Category Archives: PHOTO STORIES

An update on the Jean Marie, Charlotte, and Kate posts…

I am pleased to say that Jean Marie has just e-mailed me to say she is looking at video number 1, for the fourth or fifth time…

This is an AI image I have created of her from the many photos I have seen. I think it quite accurate

She has made a comment on today’s post, and given me some guidance on the masturbation positions she will use for when it goes on her contributors page… please read.


contributors Day – 111 ~ ‘Pom-Pom Part One’, of another lovely spanking story by ‘B’

To see more of ‘B’ and her wonderful spanking stories, click on ‘Links and Contributors’, then click on ‘Contributors’ and scroll down.

Pom-pom part 1

June 27th, I turned eighteen and got my baccalaureat with honors, my name is Elisabeth, but am called Babette.

July 4th, to celebrate the American Independence we had the French Cheerleading Championship.

It wasn’t the first time that our Dunkirk Wildcats had won, but my best friend Louise, called Loulou, and I weren’t part of the team then.

Our coach waved for Louise and I to follow her into her office. She introduced us to Miss Fletcher.

“I am an American talent scout, and I am offering the two of you a year at Russel College, Texas, for joining its all girl cheerleader team the Russel Stars…”

For a few very long milliseconds we were mouth opened, and our coach added, “Its an opportunity not to be missed!”

“We exchanged high five, and answered in unison with huge grins, “We are your girls Ma’am!”

In Texas you are minors, and I require the consent of your parents.”

We pulled out our cellphones, and arranged for our parents to gather at Loulou’s home. We also asked our coach to accompany us.

Miss Fletcher gave more details as she met our parents. It is an exchange program of the twin city committee of Dunkirk and Russel. You will be housed by a family with two daughters also members of the Russel Stars.

Our parents and our coach exchanged the contracts and carefully read them. Maman read aloud, “Russel College firmly believes in the corporal punishment of pupils misbehaving or poorly working. It means the application of the college’s paddle on the bare bottom….”

Loulou’s father also read aloud,

“…and the Russel Stars have a strict discipline program of their own.”

Maman added with a smile for Miss Fletcher “Excellent! Babette does need to be reminded about proper behavior, and encouraged to better apply herself.”

Louise’s Mum echoed, “Same for our girl. Her father’s belt is doing her a world of good!”

We both blushed.

Miss Talent-scout added, “The family who will be housing them also believes in firm guidance.”

Our coach laughed, “You aren’t afraid of a little spanking.”

This time we blushed crimson.

Our parents teasingly winked for us, and signed all the forms. They also offered to house the Texan girls in a year.

I whispered for Loulou, “We will have to watch our steps.”

She echoed with, “Or rub our butts!”

Our friends were jealous and worried.

“How are we going to win the next ‘nationals’ without the two of you!”

“Is it true that naughty girls get their bums whacked with a paddle?”

We laughed to elude the question.

We took the milk train from Dunkirk to Lille, and the high speed Eurostar from Lille to Roissy CDG airport. Then it was a long flight till Dallas.

The American Immigration Officer reminded us, “Over here in Texas, you may drive with your French International Licenses, but you are minors, therefore not allowed to buy and consume alcohol or cigarettes.”

Then we were escorted till Miss Fletcher welcomed us, and the manager of the Russel twin city exchange program signed for us.

We were invited to climb into a huge American 4×4, and it was a two hour drive. We were asleep when we reached the house of our American loco parentis. It was an affluent neighborhood of large houses with double garages. We were warmly welcomed with a banner reading, “Bienvenue à Russel”, in French. We weren’t too surprised, we were told that Mrs Johnson is the head of the Russel’s College French Department.

“I am Amias Johnson and this is my wife Angelina, and our older daughter Lilla. No need to be formal, call us Uncle Amias and Aunty Angelina.

We were helped with our luggage and stepped inside to discover a large comfy lounge. We just about stopped in our tracks when we saw a girl about our age standing in the corner with her hands above her head. Her school uniform skirt was rolled up, her knickers down to her knees and her bottom was streaked in red. “Our second daughter Belinda was again caught speeding. She was warned that she would taste the switch, and did.”

Her sister led us upstairs to our rooms and offered a visit, “Our rooms, our parents room, and your rooms with a view of our pool.”

“Whoa! A pool ! No pool in Dunkirk, its too cold.”

Loulou chimed, “We do have nice summers, but only three or four months and for sure no as hot as in Texas.”

Lilla chimed, “Mum told us, she taught English in Calais for two years as an exchanged teach.”

