It’s Christmas Eve….Merry Christmas to One and All…

I know I usually do a cheeky one with my girls, this year something a little different, and more personal…

This is within arms reach of me as I write to you every day, every post. A stress ball and a scented candle. Every day, without fail, they get a good whack or two as I flick a coffee stirrer across their cheeks!


Next time I write, you will know what has just happened won’t you?

As the message says…thank you for your continually growing support and comments, whatever your faith or beliefs, wherever you are in this troubled world…I wish you peace, and send goodwill to you all.

If you are in a troubled corner, even in your own mind, somewhere, I hope my posts bring a little bit of relief to you xxhugxx

Asa Jones

2 thoughts on “It’s Christmas Eve….Merry Christmas to One and All…

  1. Wishing you and all the other members a wonderful Christmas and a 2024 that brings you happiness.
    All the best

  2. Your Christmas Greeting a delight – as ever

    So to everyone in The Club – ‘kindest greetings’ and yes wonderful support for The Master in his incorrigible and imaginative endeavours that have kept us enthralled and particularly ‘les girls’ on their toes as they bend forth for just desserts………………………

    YES MERRY XMAS – jingle jingle all the way

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