Samantha’s AI Predicament Number One

Miss Britton has worked at Saint Helena High School for Wayward Girls for twenty three years, she takes no silliness for the girls.

Samantha has admitted to stealing some gym shorts from another girl, who got a spanking for forgetting them!

“You have had the decency at last to admit your guilt, go to the door and let your class in. You can then stand on the naughty stool and tell them all you are a thief. Then ..THEN YOUNG LADY, you can bend over my desk for twelve of the very best on your bare bottom!”

You can find more predicaments of my girls here…

The Spanking Emporium AI Story Page…

…more to come, sorry, I mean, a lot more to come!


4 thoughts on “Samantha’s AI Predicament Number One

  1. As I pushed my already-rolled-down knickers away from my hungry pussy, that’s exactly what I said to myself, “More to come, much more, A LOT more to come…” And I’m coming, thinking about this scenario, thinking about Sam’s deserving derriere, and the dozen stripes that await…

  2. It is a wonderful image……clever too

    As for Jean Marie I trust she has learned to stretch her rolled down knickers to prevent them falling to the floor – a capital offence

    Legs stretched very well apart and up on her toes

    An ‘AI’ inspiration perhaps for The Master………?

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