You can find parts one and two by clicking on ‘PHOTO STORIES’ above.

Introduction …
Having devoted parts 1 and 2 of the St. Helena ‘chronicles’ the two naughty girls, Charlotte and Kate, it seemed only right and proper that this third part focused a bit more on Miss Tamara Kenworthy, my Head of Discipline. Her arrival at St. Helena’s was recorded in Part 1 of the chronicles.
Tamara has now been with the school for over three years and has managed to ‘keep a lid’ on some of the worst excesses that a bunch of naughty schoolgirls can generate. I have lost count of the naughty young bottoms that she has spanked and thrashed, although an inspection of the School’s official leather bound punishment books (now running into four volumes) might enable me to put a precise figure on this statement. However, I have far more pressing things to do than idly trolling through these, interesting as the exercise might otherwise prove to be!

Miss Kenworthy was both respected and feared by the majority of girls in the school. If a girl ended up in her ‘Report Room’, they knew that they would be punished. She was never sadistic, but her punishments were always proportional to the seriousness of their offence, ranging from a simple over the knee hand spanking to an all-out ‘flogging’ with a senior strap or cane, the culprit being firmly held down over a gym horse. She insisted that her punishments were always given ‘on the bare’. As she would often say:
“A girl’s skirt and knickers don’t need spanking. It’s the bottom that resides within them that needs it!”
I shall start this volume by recounting how Tamara first developed and honed her skills as a disciplinarian when she was Head Girl at Lady Anne’s School for Girls at the age of 18. Rather amusingly, these skills started to develop not across the soft bare bottoms of naughty younger girls, but across firmer, more muscular male buttocks – those of one of her own teachers, a certain Mr. G.Reece!
Mr.Asa Jones MA (Oxon)
St. Helena’s High School for Wayward Girls
Chapter 1: The making of a disciplinarian
In her sixth year, Tamara was appointed Head Girl. She was a very well respected girl at her school both by her peers and by the school’s staff. She was always very diligent and dutiful in her work, as well as being a fun and loving friend to know. She was quite rightly a very popular girl.
During her time at school, she had seen a lot of girls punished, quite often on the bare bottom over a teacher’s knee, bent over touching their toes or bending over some form of punishment furniture. When she was a younger pupil, she too had been subjected to such punishments, so had experienced what it was like to be on the ‘receiving end’.
Ever since the day that she first saw a girl punished, it intrigued and excited her. Many a night in bed, before sleep, would be spent with her fingers working in her warm, moist pussy as she imagined punishing another girl, or, more often, one of the boys from the school on the other side of town. How she wished her school was mixed, instead of being all girls. She would love to have seen a naughty boy, bent over, pants down and squealing like a girl, as some master thwacked a rattan cane across his naughty cheeks. It was well known that the boys’ school had much harder punishments than the girls’. Some were even administered in front of the whole school! The number of strokes awarded were often much higher, up to 24 strokes on the bare in extreme cases.
So it has to be said that, even in her formative years, spanking was often on her mind.
So how did Tamara develop into the formidable disciplinarian that I appointed to be my Head of Discipline at St. Helena’s?
It all began on an April day. One of the history teachers, Miss Cooper, had asked Tamara to collect some photocopying she had done for her. It was for a project that she was doing on the ‘Tunnels of Welbeck Abbey’. She had left it in a locked study room for her to collect. One of the other teachers, a Mr.G. Reece, overheard Miss Cooper asking Tamara to fetch the photocopies.
Mr. Reece was a well respected member of staff, but a lot of the girls found him a little too much at times. He often stood too close to them, invading their personal space, when he was describing something on a one-to-one basis. It made them feel a little uneasy.
The truth of the matter was that secretly Mr Reece was very fond of girls’ bottoms. Using his phone camera, he had amassed quite a collection of ‘up-skirt’ photographs of many of the sixth form girls over the years.
It was no surprise then that he seized his opportunity to take some photographs of Tamara, when he heard Miss Cooper ask Tamara to collect the photocopies from another unoccupied classroom. He raced to the room in question to find the photocopying and hid it right at the back of the bottom drawer of a small cabinet. Every teacher had a master key for study rooms and detention rooms.
Then he waited in the room opposite for Tamara, who had gone to the janitors to pick up and sign for the key. She returned with the key, unlocked the door, entered the room and started searching for the photocopies…

He walked in stealthily and watched. He reached for his phone, his hand brushing by his erect manhood. The prospect of seeing this girl’s knickers excited him. He had been waiting for an opportunity for ages to get sight of her knickers and take a few snapshots of her. He could feel his penis rapidly swelling and stiffening.