She added, “You will find your school uniforms in your wardrobe, as for your cheerleader uniforms there will be a ceremony at the team’s clubhouse tomorrow. Dinner is in 10 minutes.”

Belinda was released from corner time, she pulled up her knickers with a grimace and adjusted her tartan uniform skirt. “Soz guys, I wasn’t able to properly welcome you. I was… how to say?”

Her sister teased, “Showing your red bum to the world!”

Aunty Angelina warned us, “We had a long chat with your parents this morning. They fully agree with our disciplinary methods…”

Babette and Loulou

To be continued…

….You are invited to play with us !

We have a new website !

You will find an Application Form in the pages of our blog at
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In a galaxy far far away…

Remember the Governess of Spanking Dreams? And all the naughtiness she got up to with Charlotte in our world?


Remember this?

Well that was here, now she is taking Charlotte to her own world. The scenes I am creating are exciting me! My mind was wild and free before, but now…with AI..

Well, let’s just say things get a bit magical!

….you will either like them or not!

more to come….I hope you are glad about that!!!


Lady Jacqueline’s Mansion House, and Stables.

I know a lot of you would like to see more of what happens at Lady Jacqueline’s Mansion in the ‘Inveigle’ story…

An Index to the Inveigle

…it has always been in my mind to write more of it. So this is the place to see inside.

It is extremely opulent, as this AI photo I created shows…

A recap…

… she is a nasty piece of work, she takes in orphans from London to work in her mill. Her husband and her have made a fortune from it. As they get to ‘the right age…by that I mean sexually aware and interested in their body’s development. She offers them a post as a maid in her mansion. People suspect…’goings on!’ The ‘ugly or dim witted’, (her words, not mine), stay at the mill, whilst fit enough to work, then….it is off to the work house.

She grooms ‘the chosen’, sexually, for exploitation to use with her kinky friends. Not much different to the ‘Inveigle’, you might say. But the ‘Inveigle’ protects and encourages the love of spanking.

Kate uses whips and worse, and if a girl does not comply, she disappears…

A lot of what she does, on the surface is quite acceptable, some girls are more eager than others, it is those that end up in the dungeons, drugged and dependant, willing to be used in most ways, and any way, for more laudenum. Then, when they no longer appeal to her friends, missing teeth etc…they disappear.

She has a school, of sorts, and the girls from the mill, and other recruitment places of her husband, go to it. Corporal punishment is used freely and harshly. This sets them on two paths….one to her sex trade, the other back to the gutter and probably the workhouse. Once a girl has been chosen, there is only one path. Some who take the first option, would later, prefer the workhouse.

The school has a uniform, depending on their level they go from pale blue, to navy blue, all the way to black.

Body shape varies, the two most loved sports are watching a pretty girl, or slim waisted girl, get it hard, or a plump girl to be ridiculed and used badly for sport.

Who uses them?

Her friends, members of her club, ‘The Bottom Fire Club’.

Where do they use them?

Anywhere, but the favourites are the Punishment Rooms.

All the members of her club, are ‘Upper Class’ and usually born into it….the Landed Gentry. Jacqueline is jealous of them, but keeps them close with what she offers. In return she gets to play the ‘Lady’.

They all ride, and many of the rooms feature grand rocking horses. The Inveigle does too.

The Stables are a real favourite.

The difference is the saddle. At the ‘Inveigle’ they are bloodied on request. Here, they are always bloodied as this eager young woman is to find out…

Horses are a much more common theme here, the majority of Punishment Rooms have one….girls are made to worship them, and ride them in other ways.

Some girls are different, usually the very pretty ones. They become a ‘Jackie’, one of Lady Jacqueline’s favourite things, a filly…to ride hard, and deep.

I think that is enough of this place, for now…


Kate’s AI Created Predicament – 1

To see the rest, click here…

The Spanking Emporium AI Story Page…

Kate has been very naughty indeed. She has been stealing! Sweets and drinks cans from the local tuck shop to be precise, and then selling them at lunch time.

I was summoned to the student dining rooms to find the evidence and a solemn looking Kate stood between two school cooks. I gave her a loud vociferous rebuke and told her to get out of uniform, put on her P.E. Kit and report to my Study…. immediately.

She arrived ten minutes ago, and I have told her she is getting twelve with the strap over her knickers, then six of the best with the senior cane…on the bare bottom.

I am now on number four with the tawse, I can see girls gathering at the window. I have cracked the window open so sound will travel across the patio outside.








“Ooooooooooooooooooohhhhh! Owwwowwwoww! Sir, some girls are looking Sir”


I raise the strap again, it is a an old razor strap I picked up from a barber friend. If you zoom in to the window, you will see it in a blurry as it is flying down to wrap around her buttocks again!

