Three’s – Charlotte the Spanking Pet ~ Part Twenty Eight

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Soon the smacks began to land, hard, crisp and true, each one greeted with the most delightful of ‘ooohs’ and ‘ahhhhs’ from Charlotte.

Samantha has a passion for a wriggling bottom, and she told Charlotte to wriggle hers. Charlotte did it perfectly by bending her knees in time to the smacks. First her left cheek pushed out as it wiggled and ….whack! Then the other knee and her right cheek popped out to meet the incoming plimsol perfectly….and whack again!

The sexy rhythm of wiggling cheeks, crisp smacks, and delightful squeals went on and on.

more to come…


2 thoughts on “Three’s – Charlotte the Spanking Pet ~ Part Twenty Eight

  1. What a wonderful set ………… Two gorgeous ladies enjoying themselves and both looking delectable …………..
    Best wishes to both Samantha and Charlotte

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