He coughed, “Hello Tamara, what are you doing in here?”
“Oh I am just looking for some photocopying Miss Cooper left in here for me.”
“Oh right, I wondered why the door was open. Last time she left something for me in here, it was in the bottom drawer of that cupboard over there in the corner.”
“Oh really? I’ll have a look,” she said as she bent over and reached down to look.
He swiftly moved in, phone at the ready.

She bent over, to reveal her tight, white school knickers, stretched across the firm ripe cheeks of her plump bottom.
“Oh it’s that blasted drawer again, Tamara. It seems to scrape papers right to the back if the drawer is full. Push your hand right inside and try to reach to the back,” suggested Mr. Reece.
“Okay Mr. Reece…uuuuuuurgh!”

Oh what a sight! It was the best he had ever seen. He moved in for the perfect shot.
Unfortunately, he had left the volume on his phone set to an ‘outdoor setting’, so that the click of the sound like a camera shutter shouted out…” I’m taking a photo of your bottom!”
Tamara spun around in a flash, just as the phone camera flashed! He had his settings to ‘auto’ and with her bending down in the darker corner had made his camera flash. Poor Mr Reece, known to his fellow teachers as ‘Meticulous Reece’ had slipped up, simply because he had acted on the spur of the moment without thinking things through. He was very flustered. He had never been so unprepared! Always…ALWAYS! he had carefully planned his shots. In an instant, he could see his life, his reputation, and his pension begin to crumble before his eyes.

“Mr Reece! You’re taking photos of my bum and knickers, aren’t you? You dirty beast!”
Unfortunately, he had left the volume on his phone set to an ‘outdoor setting’, so that the click of the sound like a camera shutter shouted out…” I’m taking a photo of your bottom!”
Tamara spun around in a flash, just as the phone camera flashed! He had his settings to ‘auto’ and with her bending down in the darker corner had made his camera flash. Poor Mr Reece, known to his fellow teachers as ‘Meticulous Reece’ had slipped up, simply because he had acted on the spur of the moment without thinking things through. He was very flustered. He had never been so unprepared! Always…ALWAYS! he had carefully planned his shots. In an instant, he could see his life, his reputation, and his pension begin to crumble before his eyes.
“Mr Reece! You’re taking photos of my bum and knickers, aren’t you? You dirty beast!”
“I was, er…..I …I….I…,” spluttered the panicking Mr.Reece.
“Pass me that phone!” shouted Tamara.
He was like a spectator at his own downfall. The evidence was there before him. He knew she was to see it any second, but his feet were rooted to the spot. He was speechless and froze, totally incapable of movement.
His chance of survival was gone in a second, as Tamara swiftly moved in and saw herself there on the screen…

That, Mr Reece, is my school knicker-clad bottom! On your phone! Kindly tell me why it is there…hmmmm?” she said staring angrily and indignantly at him.
He was still rendered speechless by her discovery, unable to respond to her question.
“Furthermore Mr.Reece, I suspect there are many more! Come on, it’s too late now, show me! I think Mr.Jones, our Headmaster, will want to see this! And, the police! You are finished Mr.Reece, you disgusting perverted old man!”
Mr.Reece fell to his knees, to beg. Tamara was surprised and delighted. To have a man of Mr.Reeves stature begging for mercy, on his knees before her, was like a switch being turned on in her head. She loved the feeling, and joy spread across her face as the sniveling grovelling man said…
“Please, please Miss Kenworthy, don’t report me. Do anything you like, anything at all. I will comply with any request. Just don’t report me! I beg you, please Miss, please!”

“Okay Mr.Reece. I won’t. However, after school, you will meet me here. I will decide on your fate as the day goes by, AND REMEMBER…you said ANYTHING! Now leave!”

Chapter two….
Click here…
Chapter three…
Click here…
Chapter four…
Click here…
Chapter Five…
Click here…
Chapter Six…
Click here…
You now know how Miss Kenworthy became a Domme, and her journey to my school. What she did there, to many naughty girls bottoms, will follow next.
CHAPTER TWO – A Warm Welcome for a girl called Karen
Click here…
CHAPTER THREE – Three naughty girls get their comeuppance
Part One
click here…
Part Two
click here…
Part Three
click here…
Part Four
click here…
Part Five
click here…
Chapter Four
Click here…
Chapter Five
Click here…
Chapter Six
More chapters to come (and volumes) all photos taken, all written, just be patient whilst I load them up.