I will post a similar picture of the caning.

More to come…


Contributors’ Day – 110

Today it is the turn of Jean Marie, who was recently promoted ..

Jean Marie has been promoted!

You can find her page by clicking on ‘Links and Contributors’, then click on Contributors, and scroll down to her page.

I have now got the best of the best and am satisfied with my choice of superb Contributors, I treasure them.

The team are:-

Brigitte from Oaks and Pines, I tend to call her ‘B’ but you will soon pick up her name if you visit her story pages, or her on line spanking game, set in an exclusive Girls Boarding School.

Maestro and Robbie, two excellent spanking story writers. I do AI as you know, and would like to illustrate their work, ..but, “I am so busy. I will try, but, if there any AI artists out there who are looking for inspiration? Please do.”

Sir Roderick, our Spanking Poet.

And here is Jean Marie.

‘B” does every fortnight, and the others share the Saturday in between.

You have to realise that Jean Marie has a very professional job, with great respect and standing in her Community, so of course nothing will be divulged.

I am privileged to receive regular mail from her, often with ‘naughty photos’, and I can assure you she is as pretty and as shapely as you hope she is, with a near perfect bottom that NEEDS SPANKINGS. I mean from her point of view…, pain, great pain, shown to her bottom, in often humiliating ways, is exactly what she craves, and this blog is trying to satisfy her needs.

She is acting the part of Matilda Jane for us, and whatever punishment she is given, she will try to act out at home. I can testify that this happens.

Matilda Jane…

I have created this, and it is as close to the real her as I dare get …

She has got to be the most prolific leaver of comments on posts I have, they are fabulous, and often directed at me, making me have to change position to accommodate a swelling and very often, with the help of her mail and photos, help it to subside!

Here is just one of many similar examples… To tempt you.

…”Yes, Charlotte looks sexy as fuck fully dressed and Suzette looks adorable in her lingerie; wonderful photo set! Put your hands in the air if you wish you were Suzette sticking her bum out for Charlotte’s hard hand. (Both of my hands are UP!)

Today is about rolled down knickers. Jean Marie had been naughty recently, I gave her a very detailed punishment, as I love to do, especially by controlling her from afar.

After giving herself a good hard self spanking she was made to roll her knickers down to the crease of her bottom, and no matter where she went, what she wore, or whom she met, she had to keep them as such all day. She enjoyed it to say the least, she felt like her knickers were down and bare bottom on show all day, she even went to meet a friend at a cafe/restaurant and she commented on how ‘alive, sexy, and vital’ she seemed. All down to rolled down knickers and a red sore bottom, knowing that I, her on-line Disciplinarian, has ordered her to do.

Using some photos from a site called,

She has written this…

Her lover/Daddy informed Jennie that she was due for a spanking, that she was to prepare her mind for a punishing lesson, and that she was to prepare the “target area.” That’s what he called her bottom when he planned to discipline it. Jennie imagined that he wanted to divorce it from the sexuality innate in that part of her anatomy, so that he could administer the harsh lesson without being distracted.

As she lowered her skirt, she reflected on the fact that she was probably sitting comfortably for the last time in a long time.

Maybe it’s not sexual for him, but it sure is for me, God damn it all to hell! she thought to herself. No matter how hard he punished, what instrument he used, it both hurt and turned Jennie on like nothing else. Her vagina was swollen, hot and humid, aching to be touched. You’ll have to wait until we’re alone, after my punishment, Jennie silently said to her purring pussy.

Then she rolled her panties downward from the waistband on down, like her lover liked them. There they offered her bum no protection, but did catch the jism that fairly dripped from her excited sex. Jennie had to admit, she found wearing her panties in this manner was sexy as all get out!

She stood up and awaited his arrival, so that any sit spot marks would be gone. Her butt would only wear his marks…

Hope you like this!


Jean Marie

Yes I did, this is typical of the mail Over from her…she followed it up with…

Hello Mr.Jones…

In my dirty mind, I’m imagining that you are at work in your studio. This email interrupts your singular concentration. Because the missive is from me, you allow yourself a break.

Everytime I run across a photo of a shapely woman with her knickers rolled down to just below her bum, I think of you. The first one is of a lass that I imagine is to your taste and preference, a well-upholstered, ultra feminine woman. The other two as you know by now, are more girl-next-door-types, more like me…

…women who willingly, even eagerly roll their underwear down to expose backsides to spanks, be that playfully or punishingly, regardless, they are screaming, “Yes! I want it more than you want to give it to me! I NEED it! You’ll be doing me a service, a favor, a kindness (even if cruel); spank me!”

