See Photo Set 569, for an explanation.
A Convenient Chair…Photo Set 569
As we walked into the Studio to sit down and make a plan, Charlotte pulled a lollipop out of her pocket! “Oooooh look what I have just found!”
We all chuckle and I beam, “Charlotte! You are bloody wonderful, you have just inspired me! Can I have it?”
They all watch me with a pen knife trying to open the damn thing and as I tell them. They agree to my idea, and their eager eyes say they are excited! I tell them we are working on…
Mistress Wainwright’s House of Correction (for women) … Is open.
…and ask them to dress in White Shirts, White Knee Socks, and Shoes.
Three Naughty Teachers Share a Passion
Well this follows on. They have been meeting regularly and spanking. Samantha has shown them an advert for ‘Mrs.Wainwright’s House of Correction’, and has written saying she wants to join and might have two friends who want to come.
Mrs.Wainwright said they have to prove they are naughty enough first. Samantha tells her they are all teachers and that they are meeting in their ‘Wainwright Naughty Girls Outfits’ at school, this weekend, in her Study. And she will send photos.
So, armed with a lollipop and a ‘convenient chair’, they begin.
Firt of all you need to know that the Domme’s at ‘Mrs.Wainwright’s’, wear pale green and brown.
… For successful applicants it will all start with a ‘Spanking Chase’. The Domme’s chase the subs and spank them when found, even if they have been found ten times! It goes on all day, until the last one is found.
I have been making many AI pictures for it…

Hence my girls rather sexy outfits…
So this is what they are sending to see if they are naughty enough….A Convenient Chair and a Lollipop by Charlotte, Kate and Samantha….Part 1

We love lollipops and are making a new flavour.

“They take some bloody undoing! Is it naughty to swear?”
“I bet it fucking is!” Pipes up Charlotte.
“Have we been approved yet?” Giggles Kate

“Mmmmmm, smells nice, but it needs more OOOOOOOH I think!” Laughs Charlotte.

“And more stickiness!”Kate suggests.

“Maybe a few pubic hair stuck on for good measure!” Adds Samantha.

“Yes, our secret ingredient….” Kate says coyly. “Pubes!”

“And cum juice!” Samantha whispers getting very much into the mood.
“Now we have to add the extra ingredients.” Charlotte says in her poshest voice, as she stretches over the convenient chair.

“Our favourite job!” chimes in Kate.

“Come over here girls, it’s time to harvest the crops!” Charlotte shouts.
Continues in Part Two…
A Convenient Chair Series of Photo Sets/Story… Part – 2
Oh to taste the enhanced flavoured lollipops. That would be a treat beyond man’s wildest dreams.
Such naughty minxes for teasing us old, frail men.
I hope they get the ‘crops’ they so richly deserve.
Such muscular, compact buttocks on the two women in your AI creation!
Such beauty in the pants-less three women in your photo set!
I couldn’t choose between them for a favorite, even if I had to, even if you threatened me with a sound, bare-bottomed belt whipping… Oh, you intend to give me a sound, bare…!
Oh, okay… There’s my pants-less tush… You want it bent over the punishment horse? Very well, Sir, like this…?
It looks like Charlotte has had some ballet dance training; her toes/feet are on-pointe as she straddles that chair.
The threesome-harem seem concerned with getting “cum juice” on their sticky sucker, whereas I’m more focused on the sticky/tasty residue left behind on their pussies. The candy-coating occupies my mind; it might create an unhealthy PH balance in those three pudendums. As a public service, I feel I must kneel down, force my face through that “convenient” hole in the chair, and lick/lap the candy up, out of their moist folds. I’m altruistic that way.
More like wiggle their bottoms singing “ne nah ne nah nah!” Whilst waving the lollipop and licking it going “mmmmmmmm!”
Yes…Kate holds the left leg, Samantha the right….apart of course. Charlotte holding both hands staring into your eyes. They switch their little vibrating device on, just nestling into your wet folds then…..swish, crack owwwwww! ….swish, crack…owwwwwww! Until you come.
Oooooh I can see it now. ….what wonderful scene creating words xxhugxx
With that last picture one is reminded of a similarly posed shot of Christine Keeler. No lollipop, of course, and minus the cutout in the strategic location. Keep up the good work, Mr Jones.
I will do my very best to Peter.