Charlotte the Naughty Maid

Charlotte is sure she is alone in the big old house where she works.

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She lights a candle, and creeps down one of the creaky corridors and stops at an oak door. She listens, just to make absolutely sure all is safe.  It seems quiet, so gently she opens the door and creeps in.

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Oh good, just as she suspected, all is quiet. She likes this room, it’s exciting to her. She walks over to the dressing table and stands in the silence to smell the fragrance of her Mistress.maid 3 low

She lights the oil lamp and bends down, in her usual delightful manner, to blow out the candle.

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She watches the smoke rise wistfully into the still air and laughs to herself happily.

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The dressing table has the punishment hairbrush which belongs to her lovely Mistress, resting upon it, and she recalls some of the spankings she has received.

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You can see her in the mirror gazing at it.

Her attention then goes to the beautiful dress, and she remembers how her Mistress looked in it, just the other night.

She walks to it and takes it in her arms.

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Her hand slips down to where the soft curvy bottom of her Mistress would be, and she dances around the room with it, holding it close, smelling the exotic perfume.

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Now feeling in a somewhat dreamy state, she hangs the dress back up, and her eyes go to the dressing table, and in particular the spanking brush!

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She caresses the brush and an idea comes into her mind, and not for the first time in this room!

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Oh I think she heard us say those words out loud! Look how naughtily she looks at us. Yes little madam! We know where you are taking us.

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Slowly she watches herself draw up her dress and undergarments.

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To bare that naughty bottom. Now come on Charlotte, you can do better than that, present that bare spankable bottom for us!

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That’s more like it. Oh I love it when she bends over and her pussy shows, don’t you?

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Oh God yesssss!!!

I adore open back bloomers. What an invention! I love the Victorians for creating such styles.


She decides it is time to give herself a spanking, she is rather good at self spanking is our naughty maid Charlotte.

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What a lovely smile, but it soon alters to gasps and squeals as she does it harder…








and harder…

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The spanking left Charlotte the very naughty maid feeling somewhat moist, it was still quiet in the house, so she sat on the chaise longue.

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The candle in the holder looked inviting and naughty, slender and long.

A little song she used to sing with her friends came to mind.

All the nice girls love a candle,

All the nice girls love the wick,

Because there’s some thing, about a candle,

That reminds them of a prick!

Slips in easy

Nice and greasy

It’s a poor gilrs pride and joy

so…. etc etc

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She took it from the holder.

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And examined it very closely, “Oh my, it’s true, they are greasy!”

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She opened her bloomers, and looked from the candle to her pussy.

It didn’t look to big at all, maybe a little long, but…

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She rubbed it up and down her clit, slowly for ages and ages.

The moans she let out were little at first, but slowly grew.

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She held it on the edge of her lips, and slowly slid it in.

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She took the full length and could resist no longer, it began to slide in and out,

in and out,

faster and faster.

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Before long her her arm was moving faster than a fiddlers elbow as she fucked herself hard with it, she moaned even louder as the first signs of orgasm rattled through her clit and then her whole body…

Lets leave her in privacy shall we?


Asa’s note…

this story ran its course and will not be extended.

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