my favourite Nigel….I think it very good indeed, and I can see it being published with a little bit of filling from me.

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