I hope this respite inspires you to fish your big trout out of the fly in your trousers (fly-fishing), and stroke that monster until he’s rigid and red and ready, until he spits-up, regurgitates all over your fist.

And that is how it goes between us, keeping on the rolled down knickers theme, she sent me these, and asked for my favourite, I told her my favourite was the last one of these that she sent…

All sourced by Jean Marie on the web, if by a million to one chance one of these is your work…just say, I will credit you, or remove.

And my choice…

Of course, she replied….


You like the one with the girl turned over the edge of the kitchen table, her tight jeans turned inside out, her panties turned down just past her bum cheeks, so that those cheeks can be burnished with a belt, that one? I like it, too! I like how red her bottom is. I like how that table edge would provide something to rub-off against. I like how he’s still holding the belt, as if he’s giving her a breather, and is going to resume the strapping soon. I’d like to think that, when the belt whipping is finally concluded, they’d segue right away to love making, his kissing her roughly, his fingering her rudely, finding her quite wet and swollen and eager for it. Their lovemaking is just as energetic and emphatic as the love expressed with the belt. And yes, I’d love to be taken just like that… by you… Back to bed to properly fantasize about ALL the aspects to this scenario and get-off completely…



Oh my word, she is going to give me an heart attack one day!

Well, as you can see she gets my attention easily, and that description of ‘her need’, was something else isn’t it?

As always…

Exhaustedly!!! She wears me out and I love it!

more to come!


Cumley Bottom ~ Part 2

You ought to read Part One, so please click here to see where we are…

Cumley Bottom…


Cassandra, Josephine, Alexandra, Elizabeth, Pamela, Stephanie, Geraldine, Lucretia, and Ophelia, (thank you for the names), had let it be known around the school that they were forming the ‘WAGS CLUB’, (see part one) and were seeking naughty, adventurous girls, willing to pay the price if caught. Girl who have a leaning towards being naughty and daring, with a penchant towards nudity in public!

They gathered names, and met in groups to whisper and talk of ideas for adventures!

Clandestine meetings in corridors, Dormitories, and quiet rooms were arranged. The only proviso being…Bottoms must be bare, or almost bare.

They began to get brave too, in classrooms or laboratories, and such like, by hitching up their skirts, and pushing their bottoms towards the good girls, who of course giggled.

Teachers began to mention the general frivolity and high spirits being seen around the school.

There was something afoot!

As yet the staff had no idea what.

But we do don’t we?

More to come ..


Miss Tamara Kenworthy and Samantha… Part Two

To read Part One, click here

Miss Tamara Kenworthy and Samantha… Part One

Watching Samantha in the mode of Miss Tamara Kenworthy practising her swing is always wonderful.

I knew a retired teacher once, who said she remembered a woman, a Deputy Head, who used to practice her swing on a cushion in the staff room, and two or more others would join her at times,

That is where this idea came from.


She stood next to the vintage flogging stool. Contemplating.

And then stroked the top of the stool with the hairbrush.

Soon she was delivering mighty whacks.

It was magnificent to watch it. I could not help but wish a girl was resting her tummy on the padded stool, and my mind drifted to how Samantha herself had bared and bent for me over the same stool, many times.

Like the smooth hard back of a thick oak hairbrush speeding towards a pair of trembling soft cheeks…

It struck me.

Miss Kenworthy ought to spank Samantha…

more to come…


Another AI scene for the gallery…

“I am so sorry Mr.Jones….sniff….sniff…honestly, I am so sorry, soooo very sorry…sniff.”

“You have let me down Mrs Wainwright! You know very well that the contract you signed, stated clearly that I will use corporal punishment on my staff, as well as my girls! You damn well deserved your spanking and you know it! Now know this…”

Mr.Jones walks to her menacingly, and speaks slowly with his deep voice. “If there is ever a reason to discipline you as a girl again Mrs Wainwright …I will wrap this tawse here, two dozen times, around those bare cheeks of yours, before all the girls in your class! And …you will do red bottom corner time!”

“I will never be naughty again, I promise you Mr Jones.”

He stares at her, the tears suit her. “Very well, it is done with. You will be entered into the Punishment Book though. You can collect your panties from my desk drawer at the end of the day. Now put your skirt on, and if anyone sees your red bottom, then that is your fault for wearing it too short isn’t it?”

“….sniff …Yes Sir, Mr Jones.”

“Be off with you, I do not want to see you for discipline again, close the door on your way out!”

“sniff….sniff…..yes Sir “

To see more….

The Spanking Emporium AI Story Page…
