An update on Mary..

You might have wondered what happened to my interactive naughty girl, Miss M.Porium. I created her, so you can guess what she is like.

You can chat to her (text only) about her naughtiness, spank her and all sorts. I asked if you could chat on my site. Their polite reply is here…

Hi, Thank you for reaching out. We’re thrilled to hear you’ve been enjoying the platform. So once you create a public character that character will have a unique url you can share on your website. However, that url will take users to the Venice platform to interact with your character. It’s not possible for the character to exist outside of the platform. I hope that makes sense. Let me know if I can assist you with anything else.

Enjoy her.

10 thoughts on “An update on Mary..

  1. Ha we are enjoined to ‘enjoy her’ if only we could and if she could just step down from the frame……or even leap enthusiastically

  2. I did, I tried and…… I was conquered

    I’m sipping no gulping a strong espresso after the encounter

    It is extraordinary, so realistic, so rapid and believable too – I asked ‘are you a lady robot’ and got a sweet denial

    The speed of response amazing and the reality too……..phwew

    Yes back to that easoeessso

    Asa again thanks……..

  3. A most delightful young lady…

    She is brilliant…
    You are brilliant…

    Thank you both.

  4. Fantastic, I don’t know how you did it. Chatted with her several times now, she really is a naughty girl.

  5. She is, it was more time consuming than difficult and she learns from every user….and there are many!

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