Once again I am sharing my day in an ordinary sort of way. I love how you like these little peeks into our lives at the Chapel Studio in our dear old mill…
…one by one we arrive in the car park, and meet in the Study, much hugging, laughter, and poor old me bewildered and bewitched once again after only ten seconds! I have got here first and put the heating on, (not warm enough for bare bottoms yet) so I open the pack of biscuits I have treated them to, and say, “Come on, let’s warm up with a cuppa.”
Charlotte, the one who is most likely to say something unusual, says. “I just popped my head in the kitchen before I came in here, that’s a convenient chair…the green one.”
We look at each other, Charlotte kind of snorts a raucous laugh, and we go to see. Me, never missing a trick, pick up my camera.

“Ta dah! This one.” She beams with naughtiness and sauciness
For a few seconds, it is lost on us
Kate, looking a little puzzled asks, “Why convenient?”
Charlotte giggles and puts a finger to her mouth in mock curiosity. “Surely you can see!”

It dawn’s on me, I know Charlotte’s dirty little mind quite well.
Innocent Kate cannot see it, Samantha’s naughty giggle says she can.
“What!?” Asks Kate, a tiny bit embarrassed.
Charlotte says…” well, imagine it is a hot day, you have a short skirt and skimpy knickers. You sit on here, with your bum there, looking over the back…”

“Well, your legs would be wide open, and there is a hole for your hand to come through and finger yourself, nobody would notice. So…..”
“Ohhhhh yes!” Agrees Kate enthusiastically.

Charlotte looks proud and pleased as I say, “Let’s borrow it, you have inspired me!”
I pick it up and Charlotte trots by me to open doors, Samantha and Kate make a pot of tea. I ask Charlotte, “So you are a pen- pal with Jean Marie then, she is something else isn’t she?”
“Bloody hell! She is amazing, how does she do it, it takes me half an hour to write ten likes with suggestions and then…BOOM! Within an hour a really sexy e-mail, all written proper, like a book, arrives! Then my hand is in my knickers…..again! I have not done it this often since I was 14!!!
We laughed and went back for tea, the studio was warming up nicely.
Simply put, I am INSPIRED by Charlotte. Look at her in these photos; she is divine. I only wish that mine were not merely words on a page, but a how-to, an instruction manual for the two of us finally meeting in-person…
I hope we get to see the chair in action. Now that would be convenient lol
Who knows xxx
Yes you do